Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 16a

The movie was bad.



Princess Primeria adjusted the sword sheathed at her side fondling the hilt subconsciously while all sound faded away until only she could hear the double thump of her pulsing heart. The camera focused in on prince Lance who wasn't paying attention to anything, just smiling as he clearly kept rambling on with his cheerful banter, completely unaware of the danger he was in. The princess’ military uniform was crisp, sharp, and a blue that seemed quite soothing to the eye. The color was a counterpoint to the angry red of the enemy general whom they were currently fleeing.


Lance was quite beautiful with his big blue eyes, bouncy blond hair, smooth complexion and his eternal smile. He was happy, innocent, and naive in only the way a movie love interest can be. He moved in a way that showed off his lithe and supple body, as well as showed off the large bulge in his pants. As Toshi watched the movie, it was hard not to notice that the camera never gave up a chance to focus in on Lance's crotch, ass or arms.


It was annoying the fuck out of him.


Here he was, getting so much shit for having rolled up his sleeves in the middle of a heat wave, and yet, on camera, this ditz of a prince was prancing around, not a care in the world, with his damn sleeves rolled up.


Toshi had given up trying to enjoy the movie and was now trying to amuse himself by deconstructing the movie. He had taken a taxi to the mall where Mieko would meet him at noon. Toshi insisted on paying for lunch. It was a bit of a fight actually. Toshi eventually had to speak quite loudly in the food court to make it clear to not just Mieko, but also the people in the area that, "YOU SAVED MY LIFE. I AM PAYING FOR LUNCH."


That settled it.


After eating, they went to go see a movie. Toshi asked what she wanted to see, and was surprised when she picked the latest supernatural romance thriller. In retrospect, Toshi should have asked if 'The Demon Within' was what she REALLY wanted to watch, or what she thought Toshi wanted to watch, but he had gotten used to girls being straight forward with him, so he assumed that was her actual preference.


Lord in heaven was this movie BAD.


The current scene was the sheltered prince was fleeing the court of their kingdom that Toshi couldn't even remember the name of. Why? Who knows. They were trying to be stealthy, but had a small army of servants with them and the main character stood out like a marine flare on a foggy night. They had snuck away by train, which was totally out of place for the sword and sorcerer neo-European setting, but hey, details.


Now the prince, who had never been outside the castle in his life was running around like a damn fool on a beach, that for some reason nobody else was on. It was just the two main characters and the rest of the servants disappeared and none of this had any continuity or made any sense. But, here they were, and the scene was now focused on the prince being all cute and clueless and accidentally sexy, while we had the internal monologue from the princess who was arguing with the lust demon trapped in her body.


Oh. Yeah. Important plot point.


The bad guy, for some goddamn reason, had a bound demon that he stuck in Princess Primeria by shooting her with an arrow. Now, why not just use a poison arrow and kill her? Good question. Maybe we'll get an answer someday but Toshi wasn't holding his breath. However, the demon that should have taken over the main character and made her murder everyone was contained because of her undying love for Prince Lance.


While the so-called internal conflict raged and we got to hear the absolutely cringe worthy dialogue of the Princess arguing with the lust demon, oh wait, Demon Princess of lust. Yeah. It's not just ANY demon of lust. No no no. It's the Demon PRINCESS of LUST. Because, you know, the main character can't just resist ordinary temptation, they have to resist the ULTIMATE temptation.


Toshi turned and started looking around the theater. He was hating the movie, but in the back of his mind he thought maybe this was a good choice after all. As he watched what other people were going, there seemed to be either groups of boys, or couples. He straightened up and squinted into the darkness as he looked around from his and Mieko's seats in the rear of the theater.


Mieko had made a fuss when he indicated he wanted to sit in the back. He didn't like sitting too close. He couldn't figure out why it was so upsetting to her. She eventually agreed, but refused to sit on the sides. Nope, if they were going to sit in the back, it had to be on the middle section next to the stairs. Toshi was finally catching on as to why. It seemed the groups of boys all sat in the front. Groups of couples sat in the middle center, but in the back rows, you had the couples that were into skinship.


The couples that sat in the back on the far left or right took up the seats as close to the wall as possible. This gave them the maximum amount of privacy and they were taking advantage of it. Toshi was sitting one seat over from the stairs and had to lean out to look past Mieko to see the couple directly to their right was... well...


Toshi was choosing to assume they were just REALLY into kissing.


After a minute he noticed that Mieko was looking at him as he stared past her. She clearly wasn't trying to stare, but she apparently couldn't help it. Even in the dim light of the theater, he could tell she was blushing and sweating up a storm. He wasn't quite sure why, but assumed she was embarrassed and so promptly stopped and turned back to the movie.


Although he did glance to his left to see another couple that, while not as energetic as the first, were at least holding each other. The guy seemed much more interested in the movie than his partner. She was far more focused on him.




Toshi returned his focus to the movie.

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