Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 14b

It took a few minutes for them to settle down.


Kingo doubled over laughing so hard he fell to his knees. The other two staggered about, eventually settling down on the bench. Kingo joined them shortly thereafter as the all had a good laugh. Toshi eventually commented, "Oh god, we are so fucked." The laughter faded away. They all got quiet and thoughtful. Kingo looked to the others, "How long you been here?" Haruo looked thoughtful, "I want to say nine months." Toshi answered, "About six months." Kingo looked up at the sky, "And I'm this week. When did your friend flip?" Harou looked thoughtful, "About year ago, I think." Toshi looked thoughtful, "I wonder if we have someone we haven't met from three months ago."


Kingo looked at Toshi, "You're thinking whatever is happening has a pattern." Haruo looked at Toshi, "Yeah. Maybe it's a once a season thing." He looked up at the sky, "I think yer alright, new guy." Kingo looked over at Haruo, "Thanks." Haruo replied, "I'm gonna talk to our fourth and see if she is good with us having a meeting. All four of us." Toshi chuckled, "A support group for inter-dimensionally displaced people?" He paused then added, "Do you love her?" Harou looked at Toshi, "Her? Uh, no. I... had feelings for the other her, but not this one. No..." He smirked, "Besides, how could I limit myself to just one?"


Both Kingo and Toshi looked at Haruo, "Excuse me?" Haruo grinned back, "You know women will PAY you to have sex, right?" He interlaced his fingers and put his hands behind his back, "Getting laid and getting paid for it? It's amazing." He glanced at Toshi and Kingo, "It's why I think your concerns about men from our world being a problem isn't that big of a deal. Why would you force a woman to have sex when so many are begging to fuck you? Makes no sense to me."


Kingo frowned, "Wait, you're... a gigolo?" Haruo nodded, "Yup. Got three steady customers." He smirked, "I sometimes give them discounts if they let me dress them up." Toshi squinted, "Three? I thought you said two?" Haru suddenly looked nervous, "Oh! Well. really it's two. I... kinda... sorta... maybe have a third. I don't want to brag too much. It's two regulars and two that were... well... fun, but a mistake."


Kingo looked thoughtful, "I take it in our world you weren't very popular?" Haruo nodded. Toshi jumped in, "I think you'll find what women find attractive here is a bit different." He pointed at his face, "Back home I'd be thought of as a bit of an effeminate wuss. Here, I'm apparently the most beautiful boy in school." He gave Kingo a look up and down, "I bet back home you had to beat the girls off with a stick." Kingo looked at himself, "Yeah." he smirked and got a bit of a far of look, "I won't lie. I was popular with the girls."


Toshi nodded and then reached over to give him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder, "Hate to tell you this, but you're kinda ugly here." Both Kingo and Haruo looked at Toshi, "What?" He looked at Haruo, "And you? Everyone thinks you look like a slut. Sorry. I don't know if anyone has told you this, but-" He started pointing to parts of Haruo, "Muscles are sexy, but too many muscles makes you a slut." He gestured to his clothes, "Women go gaga for rolled up sleeves. It's not tits and ass here, but arms and ass." Haruo looked at his rolled up sleeves, "But, I see guys wearing short sleeves all the time."


Toshi shrugged, "Short sleeves are fine, it's rolled up sleeves that make you a slut." He threw his hands up to the sky, "Don't ask me! I found out the hard way when the classroom air conditioner broke down!" Kingo blinked, "Wait. Ike was talking about that. When I was asking him about you he said you once stripped naked in your homeroom because of the heat." Toshi rolled his eyes, "I unbuttoned my shirt..." He held up a finger that he swayed from Kingo to Haruo and back, "AND I HAD AN UNDERSHIRT ON..." He lowered his finger, "And... I rolled up my sleeves." He snapped his fingers, "Oh. And I misted myself with a water bottle to cool down." He held his hands out and made a dual slashing motion, "THAT WAS IT."


Harou blinked, "And... that made everyone think you were a slut?" Toshi shook his head, "Everyone knows about the memory loss, so everyone just thinks I'm retarded." Haruo looked thoughtful, "Oh. Wait, does misting yourself make you a slut?" Toshi looked thoughtful, "Uh... Ruri said that... women like to see wet men. Like, sweaty, or better still, oily." He tapped his chin, "Being shiny for some reason." He looked at the sky, "Or tears. Women love to protect crying men. It's some sort of built in instinct for them." He looked from one to the other, "I've been researching this for a while. I can send you a bunch of links if you give me your email."


They paused to exchange personal information. When they were finished, Kingo spoke, "Well... as long as the girls are willing, I suppose that's okay, but there is only one girl in the world for me. The love of my life and reason for living." Toshi looked at Kingo, a bit of dread building up in his voice, "And who is that?" Kingo closed his eyes and looked blissful, "Naora." He opened his eyes to stare at Toshi, "She's dead in the other world. I couldn't save her, but she's alive here. I can't wait-"


Toshi facepalmed.


They both looked at Toshi. Haruo let out a low, "Uh-oh."


Toshi looked at Kingo, "She's not the same person, you know that, right?" Kingo looked at Toshi up and down and said, "You said you took two bullets for her. You saved her life in this world." He started to speak softly, "I couldn't save her in mine." He took a deep breath before continuing, "I was so close, but this kid tripped trying to run away and fell in front of me. I couldn't get to her in time. She died in my arms." He closed his eyes, "Toshi... Ike told me nobody was having a relationship with her. She was the top bully in the school and didn't have a boyfriend." He opened his eyes to look right into Toshi's eyes, "Tell me the truth. Is she dating anyone?" Toshi stared back, "You sure you want to hear this?" Kingo nodded. Toshi added, "You can't tell anyone." Kingo nodded again and braced himself. Toshi closed his eyes as he spoke.




"I've been sleeping with her for months."

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