Faye’s League of Legends

Chapter 27 - 2nd ally

  To tell the truth, Catherine’s change made Rod froze for a long time.

  In Rhode’s view, Catherine is a naive woman, she has her own position, but also has the pursuit of justice and order. Such people should be easily overwhelmed when facing the conflict of position and pursuit.

   Therefore, in his original plan, it should be Catherine who was at a loss and was entangled in justice and position. She had to ask for help, but now it seems that she figured it out!

  Catherine shook her head helplessly as Catherine went to make coffee.

   It is probably that I have been with people with missing heads like Ike and Kinkes for a long time. I subconsciously think that everyone else is of this level.

  Think carefully. In fact, Catherine’s dilemma is not difficult at all. Piltwolf and Zuan have many common interests. How could she not realize it?

   “It seems that our Miss Catherine is going to abandon those management committees of Piltwolf?”

“It’s not abandonment, I’m just standing on the side of the people of Piltwolf-and I’ve seen the guys who got their hands off power in the trial unhappy, if you have the ability to give Zuan a new wash Card, maybe Piltwolf will also usher in a new life.”

   “Something interesting.” Rhod nodded, “It seems that you are no longer bound by the legal provisions?”


  Catherine was silent.

   Rod was keenly aware of the key points of Catherine’s change. The female police officer seemed to abandon her adherence to the old order and tried to participate in some changes-this is good news.

   “When the law itself is wrong or there are loopholes that cannot be improved, I choose justice.”

  Catherine’s answer was slow and firm, and obviously this sentence meant a lot to her.

   Rhode is also very clear that Catherine can temporarily avoid these constraints, courage is already very rare, not everyone is as fearless as he is.

“But your power is very limited, and even in Piltwolf, your speech is hardly heard except for those unlucky criminals.” Instead of being impressed by this kind of pride, Rhode proposed a very realistic The question, “I can set off a storm in Zuan, but what can you do in Piltwolf alone?”


  Catherine stopped talking, and this was her most weak point ever.

  Even if you know what path you should take, this is just knowing.

   The specific action, the difficulty is not so great!

You know, Zuan is a “can’t be worse” city, so Rod can toss about it, but now Piltwolf has serious academic corruption, regional discrimination is intensifying, high-level parties are running privately, and technology has stalled Trend, but generally speaking everyone is okay, Catherine can not rush to disrupt the order here.

   The most important thing is that the Zuan who have nothing can resist at any time, so it is easy for Rod to unite a force belonging to the civilians-but Mrs. Piltworth will not.

Although Piltwolf has a strict class hierarchy, upper-level political corruption, and powerful people covering the sky, but for the people, their welfare is quite a lot-although Mrs. Piltworth’s invention patents will be easily looted, and certain crimes will also be because of Lawyers and judges succumbed to sanctions, but in any case, Mrs. Piltworth could live without worry.

   As for whether or not Piltwolf will lose his core competitiveness and be annexed by other countries… who knows?

   Piltwolf’s old book is fairly thick, plus the blood that can **** Zu’an, this decline is a trend after all.

  In this case, Catherine can only be anxious—although everything is there, but without actual evidence, who cares about your alarmism?

   As Mrs. Piltworth, why should I give up all the free benefits, to find order and justice with you, and to improve Piltworth’s core competitiveness?

  Catherine asked herself if she couldn’t find a way.

   But Rod is different.

   From Rod’s point of view, Piltwolf is like a bonfire that has been placed, filled with grease, but not ignited. There is soil for change, but everyone is not aware of it.

   So, when Rod said he had a way, Catherine was quite surprised.

  But when Catherine listened, Rhode said a lesser way-block Piltwolf.

“If there is also a problem with the material supply in Picheng, then those guys who think they are upper class will soon realize what position they are in this city-I believe in Peel There is no lack of enterprising and adventurous elements in Mrs. Tver’s blood. When everyone sees the reality, the old stubborn people will not have the opportunity to continue their power.”

   This statement almost made Catherine unable to hold back a slap round!

   The truth is right, if Piltwolf really faces the blockade, those bankers and scholars will indeed tear off their hypocritical masks and expose their ugly faces completely to everyone.

   But this premise is completely untenable!

  You need to know that if you want to achieve the degree of blockade that Rod said, I am afraid that the entire Piertwitter Pier needs to be completely blocked, and this is obviously impossible!

   Piltwolf is the most prosperous commercial port in the whole Varoland!

  After the completion of the Piltwolf Canal that communicates the Sea of ​​Conquest and the Sea of ​​Conquest~www.mtlnovel.com~It is like the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal, and it is an absolute transportation hub!

   So even Mrs. Piltworth, would not dare to intervene too much in the ships coming and going, because you can’t guess at all what a big man is hiding on a ship that looks ruthless.

   And now, Rod actually said, to block Piltlough Pier for a while?

   But this means that the entire Piltwolf canal will be discontinued, and the pressure he will face at that time is really terrible to think about!

  Catherine did not think that Rhode could find a way, let alone that Rhode could resist this pressure.

   “Unless you are a god…” Catherine mumbled subconsciously, “Otherwise no one can do this.”

   “Of course I am not a god.” Rhode looked at Catherine, who was violently shocked again, and finally brought the conversation back to his rhythm. “But I know that there is such a **** that can do us a favor…”

With that, Rod took a bunch of wind chimes from his arms. He opened the window and hung the wind chimes on the window. A breeze blew through. The ceramic fishbone shaped wind chimes followed the wind and made a pleasant sound. .


  Piltwolf is in some ways like Blue Star, the financially insolvent country next to the Aegean Sea-but relatively speaking, the status of Picheng is better. After all, it has a thick foundation and Zuan is on it.

   But a lot of social welfare and upper-level political corruption have kept the city in a state of slack, and the progress of Hex Technology has also begun to stall.

   Also, guess who the **** Lord said?

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