Faye’s League of Legends

Chapter 29 - Guardianship and dedication

   The story of Storm Fury is very long.

  Jana didn’t know when she was born—in her memory, she was originally a happy blue bird, able to hear the voices of sailors with the help of the wind.

  Instinct makes Gana want to help those who are struggling in the storm. She doesn’t know why she is doing this, and she doesn’t care about it. For her, this is natural and a natural choice.

Countless ships survived the storm’s eyes, and at first they thought they were lucky, but later they found a **** helping them-so they hung the wind chimes made of the seagull’s bones and shells on their bows. This **** prays.

   And the sound of this wind chime has become Gana’s favorite voice.

   Then, Gana became Gana, the guardian of the ancient Shurima language.

   It was an era of ignorance.

Zuan and Piltwolf are still in their infancy, and the canals of Piltwolf do not exist in the imagination. Sailors need to make a large circle from the sea of ​​watch to the sea of ​​conquest, passing Karamanda, bypassing Shurima, trimmed at Bilgewater.

When the fleet explores the new waterway, Ghana will protect them and keep them away from the reefs in the sea; when the sailors miss their hometown in the starry night, Ghana will embrace them with a warm breeze; Irregular pirates, Gana would use a violent sea breeze to steer them away from the course and severely educate them-or summon a gust of wind when they find their prey, and let the unlucky ships escape into the sky.

  Just like this, Gana has been guarding the ocean.

   Later, everything changed.

  After the rise of Zuan and Piltwolf, in order to better development and to reduce the fatigue of navigation, people decided to use the rich alchemy resources here to open a canal and connect the two oceans together.

   The existence of the canal can save the sailors from the need for wind protection and shelter from Ghana, because they no longer need to risk their way through the rocky beaches of southern Valloran, and they no longer need to keep an eye on the bluebird’s storm warning.

   Gradually, the safety and speed of the ship no longer depended on moody winds, but was escorted by the ingenious design of humans-so, in the following decades, as the canal project progressed, Gana was gradually forgotten.

  Jana’s shrine began to be broken and damaged, beaten by the waves, pecked by animals, and her name rarely appeared in people’s silent prayers, even in the stormy winter.

  Jana felt weakened and weakened—when she wanted to summon a gust of wind, she could only create a breeze; if she turned into a blue bird, she had to stop for a few minutes to fly.

   Just a few years ago, she had played a pivotal role in the minds of seafarers. Could they really forget the person who had blessed them and responded to their prayers so easily?

   However, the facts are always so cruel, human beings are always utilitarian and forgetful.

While embracing the evolution of Hex Technology, humans have forgotten Gana, they have completely forgotten, Gana brings them not only the actual guardian, but also a positive spirit-take them to explore forward , Never retreat, punish evil and promote good spirit.

  Jana gradually drifted away, if she was lost, she saw that the canal was about to be completed. All of her existed, leaving only a breeze.

  But even so, Ghana is still performing her duties, sheltering those who are working at sea and digging canals.

   Soon it was the day of the completion and opening ceremony of the canal, and people happily celebrated and applauded at the ceremony.

Thousands of alchemy technology blasting devices were arranged in the middle of the isthmus. City elders gathered together to start the ignition ceremony. Travelers from all over the world watched with breathlessness, waiting to witness the miracle. Their faces were full of expectations, and their hearts were full of pride.

   Then, because of some mistakes, a series of earthquakes and poison gas leaks were triggered.

   At this time, I don’t know who was the first to whisper Ghana’s name.

  And this kind of prayer quickly became a wave, and countless struggling people began to softly call the name of the guardian-just like it was a long time ago.

   The sudden desperate prayer hits Gana. She feels her power condensed into an entity. She has never felt such a huge power.

   Countless people saw the goddess-she rushed into the deadly poisonous cloud, the strong acid mist is taking away people’s hopes, they are all witnesses of the birth of the canal, but will soon become martyr.

Jana raised her staff and closed her eyes. A violent whirlwind began to blow around her, and her staff released a brighter blue light until she finally smashed the staff towards the ground and blew away with the last strong wind. All gas.

   originally could be an opportunity for her faith to recover.

   But the top leaders of Piltwolf and Zuan are reluctant to see this.

  Jana is described as “Hex Goddess” by various literary works, as if that helped them is a soulless mechanical product of Hex.

  Education also made people’s understanding of Hex Technology far higher than that of history. Soon, the name Gana gradually disappeared under the tacit understanding of many people.

Admittedly, UU Reading www.uukanashu.com may be able to do better than Ghana in some respects, but no one can replace the deity’s kindness and guardianship-but it’s a pity that neither Zuan It’s still Piltwolf, and those in power need no **** goodness and **** guard.

   The redemption of that time also became Gana’s last flashback.

  Jana is getting weaker and weaker, and she has lost almost all her strength-no one needs her, or no one knows that she needs her.

And because of the expansion of Beljiwater’s faith in Oroj, Gana can no longer be favored by sailors. Sailors tend to appreciate Oro who “does money” more than Gana, who never hurts. Yi, and his team of priests.

   Once the goddess of the ocean storm lost the priesthood of the ocean and the storm, and became the patron saint of Zu’an-but in fact, there are not many people in Zuan who truly believe in Gana.

   This is Zu’an who needs a violent revolution. Belief in Gana is really not as straightforward as joining Zu’an fanboy.

  Just like this, Gana became what she is now.

   After listening to Gana’s story, Rod narrowed his eyes slightly.

   The goddess in front now needs some changes.

  And his plan also needs to make some changes.


   The decline of Gana’s belief has a lot to do with the belief in Hex’s magic and the expansion of the priesthood of Oloy. The characteristic that she does not hurt people makes her less popular in many cases.

   In addition, Oloy is a big octopus in the trench near Bilgewater, the belief of a sea beast priest. He is in charge of priests such as the sea, storm, and sea soul. He is a very powerful deity.

   To be recommended tomorrow, so nervous-so ask for a recommendation ticket!

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