Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 157: Not Seeing Eye-to-Eye (4)

Yata and Kai sat across each other while the latter waited for his father-in-law to begin with whatever he had on his mind.

Looking around the room for a while as his onyx pupils are already red with three tomoes embedded within, Yata makes sure that there is no recording device of any kind, or at least, not any contraption he can sense.

"Why don't I have any grandkids yet?" Yata looks at Kai with a frown, "I had Mikoto with her mother when I was quite young. You do understand that every mission is a gambit on a shinobi's life, right?"

Kai, thoroughly stunned that the first topic of conversation would be of this nature, retorts, "Is this really your concern?" He scoffs and adds, "And that's a weird thing to ask from me."

A little confused, Yata tilts his head sideways, "I believe you do understand how the traditional nobles build their 'family', right? Children bring a great form of bond between a man and his many lovers. While your 'thing' with Senju Tsunade is ambiguous if the word in the village is to be trusted, you have an official relationship with my daughter. And a child or two before marriage is not unseen, especially in cases like yours."

'Is this the 'talk'?' Kai wondered deeply before realizing that this 'talk' was more of a management one instead of safety for sexual activities... the father-in-law did not discourage the latter one bit...

Cringing internally at the newfound sensation, Kai groans before replying, "We don't want kids. We're both—"

"If you feel that you are irresponsible for it, you should let your in-laws handle it," Yata smiles 'amicably', "We have made it clear that your children are yours to raise without any clan indoctrination, but you have all the support you can expect. Is it not better to leave a way behind... before another war?"

Silent for a moment, Kai furrows his brows and questions, "You're worried for me?"

As if hearing the greatest joke, Yata throws his head back and begins to laugh out loud unlike his usual calm demeanor.

"Not you," Yata wheezes for a few short seconds and slowly calms himself. In the end, sighing softly, he adds, "I worry for Mikoto."

To explain his worries properly, Yata continues, "In the previous war, originally, we were supposed to stay put in the village as the police force. But many things unraveled, later on, didn't they? We even participated in the war and caused a lot of destruction to Kumogakure. We could hold off the war front set in the Land of Hot Water for two reasons— Sharingan and Unexpectedness.

But when the next war arrives... we will be expected to participate. In fact, many youngsters would want to voluntarily... they have only witnessed the reputation one gains in war and not the atrocities one must commit."

Looking at Kai seriously, he adds in a knowing tone, "Atrocities that the both of us have committed. That's why I could never treat you as a kid. Survivors of war... are not kids. But Mikoto is still a kid. Mine, in fact. And many other Uchiha kids... are my responsibility, too. And they will be targeted during the coming war. Kumo and Iwa are two forces that rarely let go of such opportunities. It won't be an overreaction to consider that the recent conflict around the Seven-Tails in the village hidden in the waterfall is an attempt to quicken the conflicts to wage another war."

Many others held the same belief as Yata that even this 'conflict' between Iwa and Kumo is a ruse. But the fact that Iwa is down by one Jinchuriki is the truth so the majority still believes that Iwa would aim to capture a Jinchuriki for themselves in this war.

"And with their preparations, saving lives is questionable... but they do not want lives. The Uchiha clan has seals that nullify a Shinobi's reproductive capabilities. Mikoto has such a seal and I'm no different. But our eyes are still unprotected... unlike the Hyuga Clan's seals."

"Even if you ask someone to create a seal similar to the cages seal of the Hyuga clan... can you really trust that it won't backfire?" Kai cuts in, "Part of the reason why the Uchiha Clan never spent a large number of resources to develop such a seal is that you got the live example of how things could turn out."

Looking at Kai deeply, Yata questions, "What if the situation changes?"

Furrowing his brows, the youth inquires in return, "Is it going to change?"

This would certainly explain the things Kai witnessed in the meeting but why would Yata be involved in this?

As this thought emerged within Kai, he recalled Fugaku's wedding... Hizashi was invited then.

"The situation will change," Yata replies with certainty, "But how this situation concludes is not upto the Hyuga Clan, really. They just want a change. Any change for them is better than this slavery they have been enduring all this time."

"So, it's upto to Hokage?" Kai questions.

"Upto the Uchiha clan and you." Yata chuckles.


"I wish to propose that we set a round of discussion involving every clan— major and minor— to stop Hyuga Clan's inhumane traditions once and for all. Traditions and values keep a Shinobi's character in check but the Hyuga Clan has always taken this to the next step while hiding behind notions of traditions. If the Hyuga Clan wish for a Branch Family, they must follow the same methods as other Clans, and even then, the Branch Family is not to be under the Main Family's control."

Hiashi snaps back, "It IS Tradition! The fact that YOU are trying to bite back at the clan the moment the Clan removed the seal from your head shows how ungrateful you really are, Hizashi!"

"Tch, Calm your tits," The Inuzuka matriarch suddenly scoffs and questions, "I want to know more about what Advisor Hizashi just said. If the Inuzuka Clan can stop fucking bitches and dogs then it's a given that Hyuga Clan is capable of stopping their malpractices... but why doesn't it follow the usual norms of Main and Branch Family?"

Hiashi's expression shifts slightly while the Yamanaka Clan head snickers, "Ah, that's a rude thing to ask especially when one twin is in Main Family and the other one in the Branch Faction... even my clan has two families but that's only to divide the workforce. Even the Senju Clan's branch family comprises civilians that support the main family. This practice, after all, was created by Lord Second."

It's no secret that most of the administrative traditions that help the village even now including the shinobi academy were devised by Tobirama Senju, a talent in no way lower than the God of Shinobi when it comes to everything except the pure display of power.

"Lord Hokage, this involves our Clan's secret," Hiashi turns to look at Hiruzen and questions meaningfully, "Are all clans expected to divulge such information just because of a third party's intrigue?"

"This kind of knowledge can be kept to yourself, of course," Hiruzen replies calmly, "But I have to consider the options stated by other clans. Advisor Hizashi has spoken correctly. If even the Senju and Uchiha clan is not a participant in these practices... why must the Hyuga Clan be treated differently?"

"Because our clan has contributed constantly to the village," Hiashi clearly seemed agitated the more he spoke, and seeing the young patriarch 'unravel', many other experienced clan heads wished to poke more into the matter. But Aburame Clan genuinely desired stability since they were at the cusp of another Shinobi war.

But it would not do the Aburame Clan Head or Advisor to suggest the same thing constantly. They have already pitched their idea but Hiruzen's action of subtly ignoring that suggestion has already sent a clear message. The Hokage DOES want to deal with this situation in a more concrete manner but he cannot directly change any tradition of the clan— only the combined influence of other clans can.

That's why Hizashi suggested a meeting of all the clans.

While Hiashi spoke of the Hyuga Clan's contributions, Yata interjected with a calm smile, "If I have a great contribution, can I kill anyone without repercussions? Or are you suggesting that only the Hyuga Clan's contributions can be converted into tokens for slavery? At the very least, don't disrespect everyone's intelligence."

"I have nothing but respect for everyone present," Hiashi remarks with a gloomy expression, "But Lord First and Second has always treated our clan's agreement with equal respect. I will not let my clan's traditions vanish in my generation!"

"This is no longer about sacred traditions but a question of traditions treading the border of malpractice," Nara Clan Head sighs with exhaustion clear in his expression, "Advisor Hyuga has constantly shown with his actions that he intends to support the village. Over the years of his tenure, he has rooted out many spies and hotspots of corruption left by the Nukenin Danzo."

Danzo's bandaged image instantly emerged within the back of everyone's heads as Hiruzen's expression grew flat.

"On the other hand, as Advisor Hyuga stated, Hyuga Clan's 'traditions' suppress the otherwise talented and force them to serve the Main Family instead of the village. I suppose it is time that we discuss this issue once and for all. And... with how the conflicts are increasing outside the borders, we must tackle this situation properly and quickly so that the enemies may not use this as a weakness."

Everyone grew silent at this point and considered their positions seriously.

Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi, from the looks of things, will support Hizashi. And with how Nara Clan Head— Shikudo Nara, constructed his words, it's clear that many were thinking of erasing the root of this conflict once and for all.

At this moment, in a 'timely' manner, Mukai spoke up. He had remained silent the entire time but he was clear about when to speak. After all, he was informed that such a situation will eventually rise.

"Lord Third, I'm a little confused. I may not know... about the underlying meaning of words since I'm not expected to in the first place but wouldn't the situation change if the seal of the Hyuga Clan is altered? If my Dojutsu is protected and I'm not subject to slavery... then I would fall under the Hyuga name without any question while still performing my duties."

Hiashi shouts at this moment, "And you expect the Clan to just hand our secrets? That is unacceptable! Besides, our seal was created during the Warring Era. Even we cannot alter it and the only person who COULD is the same person who became the first Jinchuriki," sneering at this point, Hiashi concludes, "And Mito Uzumaki is dead."

Hiruzen has a tight frown at this point. The old man discreetly glances at Yata who still keeps a calm expression and then Hiruzen looks at Hizashi who doesn't show any change in his expression, too.

'Do we really need to see things through drastic measures?' Hiruzen sighs and wished for a 'reply' from the other side.


"You want me to create a seal for your Dojutsu similar to the Hyuga's Seal?" Kai muses with a plain expression.

The 'story' Yata spun was... inspiring. Well, it certainly inspired Kai to lie even more since his elders held nothing back!

Yata started by fussing over his daughter and future grandkids saying that they could change the overall situation if Kai formed a seal similar to the Caged Seal and then slowly root out the issue within the Hyuga Clan. It would be a great merit and would help Kai to become Hokage...

The thing is...

Kai would have believed most of it if he wasn't present in the meeting for a short bit and knew that this Yata in front of him is possibly a clone.

But again... has Kai ever been the one to jump to conclusions? Well, maybe... sometimes— RARELY!

But this isn't one of those moments. And he isn't even the kind to feel butthurt by this 'betrayal.' People lie— which is the truth ironically. Instead, Kai chose to understand WHY his father-in-law is lying to him.

After all, what would Yata gain by lying to him... nothing.

There is literally nothing to gain.

From having the seal that is created by Kai himself which would give the youth an edge to helping him become the Hokage... Yata gains nothing personally. Not in some malicious manner, at least.

'So... the opposite could be true? He isn't going out of his way to hurt me but trying to assist in some manner. Without informing me itself.'


Alternate Title: Kai Chose To NOT Be Edgy!! Heresy!


Shoutout to Casey Recore for support!!

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