Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 158: Not Seeing Eye-to-Eye (5)

Kai decisively chooses to play the ignorant part. Sure, calling Yata out on his bullshit sounds cool... but does a moment of coolness trump the chance of striking rich? Did he wag his tail smugly after destroying Danzo's foundation... yes, he did... a bit in front of Tsunade.

But that's not the point, damn it!

'Uchiha... Hyuga and Third Hokage. This stinks of conspiracy and including me, to some extent for creating a new seal for their Dojutsu... leaves a few conclusions in mind. Adding Mukai Kohinata to mix only filters out the possibilities further.'

Kai snickers internally and speaks up in a compelling tone, "Sure, I'll try and create this seal. Since we have a bad example already present, I will try and create a fuinjutsu that does not allow anyone else to control the user in any manner, not even me as the creator of this seal."

Yata nods with a delighted expression and hums in approval, "That's good. So, how long would it take you?"

Kai frowns for a moment and then sighs, "I don't have any experience in forming seals of this nature. My closest estimate would be a year..."

Well, Kai has already studied Hyuga's Caged seal slightly and it was barely any different from the cursed seal Danzo used on the members of Root and the Will of Fire Seal used by the Anbu... but Yata doesn't need to know this now, right? At most, Kai would need a week or two to whip a seal of better quality and function given that he has already completed the grind for almost all his previous skills to be turned into their Sage Variants.

"A year?" Yata frowns, too, as Kai continues, "And that timeframe is with me devising this seal alone. If Kushina is included, this timeframe will reduce and if I have Mikoto's help, the estimate would fall under the work of months, at best."

Hearing everything patiently, Yata mulls over the matter and then questions, "If you have some base for this Fuinjutsu, what then? Uchiha Clan did focus on creating a seal of this nature but it was stopped shortly after because the clansmen did not entertain the idea of imprisoning themselves no matter how little the chances are. I could provide the relevant information to you."

Kai scoffs internally.

'As if the Uchiha clan has any seal of this nature...' Kai is extremely sure... He already had Tobirama Senju's notes so he knew a lot about the Uchiha Clan but... he also may have raided their collection of information at times during the past few months to get inspiration for elemental variations of [Revolving Heaven] and Rasengun.

At most, now, Kai only has some idea of how to create a fire-attributed rasengun. But this project is paused. Like the Byakugan, it's taking too much time and unnecessarily so. And now that he is at the edge of completing all the sage variants of his previous Jutsus, he decided to focus on Mokuton instead.

'But if the Uchiha Clan really don't have such a seal... then the only alternative is to provide me with a similar seal and the only one that falls in this category is Hyuga Clan's seal.'

Kai still agrees to it, however, and nods, "That's fine. Once I go through it, I will let you know how long it will take. And should I work alone on this or get help?"

Yata replies calmly, "Alone."

As he says this, he pushes his hand into the inner portion of his tunic and takes out a scroll, "I prepared this beforehand. How long should I expect you to create this seal?"

Taking the scroll and skimming through it, Kai confirms that this is just a base, cut-out version of Hyuga Clan's Cage Seal and frowns. 'Hesitating' for a moment, Kai replies, "At least two months. I'll try to complete it before the three months."

"That's fine." Yata smiles and after a few more words, Kai brings the man back to the training ground as the evening sun soon begins to sink down the horizon and welcomes dusk over Konoha.


Hiruzen glances at Yata once more as the Uchiha Patriarch's expression shifts slightly and the man scratches his chin with his index, middle, and ring finger while suggesting, "How about we set this meeting in a month?"

Sighing, Hiruzen speaks up finally, "Alright, this is enough for today. I do agree that this issue has sprung up on the Hyuga Clan too suddenly."

"But Lord Third," Hizashi began only to be cut off, "I said it's enough for the day. Hyuga Clan has been in this village since its creation and they will get a chance to present their case. Their traditions must not be demeaned using terms such as slavery until the council has decided on this matter. For this, Hyuga Clan may have 3 months but in this period, all Hyuga Clan members— Main and Branch— must return to the village."

Hiashi adopts a grim expression and speaks softly, "Lord Third, the members of the branch family control the various businesses. Three months of quarantine will heavily affect the clan."

"I'm well aware," Hiruzen sighs softly, "But meetings of such nature require every member of the clan in question to be in the village. The village will compensate for half the losses incurred by the Hyuga Clan during this period and I must have the report of everyone's arrival in two weeks."

Hiashi nods with an ugly expression as Hiruzen continues, "And as discussed, Mukai Kohinata will temporarily stay in the same complex occupied by the Advisors of the village. Your vacation shall extend for three months, too with half your recorded expenses provided by Village."

Meanwhile, almost numb at this point, Nawaki stands when others do and leaves, feeling utterly 'small' in a sense. He could have never expected Tsunade and Nono to deal with such issues. Yes, this case is rare but Tsunade must have dealt with many political matters before, right?

'It's too stressful... then... what about being a Kage? How did Grandpa Hashirama deal with the problems back then?'

{A/N: Lol, by pimping out forces of nature and throating down the most capable bachelor of the Uchiha clan...}

Nawaki is left contemplating his own weaknesses in many areas and questions ways to deal with these issues. First and foremost— his skills.

He needs to get better and quickly so.

'A war is coming? I did hear rumors and so but... Elder Sis never told me anything about it... did she want me to find it out on my own?'

Nawaki returns to his compound with stars already visible in rare twinkles decorating the night sky. He would train...

But not now.

Sitting around and dealing with politics is exhausting.


[Name: Kai

Age: 15

Title: Jonin Instructor

Gamer Traits: Skill Tree; Sleepless Gamer

Rank: Jonin

Hit Points: 100%

Stamina: 100/100% (48.1/min)

Senjutsu/Chakra: 323239 (88982→ 92354+250%) || (3010/min) (800→ 860+250%/min)

Physique: 480→ 484/1000

Mental: 534→ 559/1000

Perception: 451→ 489/1000

Water: 54.9/100%

Wind: 33/100%

Fire: 21.1/100%

Earth: 42.2/100%

Lightning: 31/100%

Yin: 40.3/100%

Yang: 40.1/100%]

[Skill points: 2976]

[Reduction of Chakra Wastage: 100%]

[Reduction of Senjutsu Chakra Wastage: 52→ 54%]

Kai has yet to sleep. It's not because of his trait, of course— But childish excitement.

Wood Clones proved to be an absolute beast in grinding Mental and Perception Stats.

'If Hashirama Senju used such clones his entire life, there is no doubt he was the greatest challenger to Madara Uchiha most naturally! The sheer benefits and resistance to Genjutsu provided by these two stats are insane. I'm still only getting more and more better at controlling six clones only. This means my perceptions and mind are divided into seven tasks at once. Grinding higher stats becomes more difficult but by putting my mind through hell, in just three months, I pulled up quite a bit.'

The situation has reversed greatly. Since the beginning, his physical body is something Kai never had any problem training and he struggled with his perception quite a bit but now...

Training his physical body became more difficult. He's still growing naturally but eventually, he will hit the peak of his potential and that's when he will need to find ways to better his body once more.

Not only that, he finally understands a little bit more about elemental bloodline limits like the Wood and Ice release.

As he suspected, the entryway way into such a kekkei genkai is either transplanting genes using the [Chimera Cursed Seal] or having 40% mastery of two elements.

A person cannot train their mastery of an element beyond 20% easily. Hitting the peak of 20% instantly makes a jonin better than his peers and slightly better skills in other aspects of Ninjutsu make one an elite. Even Hiruzen— officially dubbed as the Professor due to his ability to wield all the five elemental ninjutsu— is not an exception.

Hitting 30% is a massive accomplishment and leads to the creation of devastating ninjutsu such as Frost Gun, Railgun, and Shurikengun. These skills completely utilize the element's secondary nature.

40% is a true game changer. Kai has spent a lot of time practicing [Wood Nature Transformation] since Wooden Clones made it harder to train due to his divided mind, he understands deeply that he no longer needs the Chimera Seal on his chest formed by Hashirama Senju's cell to perform Wood Style.

He even removed the seal on his chest. It was no longer needed.

'I bet I can even create the water and earth variant for the Lightning Cloak Technique...' Kai muses. The thought is certainly entertaining but the grind demands hardness! It demands erect wood to grow!

Ironically, Lightning Cloak is one Jutsu whose sage variant eludes Kai even now. Or, a much more understandable situation is— Lightning Cloak is not suited to Senjutsu. To use Senjutsu, one must be in Sage Mode or Sage Transformation and that already attunes one's body to nature and enhances raw might by 10 times!

Adding a Lightning Cloak... or at least trying to add such a thing is meaningless.

'Next, I'm gonna learn more wood release techniques, beat Tsunade's ass, and force her to teach me that hot slime technique!' Kai still felt aroused whenever he thought of Tsunade's handjob... it's peak man pumper.

"— ey, are you listening?" The voice instantly questions flatly and Kai blinks before grinning and nodding as he 'finds' himself in the dining room, "Of course, I am."

Staring at the youth suspiciously, Mikoto adds, "I see... as I was saying, I think I'm ready to try and sleep with you alongside Sensei..."

Kushina and Nono almost choke on their meat while Kai almost squeaks in joy, "Really?" Like a kid who has discovered Santa in a world full of magical shinobi, he is about to gush, Mikoto scoffs, "So you were NOT listening!"

Kai discreetly looks around at the table and questions awkwardly, "But... do you imagine it?"

With a throbbing vein popping over her temple, Mikoto glowers, "Just tell me the time you're leaving tomorrow. It's your first mission outside the village in a while and so I'd like to see you off."

"5," Kai sulks somewhat and deflates, "You know... your dad met me a few hours ago. Demanding grandchildren and all that."

Rolling her eyes, the Uchiha scoffs, "Should have told him to just have another kid with Kyo-san. Sarachi needs a sibling his age."

"I'm left a little wondering," Nono suddenly speaks up.

"About having kids?" Kushina asks weirdly.

"No... the other thing... are we ever going to sleep together?" The brunette adjusts her fake glasses and questions with an odd glimmer reflecting through her glasses.


Mikoto begins coughing and then takes a sip of water before sighing in relief.

On the other hand, Kushina lowers her head with a deep flush.

In times like these, Kai really does shine as he scowls, "Worry about getting past me before aiming for my fiancee you sexual deviant!"

"So there is a condition?" Nono contemplates.

Mikoto finally groans, "Why do our conversations, especially during dinner, turn to such a direction?"

"I mean, the answer is simple," Kai shrugs, "If you do want the experience, sure. Anyway, it will be different for you guys. I'm the one person who really can't force this matter."

Aside from his heavy hand and forceful nature during training, Kai really never did go out of his way to cause the girls any problem. He's always been somewhat compliant in that regard— slightly.

Thinking for a moment, Mikoto mutters softly while 'sourly' drinking her soup, "Like we discussed... if you're officially related to Kai... I don't see any reason to be that conflicted by the idea..."

"So... fiancees are fine?" Kai questions with a giddy tone.

"Marriage," Mikoto retorts flatly.

Kai blinks and snickers while nudging Mikoto's shoulder, "Wanna get married—"

But seeing her expression, Kai coughs and clears his throat, "Yeah, knock it off with the weird questions, Kushina!"

With her lips gaping, the redhead shouts, "I didn't say anything!"

"I heard you asking for threesomes and foursomes..." Nono sighs softly, "You are at an age where curiosity is understandable but please, Kushina, be sensible."

Kushina looks stunned and then she stares at Nono for quite some time before looking at Mikoto who merely shakes her head with a wry expression.

The poor tomato could be in another village and still, Kai and his 'Bro' would pull the redhead into a world of tease!


Alternate Title: Hashirama Ran The Village With a Hardened Coc— Fist; Kushina Thirsts for Three or Four... Kittens; Definition of Mental-Perception Grind— Wooden Clone; Kai Does Not Need Hashirama In Him Anymore; Who's the Ignorant One— Kai or the Rest?; Never Underestimate a Harem Making Menace!


Shoutout to Casey Recore for support!!

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