Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 14c

Toshi waited for a punch to the face that never came.


"Do you love her?"


Toshi opened one eye to see a very sad looking Kingo in front of him. Like his heart had been ripped out. No. Like this was the second time his heart had been torn from his chest. Kingo repeated himself, "Do you love her?" Toshi turned to look at the ground, "Honestly? I don't know. I think I love her, but we have so many problems. I'm from a family of cops, she's from a family of drug smugglers and pimps. An Aunt of hers murdered my sister here and there is a lot of bad blood between our two families." Toshi slowly made a fist, "She doesn't want to be-" As he spoke, Kingo joined in, speaking the exact same words in unison.


"What they are turning her into."


They looked at each other. Kingo spoke with passion, "They were arranging a marriage for her. They were going to marry her into the Kodo family. In our world, she was just livestock to be married off for the benefit of her family." He made a fist, "But that bitch Gen wanted to be the one to marry into the Kodo family. So she took out the hit on Naora." He suddenly grabbed Toshi's shoulder, "What's Gen doing? Please tell me Naora is safe."


Toshi just nodded, "They... are having a contest to see who will be the next head of the family here. Gen and Naora were competing who could sell the most drugs. I..." He paused, "There's differences between our two worlds. This world lags behind ours. I noticed some ways to make investments and I made a bunch of money." He looked at the ground, "A lot of money. I thought I might be able to buy Naora's freedom, but..." He shook his head, "It came in handy. It saved Naora's life. She could claim that she 'earned' it if I said I was 'hers'." Haruo squinted, "What do you mean by, 'hers'?"


Toshi turned to Haruo, "I had to claim to be her fuck toy. So my money was her money and it counted towards her totals." Kingo asked, "Did Naora win?" Toshi turned back, "It was declared a tie. They are in the middle of a second contest now. They are competing now by managing two different soaplands. The one who runs it best, gets to be the next the head of the house and the loser gets..." His voice trailed off. Kingo nodded in understanding, "I... take it you don't approve." Toshi gave Kingo a double take, "You'd want a lover who's a pimp?"




Toshi blinked, "What?" Kingo nodded, "I'd love her, no matter what. Whatever she is, what ever she turns out to be, I'd love her just the way she is and I would never, ever ask her to change." He put a hand over his heart, "I know this isn't the same Naora, but that doesn't change how I feel. How this feels like a second chance." He slowly closed his eyes and lowered his head, "But you are the one who saved her. She owes you her life and part of loving someone is knowing that you want what is best for them." He shook his head slowly, "I am so... grateful you saved her life. I am. If..." He opened his eyes to look up at Toshi, "If she is happy with you, if she is in love with you, if you can keep her safe and alive... Good."


Kingo slowly clenched his fist over his heart, "But I'm not not just going to walk away. I'm telling you, I want to show her who I am then let her choose. If you are telling me you only THINK you love her, well, I KNOW I love her. I can't just walk away. " Toshi stared at Kingo through his whole speech, then turned to look at the ground. He stared at the ground for a long time before speaking, "I love her." He then looked up, "But I don't know if we can be together." He turned back to the ground, "There is so much arrayed against us. I don't know if I could compromise myself." He nodded slowly, "You are right. I am asking her to change. I think it's a change that is best for her, but I am still asking her to change for me."


Haruo, listening this whole time, finally spoke up, "Holy Keanu Christ, this girl must be amazing for you both to love her this much." They both looked up and smiled, "Yeah." Toshi turned to Kingo, "No cheating." Kingo blinked, "Huh?" Toshi held up a finger, "Don't lie to her, ever. Don't lie about me. Don't be deceptive. You want to fight to win her heart, fine. I get it. In many ways, you are a better choice because you are willing to live in her world, and I want her to live in mine." He tapped Kingo on the chest, "Don't win her heart by cheating. If you win it fair and square, fine." He let his hand drop, "I won't cheat either."


Haruo interjected, "But don't tell anyone about where we are REALLY from." Kingo blinked, "Wait. Why not?" Haruo frowned, "We're already under medical scrutiny. FOUR known cased of... whatever happened to us. What if they come to think it's contagious? What if they think we're insane? Or a danger to ourselves or others?" He shook his head, "Like it or not, we all have to be as... 'normal'... whatever normal IS... as POSSIBLE. We already have too much of a profile. If we draw any more attention, we ALL could wind up in a laboratory." He shook his head, "If either of you start blabbing... Sorry, but I don't want to wind up in a rubber room... or vivisected."


Toshi thought about it, "You have a good point." He looked at Kingo, "We all have to keep this quiet, at least until we all agree not to." Kingo though as well then nodded, "Agreed. I really want to explain everything to Naora, but... yeah." He offered a hand to Toshi, "I mean this. May the best man win." Toshi took it and shook it once, "Agreed. Whatever is best for her." Haruo shook his head in disbelief, "I've never seen anything like this." Toshi looked at Haruo, "What?" Harou snorted at pointed at the two before him, "You two. Two men in a world full of horny women, fighting over the same woman, and being so utterly polite about it because SHE is what matters." He gestured to the park entrance, "There are millions of women out there begging to be with you! As much sex as you can stand and you are fighting over ONE woman?"


Toshi looked at Haruo with pity, "You've never been in love, have you?" Haruo frowned, "I was. But she's stuck in another universe and I'm moving on." He abruptly stood up, "Look. I wanted to talk about a bunch of stuff, but we're stuck dealing with all your drama." He took a deep breath, "Sorry. I know this is important to you, but it feels like I'm stuck in an Otome game."


Toshi froze at those words. Kingo echoed those words himself, "Otome game..." He tilted his head, "What if that's what's going on?" Haruo looked at Kingo, "What?" Kingo looked up, "Oh, C'mon. You've read those Isekai stories! What if that's what's happening?" Haruo rubbed his forehead, "Fucked if I know." He looked at his phone, "It is getting late. I got to go." He looked at the other two, "I'll talk to her, see about a time we can all meet, and next time..." He rolled his eyes, "Can we leave the personal drama at home?"


Kingo and Toshi looked at each other, "I think we can do that." The both nodded and got up as well. Kingo checked his phone, "Yeah. I need to get the car home." He looked at Toshi, "Thank you, for keeping her alive. I feel like an ass trying to take her from you, but..." Toshi nodded, "But.... just remember she isn't the same Naora. If you ARE in love, make sure you aren't in love with who she WAS, not who she IS." Kingo nodded, "Yeah, but I got to try." He shrugged, "Anyways. Glad to meet you both. Feels good knowing I'm not alone." Toshi nodded, "Same here. We'll figure something out." 


Harou smirked, "Because as men we swear."


Toshi and Kingo both laughed, "As men we swear." They all nodded. Haruo let out a long breath, "You know... Feels good. Knowing we have a purpose, you know? Like... You know?" Kingo nodded, "Yeah. I know." Toshi smiled, "I think that's the best part." They both looked at him, "What is?"




"Finally finding someone who gets it."

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