Faye’s League of Legends

Chapter 28 - Stormrage Jana

   In Valoran, there are several gods or something that is completely normal-after all, gods-or gods, but they only represent the strongest of a certain law.

   And this Janna, strictly speaking, is the **** who guards Zuan.

Ghana is the **** of the storm, but her priesthood is completely different from the big octopus, the octopus in the sea next to Billy Water Power-is a gentle and playful goddess.

The representative of Ghana is a wind chime in the shape of a bird’s bone, and the angel is a lively blue bird. If you apply the DND statement, this deity is a weak deity, her strength comes from Zuan and Peel. Tver’s faith.

   Storm Fury was once brilliant.

  Road deliberately inquired about the information, and even interviewed some witnesses to learn about this storm rage.

   At the beginning, when the Piltwolf Canal was not opened, the sailors on the ocean would pray to the goddess, praying for the calm and smooth journey, and praying for a smooth journey.

But when the canal was opened, the sea of ​​watch and the sea of ​​conquest were connected, fewer and fewer people prayed to Gana-people saw the convenience brought by the emerging Hex technology, so Naturally, the old **** was forgotten.

   The days when families hung fishbone wind chimes were gone, but Gana still insisted on fulfilling her duties.

  In Rod’s view, abandoning Gana’s faith was also one of the reasons for the decline of Zuan.

   This is a **** who is covering you wholeheartedly, so you abandoned her like that? !

   It is true that the progress brought by Hex Technology can be seen, but this is not enough to justify the abandonment of past beliefs.

  Jana is the **** who protects Zu’an!

   If the current Zuan people still believe in Gana, do you think that so many external force blockades can proceed smoothly? !

  In any case, Rhode believed that Jana would stand on her own side and Zuan’s side.

   But in the end he still sold a pass, not telling Catherine his specific plan, but emphasized that he really has the ability to completely block the port of Piltworth, so Catherine should be prepared.

   left Catherine’s office, and Rod went to the dock in Piltwolf, and then boarded the buoy in the canal.

  It used to be a shrine to worship Gana, but it has now been transformed into a buoy on the waterway by “waste utilization”.

  The canal of Peter Wolfe is always busy, but this former shrine has become cold and deserted-looking at the buoy in front, Rod felt inexplicably a little lost.

   This is a real deity, a deity that really sheltered Zu’an!

  The result is just forgotten?

  Rod shook his head and hung the prepared wind chimes on the buoy.

  However, just when Rod frowned, a refreshing breeze came slowly, the bird bone wind chimes made a pleasant sound, and a blue bird stopped on Rod’s shoulder.

   Just when Rod wanted to ask something, a management boat patrolling the canal approached, and the guy in uniform, holding a Hex speaker loudly warned Rod.

   “It is forbidden to hang any unrelated items on the buoy!”

  Rhod suddenly felt an inexplicable irritability and almost wanted a fireball to come out-but the blue bird stopped him.

   The bird fluttered its wings, drew the wind chime on the buoy in his mouth, and then flew back to Rhode’s shoulder, tilting his head to signal Rhode’s departure.

   Rod took a deep breath, then disappeared in place after a burst of arcane distortion.

   The canal manager on the patrol boat rubbed his eyes-“I must be dazzled.”


  After the glory of Arcane, Rhode teleported to a secret stronghold in Piltwolf.

   This was because he had bought a real estate through a black intermediary in order to deal with Jinkesi and Giggs. Although the location is relatively remote, the price is terrible.

   “Spellcaster, why are you looking for me?”

   The blue bird turned into a humanoid shape, her silver long hair was windless and automatic, spreading upwards like anti-gravity, her body suspended lightly in the air, but the cool dress brought a different kind of stunning to Rod.

   The wind chimes of the bird bones were being worn around her neck, and they were still motionless but ringing. Gana’s pointy ears flickered slightly, noting that Rhode looked at her, she was even a little shy.

   This is Zu’an’s refuge, Gana, Storm’s Fury?

  Rood’s skeptical eyes seemed to give Gana some kind of misunderstanding-she suddenly became somewhat lost, and even apologized to Rhode.

   “Sorry-I am…too weak, for a powerful caster like you, I may not be able to help you.”

  Rood looked stunned.

   “Uh, I can’t help it anymore. The people of Zu’an no longer trust me. Without everyone’s trust, I would lose the source of strength…”

“Piltroff doesn’t need me to fight against pirates. I can’t completely dispel the alchemy haze of Zu’an at UU reading www.uukanshu.com. I can only help those children who are still willing to believe me, and punish those eyes high The Picheng people in Yuding…”

   seems to prove what he said, Gana also opened the window and tried to summon a “storm”.

   Well, a few pedestrians on the street accidentally lost their eyes-nothing more.

  Rood rubbed his eyebrows.

   seems to have some problems in understanding the deity.

   This Jana is not a weak god, but a **** who is about to disappear!

   “Tell me, what the **** happened!” Looking at the timid Jana in front of him, Rod finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind, “Why are you what you are?”

  Jana’s blank face seemed not to know what Rod was asking.

“In the record, there was a serious engineering accident during the opening of the Piltwolf Canal. The calculation error caused excessive energy in the explosives, triggering a chain earthquake and tsunami, and a large amount of poisonous gas poured out-but you solved it with your divine power. All this!”

   “How powerful were you at that time! But when you look at you now, even when you become a bluebird, you need to fly for a while!”

   “What happened in this!”


  Jana’s story The League of Legends universe has been updated, and there is an interesting short story “Deep Breath”.

Rhodes originally thought that Gana was only a weak deity, but in fact, because the Zuan people almost forgot this deity, she was even on the verge of dissipation-if one day, Zuan would no longer need a breeze. Guardian, everyone has forgotten Gana’s name, no one will care where the bluebird is, and that Gana will really disappear completely.

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