Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 138: Students Admire Teacher

A/N: volume name changed to— From Hot Maid to Hot Teacher


[Name: Kai

Age: 14→ 15

Title: Jonin Instructor

Gamer Traits: Skill Tree; Sleepless Gamer

Rank: Jonin

Hit Points: 100%

Stamina: 100/100% (48.1/min)

Senjutsu/Chakra: 311437 (86435→ 88982+250%) || (2852/min) (800→ 815+250%/min)

Physique: 471→ 480/1000

Mental: 533→ 534/1000

Perception: 447→ 451/1000

Water: 34/100%

Wind: 33/100%

Fire: 21.1/100%

Earth: 20.9/100%

Lightning: 31/100%

Yin: 40.3/100%

Yang: 40.1/100%]

[Skill points: 2510]

[Reduction of Chakra Wastage: 100%]

[Reduction of Senjutsu Chakra Wastage: 52%]

It's a new year! Kai just checks his stats for a touchdown and even if there isn't too great of a raw increase, he knows better. With this Kekkei Genkai, his body will grow passively until it hits its ceiling. He's only 15 physically but his stats and strength would allow him to contend with the Kages. By the time he's 20, he reckoned his stats will be between 550-600. Each higher stat has a larger gap than the one before. 550-600 is a very realistic estimation only if he doesn't stop training and grows passively.

But even with all the physical training, Kai is well aware that to surpass the peak of what Senjutsu can grant him, he will soon need to find another source of strength itself and make it his own. That's a grind, too. He needs to locate and work towards it. An image of a flashingly quick redhead who only calmed down after a beating appeared in his mind.

'Kushina calls that Chakra Mode... but it grants an equal boost. 10 times. The greatest advantage is that in that state she literally has too much chakra... so, her weakness can be covered up if she has quality strength, too, now.' Kai muses as he walks towards the Academy. There is an excited glint in his gaze.

Oh... the sweet, sweet grind is about to enter his embrace once more. It's about to stroke his cheek gently and whisper into his ears caringly...

Or something non-kinky.


Three girls could be seen sitting in their classroom within the academy. While the short-haired brunette and bluenette sat nearby, another girl with wavy hair, naturally curing at ends and sporting a round, curious pair of red eyes sat in a distance. Finally, unable to hold her curiosity, the one with long black hair looks back at the duo. They are all about the same age.

"Hey, Konan-san, um... is our Jonin Instructor going to be always this late?"

Of the trio, Konan is 9-years-old this year while the remaining two are both 7-years old.

"He..." Konan's lips twitch when she thinks of their boss. The 'team' was already broken long ago. Yahiko is making steady progress in Shinobi arts under Mikoto's tutelage, Nagato is in love with Iryo-nin... and she stayed at the academy. She was going to stay here until she turned 13 if not for Hokage informing her which Jonin Instructor was willing to teach her. Of course, she graduated!

Konan and Shizune suddenly blink in surprise, and a soft yelp escapes Shizune, hurriedly pointing at the other girl sitting close to the front desk.

"Tch, you don't have to point," the girl scowls and mutters while turning around, "That's just rude."

Her red eyes widen as she sees a terrifying white, expressionless face staring into her—

"Aaaaghhhhhh!" She screams, her body acting on its own instincts as she throws a punch only for a tip of an index finger to stop it in its route.

Pulling back, the 'face' tears itself away, revealing an olive-skinned dark-haired youth who has a humored grin, "Right, dominance has been established. Follow me, you lot, and Konan."

Their expressions changed and turn strange for various reasons as Konan still cannot believe he did that... but then again, he would steal her favorite dumplings right before she could eat them. Shizune looks a little nervous, and then finally, the third girl is beet red in embarrassment and anger!

The trio, however, wears the Konoha Forehead Protector as they follow him out. All three of them are now a part of the village's military! They are Genins!

Their Jonin Instructor, THAT Kai, continues to walk in front and they don't stop moving until reaching the outskirts of the village— stopping in front of a Farm. He then turns around and looks at each one of them while crossing his thick, veiny arms. His gaze is jolting for them. Stern. And more so, inquisitive. It was as if he did not just prank them to the point one of them almost peed in fright.

"I'm Kai. A Jonin of this Village. The youngest one." Right, that's VERY important so Kai would iterate it whenever possible just to piss others off, "You will have a lot of time to know about me. But today, it's your day. You graduated— all of you," saying this, he looks at Shizune with a ghost of a smile, "Congratulations. But, to become a Genin. A true genin and not the kind loitering in the Genin Reserves, you need something else. Your instructor's approval. That would be me."

His gaze turns stern again, "Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Konan replies sharply without missing a beat.

"Y- Yes..." Shizune averts her gaze, still quite nervous due to her past.

"Yes..." The third one, Kurenai Yuhi, looks at Kai sourly. She did not think one of her heroes would be so eccentric... to say the least, from pranking them to suddenly acting so strict!

'Wait... he just said that we still aren't full-fledged Genins. Damn it, Yuhi! Step it up! What if he was testing our awareness back then and I failed?' Her red eyes instantly grow determined by a notch, surprising Kai as he felt she was quite annoyed until a moment ago.

Whatever pleases them, he shrugs internally. In fact, he chose three different types of students because teaching different things will tug on his mind and may just inspire him. Or he may learn from them instead. The path of learning, after all, never stops!

Seeing their reactions, he still nods while cackling inwardly about how easy it was to scare them, at least Kurenai. That was fun. While he plans internally to scare them with various means to 'train' their response and reactions, he speaks out loud, "Let's start with your introductions. How about your names and reasons for being a Shinobi? As for likes and dislikes, if we truly become a team, we'll figure it out eventually. Konan, you start."

The amber-eyed bluenette nods, "I'm Konan. I wish to become a splendid Kunoichi that does not face hunger and starvation again. For that reason, I entered the academy to better myself."

Shizune and Yuhi flounder a bit as they recall Konan's origin and realize the gravity of her words and aspirations. In this world, just wanting a peaceful and stable life is a dream worth working for.

Kai nods and looks at Shizune who stammers, "K- Kato Shizune, Sir... I want to become a Kunoichi because..." her pitch-black watery eyes dim for a moment, "I'm sorry. I still don't have any concrete plans..."

"Nothing to worry about," Kai's words surprise Shizune as she looks up and feels assures by his nonchalance, "Not knowing ambitions are not a problem. It's staying stagnant and using this as an excuse. For what it's worth, I am truly pleased that you graduated on your merit."

Shizune nods hurriedly.

He finally looks at Yuhi who puffs her chest out proudly and tries to act like the model Genin for others to learn from, "Kurenai Yuhi, Sir! I studied in the academy and trained because I aspire to become a Kunoichi and Shinobi as great as Senju Tsunade and you!"

Kai nods calmly and smiles, "Well, I have high hopes if you really aim to be like one of us. For that, I will similarly train you all. I will hold you all to my refined expectations so do not expect light training. But before that, look, behind you. What do you see?"

The trio looks back and sees an unused farm.

"A... farm, sir?" Yuhi gathers her courage and answers, not willing to get it wrong.

"Hehe," Kai chuckles and shakes his head, "I see the fertile ground, similar to our village. I see weeds sticking out— An imperfection to our village's foundation. And I see three young Genins who wish to defend the village and their families. Weeds are uprooted. Why are you staying still? Go, go, go!"

There is a moment of enlightenment on Kurenai's face. She is amazed and she stares at Kai in admiration before jumping past the fence and pulling the weeds.

Even Shizune looks touched by the trust in his voice and starts to pull weeds.

Only Konan sees the truth. In her excitement to learn from her 'boss', she failed to remember his true infamy.

She failed to recall the stories of pain and suffering recounted by Mikoto and Kushina when they were on his team.

She failed to recall the Legend of Crazed Mission Maniac...

She looks back at him, thin and alone. Her amber eyes widen as he gives a wicked grin and winks at her as he would during their personal time or when he steals bites of food from her.

Konan realized this instant.

She fucked up.


Alternate Title: A Sincere Teacher

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