Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 104 Demonized Area

At around ten o’clock in the evening, a small plane landed at Chongqing Airport. I don’t know when it was already raining lightly in the sky. About a hundred people stood there neatly, not far from the plane. These people have no movement at all. They are all like steel cast iron. If it is not under the shadow of the lights on the runway, the average person may not find them until they come to their eyes.

Wu Bowen and others just stepped down and flew. A sturdy officer with a height of about 1.8 meters trot towards this side and saluted Wu Bowen: “Lin Yuan, the captain of the 21st Task Force of Langfang Continent, reported.”

Wu Bowen raised his hand in return, and then introduced to Xiao Yuxin: “Xiao Yuxin, this is Captain Lin Yuan, the most experienced commander of our Langfang Special Forces. He has completed missions under bad conditions many times.”

“Lin Yuan, this doctor Xiao Yuxin is responsible for treatment and medical care. If a team is exposed to radiation and has a dangerous situation, it must be promptly reacted to Doctor Xiao.” Wu Bowen said seriously.


That Lin Yuan froze for a moment, glanced at Xiao Yuxin, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and then raised his hands to salute Shen said: “Good doctor Xiao”

Xiao Yuxin was embarrassed for a moment, and did not know how to return the gift, so he nodded: “I also want to take care of Captain Lin.”

Wu Bowen asked: “Captain Lin, have all the special equipment been delivered?”

“Yes, it has been shipped.” Lin Yuan replied.

“Issued immediately. In addition, I brought a few guns to these comrades.” Wu Bowen pointed to Xiao Yuxin and others. Except for the two researchers with their special equipment, the others did not bring weapons.


After a salute by Lin Yuanpa, he turned back and ran back to the front of the queue, ordering people to get equipment. Xiao Yuxin carefully looked at the soldiers ahead.

These fighters are about twenty years old, with a savage breath on their faces. Obviously after strict training, they are arranged in four rows of 25 people in each row, a total of 100 people. Standing there gives people the feeling of facing a group of lions who are trying to hunt. The target launched a violent attack.

After a while, Lin Yuan took several soldiers to deliver the equipment. The so-called special equipment is actually a radiation protection suit made using the principle of space suits, which is slightly different from ordinary radiation protection suits. Moreover, this suit is considered from a practical perspective and is much lighter. It is very convenient to integrate a call system in the helmet. but no matter. Xiao Yuxin looked and felt that he was not as good as his snakeskin armor. This suit was too clumsy, and the enemies he hoped to meet were equally clumsy.

Other equipment is assault rifles, pistols, sabers, grenades, and ammunition. The sum of these things is quite heavy, and Liu Wei and they have no problems. The two researchers left only two pistols, and Xiao Yuxin and Wu Qiong were fully equipped. Seeing them as if nothing had happened, Lin Yuan’s eyes flickered slightly, a look of admiration in his eyes.

“Comrade Major, do you have any instructions,” Lin Yuan asked.

“No, you can act according to plan.” Wu Bowen said seriously.


Lin Yuan agreed, and quickly ran back to the queue, whispering to make the soldiers start to act on the other side of the airport. Five transport helicopters parked

—–This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

—-This is a gorgeous dividing line —

The soldiers began to board the plane in silence and order.

“Xiaoqiong, Xiao Yuxin, you must pay attention to safety, and I am here waiting for news of your victory,” Wu Bowen said solemnly.

“Major Wu. Rest assured,” Wu Qiong smiled, and Xiao Yuxin nodded slightly. To be honest, she still doesn’t know how to eliminate those demonic qi. Those who enter the body can be vaporized with Changchun, but I don’t know how much magical energy is enveloped by her, can it be eliminated by her own strength?

Fortunately, this is not her task. She only needs to save the lives of the warriors eroded by the evil spirit as much as possible, and others will solve it.

“Can that kind of radiation be eliminated?” Wu Qiong asked in a low voice.

“I don’t know.” Xiao Yuxin shook his head. There was a solution to everything, but it was hard to say how to solve it. Her Changchun Qi can be solved, but she can’t impart the Changchun tactics Qi Qi, and not everyone can practice successfully. In the future disasters, fortunately belong to those who are prepared and have the strength to survive .

“You have a way to eliminate that radiation.” Wu Qiong suddenly whispered.

This is a topic that neither side wants to mention, but she still said it. Wu Qiong felt regret as soon as she spoke, but there was no room for recovery at this time.

Xiao Yuxin was a lot easier. She shook her head: “No one can be sure to eliminate that radiation. I am just lucky or Li Jiang. They are more lucky. If they are later or if the radiation they receive is stronger, I might There is no way. In fact, I believe you definitely have other ways, just not going to use them.”

Her sentence was just speculation, but Wu Qiong looked away, but it seemed to confirm her sentence. It seems that they really have a way to solve this problem, but why would they find themselves? Xiao Yuxin found herself thinking a little understood.

There was a sudden silence in the cabin, only the roar of the machine and the sound of people’s breathing, and few people had no interest in talking. Chongqing’s prosperous Denghua left only a residual image behind, and some villages and highways quickly passed under the abdomen.

The place they want to go is deep in Shennongjia. Although Shennongjia is in Hubei Province, it is quite close to Chongqing. It took about two hours for the helicopter to take a long time before the helicopter entered Shennongjia. When Xiao Yuxin figured out how the plane landed, a large flame appeared on the ground not far in front.

“The front is the landing site, everyone is ready, wear good equipment.” Lin Yuan’s voice recalled in the small space of the cabin, everyone sorted out the radiation suits and put on helmets.

After wearing the helmet, I didn’t feel sulky, and I didn’t feel too cold or too strong, but it was very inconvenient in action. Xiao Yuxin touched the equipment on her body a little bit uneasy. She was afraid that these things would damage the radiation protection suit. Although she practiced Changchun tactics, she did not dare to guarantee that there would be no problem under the erosion of magic energy.

The front fires acted as lighthouses. In the middle was a large lawn. Five planes landed one after another. The special fighters came out of the plane and lined up on the lawn. After Lin Yuan counted the people, he ordered The team started towards the irradiated area, and Xiao Yuxin and others were arranged at the end of the team

In a conference room at a base in Beijing, several soldiers dressed in military uniforms were sitting silently at the conference table, gazing at the red telephone in front of Xia Tong from time to time.


A crisp bell suddenly sounded, Xia Tong grabbed the microphone:

“Already ready to enter the radiation area

—This is a gorgeous dividing line—

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

—–This is a gorgeous dividing line-

It’s good, the first task is to bring the sample back”



“Okay, report at any time, and don’t keep in touch.”

Xia Tong put down the microphone and seemed to be relieved, but the generals did not have a relaxed look on their faces, but instead became more serious.

“Lao Xia, can we get rid of the irradiated area?” a general with two temples asked.

Xia Tong shook his head: “To be precise, we didn’t. Although it was said when the mission was issued, our main purpose is to remove the infected living organisms inside and obtain samples. As far as the removal can maintain the current non-proliferation, it is already good. Yes.”

In front is the radiant area. At this time the rain has stopped and the sky is bright. But in front, it is a dark fog zone, and there is a strange roar from time to time.

Lin Yuan, who was at the forefront, raised his hand to stop the soldiers, and then issued an order: “Count the number of captains, repeat it, count the number of captains”

“The 1st team confirms, the 2nd team confirms the 10th team, the logistics team confirms.”

A messy voice came from the headphones, but the last one was Wu Qiong. Xiao Yuxin didn’t understand how the logistics came out, but her attention had been attracted by the sound in the dark mist. While no one was paying attention, she would Yunteng was released quietly, and it was strange to order it to sneak into the demonized area from the ground. Mo Yunteng and the truth listening to her in her body seemed to have a feeling of joy~www.mtlnovel.com~Xiao Yuxin couldn’t help but think that this guy is Warcraft, Do they like this environment

At this time, the distance to the demonized area is less than 100 meters. Although everyone’s bodies are taught in radiation protection suits and helmets, but good workmanship and advanced technology combined, they are not weak in the outside world, but only in action A little bit slow.

“Everyone should pay attention not to damage the radiation protection suit as much as possible. If you feel uncomfortable, immediately scream Dr. Xiao Yuxin.” Lin Yuan felt a bit like a mother-in-law at this time. After many orders, the team finally started Go forward and enter the demonized area.

From the outside, the dark fog was swirling in the demonized area, and it was not clear, but after entering it, I found that although the fog was flowing inside, it was not visible, but it was dimmer than the outside, and it felt a bit foggy. And, after entering, I feel cold and whizzing. This is not really cold, but a feeling from the spiritual level.

“Everyone beware of unknown creatures approaching,” Lin Yuan dignified voice came from the headphones.

At this time, the team takes the unit as a unit and maintains a certain distance from each other. Xiao Yuxin and they are protected in the middle and have little chance of shooting.

“Be careful of those plants”

Xiao Yuxin reminded loudly.

Before the words fell, a thick vine rolled up against the ground, entangled the legs of a special soldier, and then dragged him back.


A crisp shot, the vine was interrupted, and a large amount of thick liquid came out. The vine quickly withdrew, leaving only half-cut vines on the ground.

“Is this the legendary cane vine?” Someone muttered on the communication channel.

“Follow the traces on the ground to find its body,” Lin Yuan ordered. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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