Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 16b

"You have to get away from me!"


"But why?"


"I told you, I have a demon in my head and it is very hard to control it. Here." Primeria handed a dagger to Lance, "If I do something improper, stab me with this." The prince looked at the dagger then looked at Primeria, "Why would I need this?"


Primeria turned away, gazing into the setting sun, the light glinting off her eyes as she raised her chin to look out across the water defiantly. The music swelled as she spoke in grave tones, "The demon whispers to me, telling me to do dark things. Evil things. It wants me to bring you... to ruin."


Lance tossed the dagger aside and laughed, "But that will never happen because you said you'd always protect me!" He grinned and shrugged in a way that brought focus to his arms. Arms, one might add, that were exposed because he innocently rolled up his sleeves. As a prince, he had no idea how provocative this was to her.


Toshi got a chill as the parallel struck him like a hammer blow.


Lance abruptly hugged Primeria, causing her face to turn red. The camera focused in on the image of lance's exposed arms around her, the way he rubbed up against her. His bowed and submissive head position as he leaned his forehead against her shoulder. He spoke in a pouty tone, "Why don't you pet me on the head anymore like when we were younger?"


Toshi slapped his hand over his mouth to keep from bursting out in laughter at the sheer stupidity at it all. Mieko looked at Toshi with a quizzical look. Toshi looked back, got himself under control, and then leaned in to whisper to her, "This is so stupid."


Mieko looked confused, up at the movie, then back to Toshi. Toshi shook his head slightly then continued, "Oh c'mon. She keeps telling him, I have a demon in my head that tells me to do horrible things, but can't work herself up to tell him, 'Oh, by the by, it's the demon princess of lust and it wants me to rape you. Also, could you stop touching me because it's making it very difficult to keep these urges under control, because, you know, demon in my head. Kinda sucks. Could you stop being a retard until after I get this thing out of my skull?'"


Mieko listened, thought about it for a second, then nodded, "I don't get it, either." Toshi then went in for the kill, "So why did you pick this movie? What do you see in it?" Mieko winced, then sheepishly admitted, "I thought... it was something you would want to see."


Toshi let out a long sigh, "Yeah. I thought so." He looked up at the screen, then leaned in to continue with Mieko, "Remember the whole choosing a tuxedo for the ball scene? He tried on a bunch of outfits for his mother then said, 'I cannot decide, you choose for me.' then got really annoyed when his mother picked the wrong one?" Mieko nodded, "Other guys might do that testing-you-to-make-sure-you-can-read-my-mind crap, but I don't. If I say, 'I do not care what movie we watch, I mean, I don't care what movie we watch."


Mieko eyed Toshi out of the corner of her eye, "I don't believe you."


Toshi looked surprised, "What?" Mieko shook her head, "I might look like I don't date much, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. I have two older brothers, you know. I get along just fine with my dad and while he is great and I love him-" She pointed at the screen, "He does all these mind games as well." Toshi opened his mouth, but she cut him off, "Your sister asked me to date you so you can re-learn normal, remember?" She let out a soft sigh, "Nothing personal, but even if you lost your memory, you are still a guy. Acting like..." She jutted her chin towards the screen, "THAT is second nature. You can tell me to be honest and say what I really want and NOT read your mind, like every other guy I ever talked to..."


She looked a little annoyed, "And then as soon as I let down my guard and I'm actually truthful and honest, you all flip out." She tapped her chest over her heart, "I believe in the teachings of my faith. I try to live by it every day. I don't like lying. I want to be open and truthful to everyone all the time. I can do that with other girls. I do that with adults, but when I am honest to boys, absolutely truthful-" She cut herself off and stared at the empty popcorn cup between them. She looked back up, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. It is just something that really annoys me."


Toshi thought for a few moments then looked back at her, "Thanks." She blinked, "For what?" Toshi grinned, "For being honest and telling me what you really think." Mieko froze as she realized what her little rant was about. Toshi sat there in the dark, watching the unfolding drama as the princess was struggling to control her uncontrollable emotions and deny herself what she wanted most.


Toshi glanced around, seeing what other couples we're doing at this moment. The boys were all on the edge of their seats. The girls were all focused on the guys. In fact, by now, all of the girls with guys had made some sort of attempt at skinship. If nothing else, they at least did the old yawn-stretch-put-your-arm-on-the-back-of-the-chair-then-slide-it-down-to-put-your-arm-around-your-partner trick.


Except for Mieko.


Toshi thought about this. Mieko was being really super polite. She was clearly doing exactly what her sister asked her to do. He realized that Mieko would never try anything. In many ways, she was like this insane princess in front of him, resisting temptation for its own sake. Well, he assumed Mieko was tempted. Maybe. Toshi frowned, ~Am I being too arrogant? I'm assuming she finds me attractive.~ He glanced at her, ~I also don't want to ruin the date like last time. I want this to be fun for both of us.~


He leaned close to Mieko and whispered into her ear, "Am I attractive?"


Mieko's whole body shook at the question as she had a momentary panic attack. She started to cough, then laugh softly, then rub the back of her neck as she tried to figure out the right response to this loaded question, "Well... of course you are... but uh... that is..." Toshi didn't give her a chance to finish.


Toshi abruptly took his left sleeve and pointedly rolled it up. As she looked at him with a puzzled expression, he grabbed her wrist, lifted her arm up and around, putting her arm around his shoulders. He leaned into her like the other couples around them, "I figured you'd never do this on your own." As he held her hand on his bare, exposed bicep.


Mieko was paralyzed with fear.


Her heart rate went through the roof. Sweat immediately started to form on her brow. She could feel her hand on his exposed arm. She didn't move. She couldn't move. She had no idea what to say. Toshi let go of her hand, leaving it on his arm as he relaxed against her, "If you don't like this, just say so."


Mieko opened and closed her mouth repeatedly. This was way too much. She was desperately trying to figure out the right answer, the proper answer, and the socially acceptable answer. This was her best friend's brother. She was not supposed to be here for THIS. Wait? Was this a test? Was he doing this to see-


As her mind raced around in circles, Toshi murmured softly, "It must be difficult." She blinked as his words derailed her mental death spiral, "What?" Toshi closed his eyes as he rubbed his head against her shoulder, "You deal with crazy boys and crazy brothers and a crazy father who are all emotionally unstable, constantly changing their minds and playing games with you because they think it's fun." He reached over to take her other hand in his and held it in her lap.


"It must be difficult to trust me because from your point of view, the rules keep changing." He interlaced his fingers with hers, "It sounds like all the guys you know keep moving the goal posts. You don't know where you stand." He nodded his head at the movie, "We're told this is romance. The gal is saying, 'Do not do this thing. It hurts me.' and the guy goes ahead and does the thing anyways. We're told it's cute and fun when the guy is a flake and constantly changes his mind, no matter how much it hurts her."


Toshi snorted with derision, "If you think about it, it's insulting. As a guy, I'm not supposed to have any self-control. I'm supposed to be allowed to do whatever I want without restriction and you are supposed to deal with whatever shit I do, suffer, then protect me from my own stupid mistakes." He squeezed her hand slightly, "I'm an idiot and you are the one who has to have god-like iron-will to endure any amount of pain that you must keep hidden from me at all times because I'm weak and you are strong and god forbid you might need to depend on me." He was quiet for a full minute before adding, "It must be Hell to never be able to cry in front of the one you want most to comfort you, because how they see you is more important than your own pain."


Mieko couldn't move. Every instinct she had ever learned told her that anything she did would be the wrong choice, but as she listened to him, she slowly relaxed. She started to think about what he was saying, about what she was feeling, then about the movie they were watching. Eventually she came to a conclusion, "You're right."


Toshi turned slightly to look up at her, "Hmm?" She pulled her head away to look back, "This movie is stupid." Toshi grinned, then closed his eyes and went back to leaning into her shoulder, "If this is uncomfortable, we can stop. Just-" She cut him off, "No!" People around them glanced over as she spoke a little too loud. She shrunk down in her seat in embarrassment before continuing in a whisper, "No. This is fine."





She turned her eyes to a movie she was no longer watching while she slowly stroked his arm.

"This is just fine."

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