Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 139: Good Teacher

Konan, Shizune, and Yuhi lay on the farmland with their limbs sprawled as they watch the evening sky with a beautiful amber-orange glow. The three of them, after such hard labor, are drenched in sweat. Their shirts and shorts stick to their tiny forms.

Each of them is brewing with different emotions at this moment.

'Kai Sensei... he isn't angry at me for what happened back then,' Shizune sighs in relief, her expression brightening just a bit. Although Kushina and others who were targeted by Dan back then made it clear that they did not hold anything against Shizune, she still felt nervous around them and guilty. It's something only time would heal.

'Hmm! I did well. The weeds are no more. My evaluation should reflect my enthusiasm, too. Truly, Kai Sensei has great foresight. He used this farm as a great analogy. Even Guest Sensei Nono praises his skill in Genjutsu. I can learn a lot!' Yuhi has an excited flush despite her body being fully sore at the moment.

'Yes... there is no escape... only darkness surrounds me. I thought a lot but even if Mikoto and Kushina-san could never escape this problem until Hokage-sama had to ban Kai-san from taking D-rank Missions... how can I stop him... It's better to use this as training... Shizune and Yuhi still don't know what is going on...' Her amber pupils watch the sky quietly in desolation, 'But they will.'

[Earned 2 SP.]

Kai almost cried but he just puts on a professional smile after pimping out his new disciples for SP and greets the old farmer. In reality, Kai is well-known amongst the old and the crippled of the village who issue D-Rank missions for support.

As three young girls lay on the ground, sweating and exhausted, their caretaker laughs and brings the approval for the completion of a mission. This image does not look good in ANY world, much less here.

"Alright, you three look quite tired. Try and walk, since this is the first mission completed successfully, I will treat you all to a nutritious dinner."

Yuhi's gears turn and she sits up, "Mission?"

Even Shizune and Konan sit up as the latter has a look of anticipation. At this moment, the Bluenette is alone in her desolate thoughts but if others join her in despair... wouldn't that be great?

Kai chuckles and nods, "You all did great. Completing a mission on your first day as Genins. Well done. I'm glad I will get to teach such an earnest bunch."

Yuhi and Shizune blink before they stand up in a hurry, "Sensei!" The crimson-eyed darling of their batch has a bright grin, "I will do a lot more missions and be like you!"

"I will try not to disappoint," Shizune has her own look of determination and Konan stands up, too. By now, she realizes the sad truth and presents a hollow smile with a blank gaze—

'I see... it was right in front of my eyes. They're all crazy.'


Kai didn't just want to slave away his team. No. He is an instructor now. Although the trio have good physiques and are quick on their feet, something he noticed yesterday as he was making a teaching plan internally, they need to fully exhaust their bodies once. Be it Taijutsu or this, once they fully exhaust it and feel sore later, only after that could he make any progress with them. So, the quicker they passed through this phase, the better.

As expected, when he met them at the entrance of Senju Compound just because it is closer to him than to them, he notes their tired expressions and the stiffness in their movements. But he doesn't acknowledge it. Instead, he greets them and leads them to the mission center before picking a mission to weed another farm.

On the third day, Kai brought them to fix the fence of a troubled elderly.

On the fourth day, he brought them to chase after Tora, a cat.

On the fifth day, he brought them to chase after Tora, the cat who ran away again.

On the sixth day, however—

"Sensei!" Kurenai finally flounders from her initial reverence and questions sharply, "All the other graduates like us have started to train! For instance, Obito is already bragging that he is training Taijutsu with his instructor! Or, Asuna! He was saying that his instructor already taught him Ninjutsu!"

Although Shizune didn't want to be this rude, she silently supports Kurenai while Konan has an inquisitive look. While the bluenette knew their instructor is a Mission Freak... he is an even greater training freak! She felt Kai would have started to train them by now.

Instead of answering straight, Kai laughs, "Good, at least, you have the strength to complain today. Let's go, that damn Tora ran away AGAIN! You would think his owner would have already changed cats."

Kurenai grinds her teeth while Shizune sighs, feeling soar—

'Wait... I don't feel soar...' She notices quietly and then her eyes widen for a moment. There is only one reason for this change— her body is adapting and growing! She is supposed to be the Iryo Nin of the team and also has an interest in this art so she has read a few books on this.

"I'm not chasing after that cat again!" Kurenai rebels!

"I will!" Shizune suddenly steps out, leaving her team behind as Kai looks back and nods with a smirk, "Good."

Kurenai's lips part and she scoffs before jogging up. Even if she doesn't want to chase after the cat... she also doesn't want others to become a better 'student' than her. Konan shrugs but as she walks with ease, she realizes the truth, too. Unlike the duo, she has been training intensely. But all this intense training is for short periods. This is the first time she has been using her body extensively for hours!

In a 'real' world without chakra, this would hinder their growth... but this is the REAL world, as real as it can be with Chakra.


Kai dismissed the team on Sunday to let them rest. They need it... for what is about to come.

On this fine morning, Kai finds himself in the Hokage's Office once again. The old man's eyes are practically glowing as he reads the report on his desk and nods, "So, there is some progress with Kushina-kun... good."

Knowing full well that a 'Perfect' Jinchuriki that is neutral to the village instead of being fully loyal will be seen as a threat, Kai and Tsunade decided to keep Kushina's strength under wraps.

As for the small commotion that Kushina caused after achieving this balance, it was swept under the rug by saying she lost control and Tsunade beat her to submission. But, Kai has to say that Hiruzen is MORE trusting compared to others in his position. Had it been Danzo and someone like him or Minato learned Hiraishin, the bandaged cunt would be shitting bricks just out of paranoia.

Thinking for a moment, Hiruzen looks at Kai, "Any news from Jiraiya?"

The Hokage knows that Kai did ask Jiraiya to learn the Sage Mode but Hokage also knows more about Jiraiya's limitations. Until the Toad Sage gets approval, he cannot teach this to others easily.

Seeing the boy release an exhausted sigh and shake his head, Hiruzen sighs, too, "That's a shame... Hmm, you saw how dangerous Kushina can be. Do you think you can handle her when the situation rises with your skills?"

"I think that with Hiraishin I can try and reactivate the seal. But the Bijudama is too great," Kai lies through his teeth even when his Railgun can pierce through that mass of chakra.

"That move is what makes Tailed Beasts so dangerous," Hiruzen chuckles and eyes the boy, "So? How is your experience as a trainer?"

"Well... I think I am getting somewhere with Mikoto. But really, Tsume can be trained the easiest—"

"Your students," Hokage groans, a little envious of his youth and 'luck' as he smirks cheekily and replies, "Ah, my team. Yeah, I can work something out of them. It will take time, however, like it took Sensei 2-3 years to get us to a respectable level of strength. I can reduce this time since it's not mandatory for all of them to learn Iryo Nin... but it's a useful Ninjutsu and refines chakra control. I don't want them to skip on it."

A gratified smile touches Hiruzen's lips as he sees Kai making plans for his team and adding safety nets, too.

"Good. Although there is no immediate hurry... try to help them master their basics completely in 3 years, at least," Hiruzen chuckles.

"Is that a mission?" Kai's gaze twinkles but his hopes are shattered when the Old man shakes his head and replies, "Of course, not. I wouldn't force you in this manner. This is just a good timeframe to keep in mind. The conflicts are brewing once again, after all."

'Could have said that this is a mission,' Kai scoffs internally and nods before taking to his leave.

But once he returns home, he finds Nono and Mikoto waiting with hungry gazes while Kushina has a proud, smug smirk!

"Fine, fine, see, he's here! I will show you how much better I am," Kushina sighs in mockery and blushes when she feels Kai's stare...

After all, in her peak of strength, it wasn't Tsunade who beat her but... Kai... and then her butt went red from two proper slaps...

The phantom pain still made her butt clench unconsciously but she... and her partner vows to avenge their buttcheeks!


Title: The Discipliner!; Redhead AND Red Ass!; Tomato Cheeks Baby!


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