Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 125 Mutated Cube: Legend of Gods and Ghosts, Battle of Magic

The totem master only has a strong attack power when he reaches a high level. At present, Xia Xinwen can only play some auxiliary totems. After the dull totem appeared, a thick totem pole appeared, but this totem released a red halo, a faint sound of war song came, and Xiao Yuxin and others also appeared a hazy red glory totem , Also known as the Warsong Totem, allows one’s own warriors to increase their courage when facing strong enemies.

The effect of this totem is still good, and it is in line with the current situation. In the face of these brave and combative mummy guards, no brave living people can be said to be calm and constant, and after the blessing of courage, the combat power suddenly increased. After a long period of time, those black soldiers pulled out their waist knives to split the approaching mummy.

Big Boss Imerton finally showed his true body, stood on the altar in the center of the square, and snarled in a hoarse voice: “Hand over the undead black scripture, hand over her as a sacrifice for the resurrection An Fei, others surrender to Under this seat, this seat will give you wait for eternal life”

Looking at the direction of his finger, it turned out to be Eve, but the latter was studying the Sun Jinjing, and he didn’t care that he had been designated as a sacrifice. With her relatively large nerves, it is estimated that there will not be too much. Big reaction.


O’Connor fired a bullet at Imerton, and although he missed it, he also breathed out. However, his behavior reminded Xiao Yuxin. She flipped her wrists, and the flying thorn slipped in her hand, “holding” her with a sip, raising a golden flying thorn with her hand, and a golden light emptied, and immediately flew away. When he reached Immorton’s forehead, he penetrated the bone just as the short golden spike pierced its skull. Imorton suddenly turned into a rotating sand column, the flying thorn pierced through the column, and whistled back to Xiao Yuxin’s hand, and Imorton immediately restored the original appearance of the skull.


Imerton opened his open-mouthed mouth and mumbled an ancient Egyptian language. Those mummy guards immediately became crazy. These creatures that were not afraid of death were like blood from a dog. Rushed upwards with a rain of bullets.

Xiao Yuxin put on a heavy machine gun again, with a box of machine gun bullets beside her feet, she fired at the same time. I turned around and asked aloud, “Eve, those words haven’t been studied.”

“It’s coming. Don’t rush me.” Eve didn’t lift her head, but the sweat beads oozing from her forehead showed that she was quite nervous at the moment.



Xia Xinwen and others finally released their own World of Warcraft, the local cave sword spider, bird body magic and other magic caps appeared in front of everyone, when they blocked the attacks of the guards, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Miss A Xin. I’m not dreaming,” O’Connor wiped the sweat on his head and asked in surprise.

“As you can see. We came specifically to kill this demon returning from hell.” Xiao Yuxin said. There is not much need for concealment now, but there is still a need to make a statement that cannot directly expose the demon trial mission.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Warcraft, Imerton, who was standing on the altar, also began to recite spells, and then waved his hands in dust


A series of eerie cold winds came up from the ground, and the rising dust was blown by the wind

—–This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

—-This is a gorgeous dividing line —

From then on, it gradually became a rolling sandstorm. Suddenly, the wind and sand subsided, and six earth-yellow pythons appeared on the ground, six pairs of green eyes shed their cold eyes, and a tank-sized head rose high. Snake vomited and swam forward.

“I found it”

Eve suddenly shouted in excitement. A series of weird pronunciations were recited immediately.

Everyone was a little puzzled about “what to read”, but Imodoron on the altar gave an angry roar, and the six magically transformed pythons also speeded up. Several mummy guards could not escape and were knocked down. On the ground, he could not get up at once.

“It’s useless that the scriptures clearly state that you can control the pharaoh’s guard,” Eve said in surprise.

“Eve, you will teach Meimei the pronunciation.” Xiao Yuxin immediately understood what was going on. Both the Sun Golden Sutra and the Undead Black Scripture needed energy supply when casting spells, and Eve had no energy to extract at all, of course. It has no effect.


Although it was a little hasty, the spell was not long. Mei Mei quickly learned to pronounce it, chanting it out as if the space was slightly brightened. Those mummy guards who were attacking Xiao Yuxin and others suddenly stopped and followed the clay sculpture general.

“Yeah succeeded”

Eve waved her hand in excitement, as if she had succeeded in casting her own spell, “Let them destroy the pythons and Imerton”

“Don’t stop and continue attacking” Imerton’s face changed drastically, and he roared loudly to make the mummy guards re-attack, but these mummy guards are strictly trained, unlike ordinary undead creatures, they use the Sun Sutra Before summoning, they will obey Imorton’s summons, but after Xia Xinwen casts the spell in the Sun Sutra, Imorton’s control is no longer valid.

“Destroy the six-headed python and Emerton” Xia Xinwen issued a new order without hesitation and turned towards Imerton and the six pythons.


The method used by the magic python is impact, entanglement, and bite. The huge body square rolls over and over, the entire ground shakes, and the mausoleum seems to collapse at any time.

This is a very disparate battle between numbers and strength. Once the huge python body is pressed against the mummy guards, these bodies that have been in the ground for thousands of years will immediately fall apart and smash, but they are superior to their skill. Each time the weapon in your hand stabs the magical python, the figure of the python is slightly sluggish, the light on the body is slightly dimmed, and the body is also shrunk a bit. This change is still small, and you can’t see it if you don’t look carefully. It took a while to discover.

When he found that the magical python he had summoned was besieged by the mummy guards, Imerton was anxious and angry, and it also found that the Sun Sutra was his nemesis. However, there are very few spells that it can cast at present. Because the body has not recovered, many of its skills can not be cast. When the next mouth, a black smoke comes out of its heel. Turned into countless giant migratory locusts. Although these migratory locusts are not as huge as those locusts that I encountered outside, they are only dark green, about two inches long, and they look very gloomy. And they do not attack the mummy. Wei, Zi Zi flew to Xiao Yuxin and others.

Although I don’t know what kind of lethal locusts have lethality, but thinking with my knees, and knowing that these things are unreliable, Xiao Yuxin said: “Mei Mei, dull totem”

When Xia Xinwen played the dull totem, Xiao Yuxin had already cast it.

—This is a gorgeous dividing line—

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

—–This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Preparation for magic: “Ice Storm”


Large swarms of migratory locusts flew towards Xiao Yuxin and others, the blessing effect of the aura of courage has disappeared, and even the god-selectors are a little apprehensive. However, as soon as these migratory locusts entered the area of ​​the dull totem, they immediately entered the water like a sponge, their wings flapped weakly, and their speeds dropped linearly.

At the same time, the air suddenly fell, and the ground was covered with snow and goose feathers. Although the locusts were weird, they had not yet separated from the realm of biology. At such low temperatures, they were frozen and killed. The dark green bodies A thick layer was pressed on the snow, which seemed strangely unspeakable.

“Hand over the undead black scripture and the sun golden scripture”

Imerton can no longer calm down. The migratory locust it released was completely killed in this ice storm. Although the six magical pythons destroyed a large number of mummy guards, they were also very badly worn, leaving only The thickness of the Xiahai bowl is almost impossible to damage the mummies, but the mummy guards are running out, and the two sides begin to grind.


Imorton exhibited its signature sacredness, and turned them into a mad sand to attack Xiao Yuxin. When the mummy guards attacked it, they saw their weapons passing by the wind and sand. Photographed as any injury, he was beaten by crazy sand to create hundreds of holes~www.mtlnovel.com~ scattered”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiao Yuxin quickly shouted and fired two holy light bombs forward. When the holy light bomb hit the target, the wind sand was slightly stagnation, and then rushed out of the scope of the dull totem without stagnation. Xiao Yuxin and others flew over.

Obviously, although the Holy Light Bomb had an damaging effect on Emerton, it was not very effective. It was impossible to kill Emerton. Now I can only hope that Eve will find the spell as soon as possible.

“Miss Axin, let’s delay a little longer,” Eve shouted.

“No problem.” Xiao Yuxin promised, and launched an attack on Imorton again, and the Holy Light bombs roared. Although Imorton’s life was no longer necessary, it also made it scream and kept going back.

“Humble presence, dare to challenge this seat”

Imorton’s figure suddenly appeared, and his slender bone was holding a short golden rod like a scepter. While Xiao Yuxin was pondering the golden scepter, I saw his hands twitching slightly at the ends of the scepter. Only two sounds of Zheng and Zheng were heard, and a spear body was ejected from each end of the short stick.

“Cool weapon” Jonathan immediately gleamed with gold, “Isn’t it all made of gold?”

Imerton didn’t speak. The fire of the soul in his eyes was slightly enthusiastic, strode forward, and raised a spear at Xiao Yuxin.

End this recommendation

New product repair

It is said that mortals often ignorant, and the gods will make mistakes.

An error by Lei Tianjun destroyed the flesh of the girl Shen Yueying. In order to make up for the mistakes, several irresponsible gods coaxed her to a place called Amadeus mainland with sweet words.

Recommend Qingliu’s two other books: The Legend of Chuang Shen, Wandering in the World of Other Worlds, to be continued to be collected and sorted, and the copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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