Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 105 - Living corpse

Demonized the giant vine, when the soldiers found it, it also found a human who hurt its vine, shouting… dozens of vines fluttered to the crowd.

“Be careful not to let them get caught!”

Lin Yuan screamed and began to attack, and the sharp gunshots and shouts immediately sounded together.

boom! boom!

Two soldiers turned into rolling gourds. Even if they were caught by the pole vines, a huge mouthpiece emerged from between the vines. When the two vines rolled up, the two soldiers sent them to the ‘mouth’.

“Xiaohe, Xiaowu!”

Lin Yuan shouted, several people shot and fired… The vines were already difficult to aim at, at this time, two people were waving, so good shot?

“Xiao Yuxin!”

Wu Qiong blinked and found that Xiao Yuxin was approaching the giant vine silently, and couldn’t help but be in a hurry.

However, Xiao Yuxin quietly approached the giant vine about 40 meters away, took a grenade from the waist, pulled out the safety pin, and threw it forward.

Wu Qiong took a breath. If this exploded on the ground, I am afraid that the two special fighters had not been eaten by the giant vine, and were killed by their own people.


The grenade was accurately thrown into that giant vine’s mouthparts and was swallowed.


A huge explosion suddenly sounded, causing everyone to stop shooting. The giant vine was like a ripe and cracked watermelon. It was torn apart in a flash. A huge force splashed out countless burning vines, and the ground was entire. Shocked, a big pit appeared where the giant vine was originally.

Xiao Yuxin’s eyes were good, she glanced into the pit, and found that something seemed to flicker at the bottom of the pit. She quickly ordered Mo Yunteng to take the thing out.

“Damn! Who threw the grenade?!”

Lin Yuan was also taken aback when the explosion sounded. Fortunately, the vines that had been blown away also took away two of his men. Although the two soldiers fell into a dizzy head, they were fortunately not injured.

“I threw it.” Xiao Yuxin raised her hand. Do these guys think it’s better than shooting when shooting games?

Lin Yuan looked at her and suddenly nodded: “Throw it well!”

He turned to the two soldiers again: “You are not injured?”

“Captain, we were not injured, but the radiation protection suit was pierced with some small holes,” one soldier said.

“Do you feel any discomfort?” Lin asked.

“No.” The two soldiers answered in unison.

“Captain Lin.”

Xiao Yuxin interjected: “I suggest these two comrades leave the radiation area immediately.”

“Is there anything wrong?” Lin Yuan asked quickly.

“They must have been eroded now, but it is not serious. If you go inside, the consequences will be unpredictable.” Xiao Yuxin said.

Lin Yuan nodded: “Xiaohe and Xiaowu, leave the radiation zone immediately!”

“Captain, we actually…”

The two soldiers still have to argue, and Lin Yuan sternly interrupted: “Implement the order!”


The two soldiers stood upright and turned back.


Just as Lin Yuan rectified the team and prepared to move on, dozens of slowly moving figures appeared in front.

“Eye of Insight!”

Xiao Yuxin quietly activated the skills brought by this Warcraft partner, and those figures suddenly became very clear in her eyes… alive and dead! This reminded her of some of the movies she had seen about the Resident Evil. The living dead in it scared a large number of good babies back then, and many film and television works still focus on living dead.

These living dead people are wearing camouflage clothes, and only a few people are wearing casual clothes, but these clothes don’t matter to them anymore, even the beggar clothes are slightly tidier than these clothes, and the exposed wounds on them become The black bones and internal organs squeezed from the chest and abdomen can no longer be described in words or words.

“Yes… it’s the captains!” The voices of Li Jiang and Zhao Honggang trembling next to them, they were about to meet them.

“Awake, they are dead!”

Xiao Yuxin shouted loudly, and the voice spread through the communicator, so that many suspicious soldiers began to distinguish carefully.

“Captain, what should I do?”

Some soldiers asked aloud, facing their former comrades, their fingers could not pull the trigger anyway.

“Now they are no longer themselves, they are enemies, fire!” Lin Yuan shouted.


Although the feelings of the robe are unbearable, Xiao Yuxin and Lin Yuan made it very clear that these people are now some living dead…or living corpses, if they are not killed, I am afraid that the victims will be the living.

Puff puff…

The bullets shot into the dead bodies, the rotting flesh and blood splashed all over, but those people did not react at all, even if they hit their chests, they were useless, still staggering toward the soldiers .

Faced with a living corpse that seemed to be unkillable, some of the soldiers with slightly lower qualities were already hairy, and the guns were no longer stable.

“Will beating their heads be useful?” a soldier asked.

“Try it!”

Lin Yuan raised his hand… with a bang, a bullet hole appeared in the eyebrow of a living corpse, and the living corpse immediately fell backward and never got up again.

Effective… The rest of the soldiers shot one after another. In a few moments, dozens of living corpses fell to the ground and returned to the arms of the king.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, the soldiers were in a bad mood. For a long time, Lin Yuan raised his hand to salute a military salute, and said in a deep voice: “Go.”

The two researchers collected some remnants of Tengman as samples when the plant died. This time, they began to collect samples from the bodies. Several soldiers on the side of the guard turned their heads away. This scene.

The team continued to move forward, and some plants along the road were mutated to varying degrees, but nothing as terrible as giant vines. Suddenly, Xiao Yuxin stopped for a while, “I found a shadow flying over the head, suspected to be some kind of animal.” She quickly notified the captain of the discovery just now.

“Stop! Search around!”

Lin Yuan quickly ordered, this is not a joke, the radiation here is too strange, even the dead body can ‘live’, if a mutated animal appears, I am afraid that it will cause huge casualties to the team.

The soldiers immediately set out the fighting team and began to look up, down, left and right.

“found it!”

A soldier lowered his voice in the communicator and said, “At half past twelve!”

This is the terminology of the special forces. It uses orientation to introduce yourself or the orientation of the target.

Everyone looked in the direction he said, and there was a huge tree there, lying in the middle of the branches was an animal like a leopard smaller than a leopard, like a cat larger than a cat, with a black coat, a pair The eyes were slightly blood red.

“This is Warcraft!”

Xiao Yuxin quickly judged the animal’s attributes, and its appearance should be demonized with magic energy, I am afraid there are still some sequelae.

“Be careful! Such animals are generally fast!”

Someone easily warned.

“It’s better to catch it alive!” Lin Yuan ordered in the intercom.

“Captain Lin, you are playing with fire, this mutant animal is difficult to be caught alive.” Xiao Yuxin had to remind.

“How do you know if you don’t try it?” Lin Yuan waved his hand and motioned the two soldiers to approach.


The animal seemed to feel that the coming person was not kind to it, and all of its limbs flew into a black streamer.



Two trumpets sounded almost at the same time, two blood arrows shot from the necks of the two soldiers. The two soldiers just made a short cry, and then turned over and fell silent, and the shadow was shaking After a lap, he returned to the branches and stared at Xiao Yuxin and others without moving.


Lin Yuanhuo is out of fire. I don’t need to look at it to know that his two men are no longer alive. I can shoot with a gun… This special force is made up of elite soldiers selected by the military from various units. It’s all good to wait. However, this time he missed, the animal’s speed was faster than bullets, like a black light rushed to the crowd, dozens of soldiers shot at the face, but did not seem to hurt her.

“not good!”

Lin Yuan looked at the direction of the animal’s rush, and his face suddenly changed, “Hurry up!”

——The direction of the animal’s fight is the direction of the logistics team. The animals all have a strong hunch about the danger. Just like before the earthquake, the mouse and ants moved. Although the beast that has just been demonized is still unstable. However, after being glanced at by Xiao Yuxin, she keenly felt that she was the biggest threat to herself among this group of people. If it is a normal Warcraft, unless it is extremely angry, it will definitely measure the pros and cons of the attack, but this animal is demonized, the bones are all violent, and the other is not considered at all, so it chose the most straightforward method, directly Eliminate the enemy who might threaten yourself.

Xiao Yuxin didn’t move. She could see that the animal’s attack target was herself, but Lin Yuan’s words were purely nonsense. The place was empty, could it not be escaped?

call out–

Although the animal has just been demonized, the speed is surprisingly fast. Almost in a flash of time, she has appeared in front of Xiao Yuxin. She just about to shoot, a big fist with flames~www.mtlnovel.com~Bang Hit the animal with a bang.


The animal screamed and was hit to the ground. A flame flared from his body, and the flames burned in a short time… but he was still dying for a while and rolled on the ground.

“Thank you!”

Xiao Yuxin looked at Li Jiang next to him and nodded slightly, but was a little curious in his heart. This Li Jiang fist is a bit like a kind of fire punch seen by Saint Seiya TV drama. The power is still quite powerful.

“You’re welcome, my duty is to protect you.” Li Jiang said buzzingly.

“Xiao Yuxin, you are really calm. I was so scared that I mentioned it in my throat.” Wu Qiong patted the chest exaggeratedly.

“Where, I was just scared and dumb just now, I can’t move.” Xiao Yuxin said indifferently.

“Hehe…” The soldiers all gave a restrained low smile, but when they saw the comrades’ bodies, they couldn’t laugh.

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