Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 124 Varying Cube: Sacred Square of Sacred and Ghost

The guardian family is a descendant of the pharaoh Yuwei. The far ancestors left too many stories. Although the appearance of the young dragon surprised them, they thought that Xiao Yuxin and others were the messengers sent by the gods to specifically destroy Emerton, so The attitude is more respectful. Although O’Connor and others believed in God, it was mostly a solace in the soul. As Eve once said, she couldn’t believe the things that were invisible and untouchable, but now she saw and touched When it arrived, she aroused even more curiosity.

“Eve, concentrate on studying your scriptures and find the spell that destroys Imerton. It can appear at any time.” Xia Xinwen had to remind her that Eve’s eyes were flickering, and she moved forward a little, trying to get together Behind the young dragon.

“Uh, I’ll find it with my heart.” Eve just focused on it, Mo Hongxia and Chen Ke held her from left to right, helping her flashlight.

Mo Hongxia and Chen Ke were also the first to see creatures that only appeared in fantasy, but at this time, the dragons gave them the same feeling as dinosaurs, and they were far less powerful than the dragons depicted in.

After entering the gate, everyone felt an indescribable gloom and depression. The dry air seemed to exude a very strange atmosphere. I don’t know why, the flashlight beam was suppressed here, and the light was very bright. The darkness of the man in black ignited a few torches and nothing changed. Xiao Yuxin noticed that the walls of this passage were very smooth, without any carvings, but it gave a very strange feeling.

Turning a bend in front, the young dragon stopped suddenly. Xiao Yuxin felt cold in his heart. He grabbed his head and looked around. He couldn’t help but take a breath. The people behind came up immediately, and with the faint light, everyone’s eyes were stagnant.

In front of them, there is a very large underground plaza, or here should be a place for sacrifices, and they come in the direction of the exit of one of the passages.

The topography of the square is slightly lower than where everyone stood. The materials used for the ground and the walls are exactly the same. There is also a weird pool in the middle, which is dark and unclear. But from time to time there was a burst of whimpers.

Due to lack of light, plus the size of this underground plaza is too large. Even Xiao Yuxin’s insightful eyes can’t see what’s at the end, but that’s not important, because the square is not empty, just not far from them, two crocodiles with a length of more than ten meters Stand still there. A pair of big, empty eyes show that they are not living creatures, but the upper and lower rows of Hansensen’s teeth indicate that their combat effectiveness has not declined because they have become undead creatures. Opposite the two zombie giant crocodiles is a zombie baboon with a whole body of hair covered in hair. Outside its surface was a tangy black mist, scarlet eyes, and nails on its ten paws.

Behind them are another group of neatly arranged mummies. Judging from their costumes, they should all be pharaoh’s guards, although these guards are dead. But Xiao Yuxin had just seen the pharaoh’s ability, but it wasn’t too daunting, but she heard Wen Yuxiu whispering behind her, and she looked at it seriously, only to see that those guards were a little different.

These mummy guards are also surrounded by a layer of black air. There was a black flame jumping on the weapon,

—–This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

—-This is a gorgeous dividing line —

A black soul flame jumped in an empty eye. If you don’t look closely, you can hardly see it.

“How could there be so many guards?” Xiao Yuxin could not help saying.

“This is normal. The Pharaoh of that generation was assassinated, so all the soldiers guarding the palace at that time and his guards were made into mummies for burial, and the mummy guards inside were even more elite.” Da Beard whispered.

“Where is Morton?” Molou asked.


Everyone felt a little weird when they just looked at it, and felt that there was something missing on the square. Only then did it react. The most important big boss, Imerton, has not yet come out. Where did it go?

At this moment, a sudden uneasiness suddenly appeared in Xiao Yuxin’s heart. She did not hesitate to release a sacred shield, and also added a thick armor to herself. At the same time, a shadow appeared suddenly out of thin air. , Like a lightning flash to Xiao Yuxin, the young dragon in front only flicked the remnant shadow, and the black shadow had been caught by Xiao Yuxin’s fierce paw.

When the paw was caught in the holy shield, a snorting sound emitted from the phalanx and a burst of blue smoke came out, but after all the holy shield could not hold on, and the wave burst.


Just as the claw shattered the sacred shield and hit Xiao Yuxin’s shoulder, a thunder thundered, the knife flashed, and most of the withered arms were cut to the ground, and Xiao Yuxin stepped back a few steps, and a spit of blood spewed out.

After a broken arm, Heiying gave a terrible roar, swiftly backing away, and quickly disappeared into the darkness. Xiao Yuxin staggered slightly, and finally stood firm, immediately running Changchun Qi, treating the attack just now. If the damage caused was not that she saw the claw’s attack trajectory accurately, I’m afraid it would hit her chest this time, even if her body protection could not be broken, the shock would be enough for her to drink a pot.

“Sister Xin, are you okay?”

“What it is”

Seeing Xiao Yuxin spitting blood, everyone quickly asked, the black shadow came and went like electricity. Many people didn’t even see its appearance, but there was a big arm bone on the ground.

“I’m okay, it’s just a bruise, and that should have been Imorton just now.” Xiao Yuxin began to take out grenades from the storage space and distributed it to everyone, and then taught how to use it.

“I remember that there are spells in the Sun Sutra that control Immortal’s mummy guards, Eve, you look for it.” Xia Xinwen said.

“Oh, I’m not God. I must read the words slowly. I need some time.” Eve complained.

“Uh, what is missing now is time.” Xiao Yuxin said.

“Let’s go now, these mummies don’t seem to welcome us very much.” Jonathan said. After the shadow attack failed, waves of low whistling sounded on the square, and the undead began to slowly The crowd pushed over.

“Leaving Jonathan, I can guarantee that as soon as you turn your head, there will be many mummies running with you.” O’Connor said calmly. This person attaches great importance to commitment and is also very brave. His eyes have not left those undead creatures.

—This is a gorgeous dividing line—

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

—–This is a gorgeous dividing line-

The muzzle in has been raised.

“Yes, even if we leave the mausoleum, we can’t get out of the desert. Once these undead enter the wider world, it’s even harder to deal with.” Xiao Yuxin said quietly, “That Emerton definitely has more than these tricks, we have to do well Prepare for a battle.”

“Miss Axin, I think fighting at the entrance of the tunnel is not good for us. It is better to leave here and form a good semi-circular formation on the side to form a tiered defense. These will reduce some of the pressure and will be more conducive to lasting and killing the enemy. “Ocono suggested.

“Well, that’s it, I’m going to open the way, and others follow up. Everyone stands against the wall immediately after rushing out of the channel, remember not to be too far away from the channel, Mo Hongxia, you few should follow closely, don’t leave the brigade “Xiao Yuxin made a decision immediately. The two zombies like crocodiles and baboons have moved forward.”

“Roar” the young dragon knows that there is a battle to fight, and roars excitedly, and the dragons are the most annoying to undead creatures, although they are still small dragons, and they have begun to show the flames.

However, it was Xiao Yuxin who started first. She recited the mantra, and dozens of sharp ice cones shot at the baboon-like zombie at the front, and even several light bombs fired one after another.

Poo poo, those ice cones shot at the zombies, making a sound of a sharp blade piercing the wood. The baboon zombie didn’t feel any pain at all~www.mtlnovel.com~ But after the light bomb hit, the baboon was a little scared. It looks like, the places where the light bomb was hit have also been purified out of large holes, but unfortunately the power of the light is obviously insufficient, and it is difficult to put the baboon zombie to death.

“Beat their legs so they can’t move,” Mo Lou shouted.



Crisp gunshots and grenade explosions sounded one after another, and the mummy was smashed from time to time, but the three big guys in the front continued to move forward, unaffected.

Xiao Yuxin showed her insightful eyes. After confirming the course of the two zombie crocodiles and the baboon zombie, she shot several light bombs one after another. The two zombie crocodiles were easy to fight. After their heads were purified, they finally lay there. After the legs of the baboon zombie were purified, the baboon zombie was knocked down by a brutal punch of the phantom dragon, and then repeatedly crushed on it like a pressure, the zombie’s claws caught on the scales of the young dragon, and gave a piercing sound. The bones were also trampled off by the sound of the sound, and finally the head was melted by the dragon’s flame.

The dragon after spitting out the flames was already extremely weak, and Xiao Yuxin quickly returned it to the summoning space, and then continued to greet the undead creatures with the Holy Light Bullet, but this way of casting magic, the consumption is much greater, and soon Xiao Yuxin will arrive True Yuan is unsustainable.

“Sister Xin retreats”

Xia Xinwen shouted from behind, and Xiao Yuxin jumped back without hesitation.


A huge and deep voice was removed from the ground in front. With the shaking of the ground, a huge totem pole drilled out of the ground. The purple light scattered on the mummy guards, the original flexible guards It was like someone was suddenly put a shot on his foot, and the action suddenly slowed down. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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