Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 2

“Greetings fellow women! It is I, Taylor Swift The Fiend, your favorite succubus avatar coming to you with another video. What is up? We have a fine selection of terrible InstaTok videos today. Pure cringe, my friends and perfect examples of why women just don’t want to date men anymore.”


Toshi was listening to another WGTOW video trying to figure out what the female perspective was in this world. However, it was difficult to gleem any useful information because all it seemed to be was a bunch of women going on about how much they hate men. He was scrolling through the comments as he listened to the video.


“Girls, I have to say, this next video is a classic. He is asking, where have all the good women gone? He is asking why he can’t find a good woman. Well, he can. Even at forty and hitting the wall, he can find a woman who is willing to simp for him. However, what has happened is he can’t get the woman he wants.” The video showed a clip of a man whinging about how women need to grow up and learn to commit.


Taylor Swift’s avatar returned, “You spent your 20’s playing around with Muffy and Tyrell riding the pussy go round and now you are wondering why no woman wants to marry your tramp stamped ass?” The avatar rolled its eyes, “Men are supposed to have standards, but when a woman has standards, it’s sexism. Well, good luck living into your golden years with your house full of puppies.” Toshi paused the video when he felt a finger tapping on his shoulder. He looked to see Ruri standing behind him.


“What are you doing sitting out here?” Toshi turned off his cellphone and put away his earbuds, “Waiting for you, actually. I need your advice.” Ruri quirked an eyebrow, “Does this have anything to do with the stock split?” Toshi squinted, “What?” Ruri reached into her pocket and pulled out a print out that she handed over, “You were right, again. Glad I told you to reinvest my pay.” Toshi took the print out and gaped, “What the hell? This wasn’t supposed to happen for like, another six months.”


She shrugged, “You know you are going to start drawing a lot of attention, right? I mean, even with those shell companies to cover your tracks, you just made a four hundred and eight percent return on your investment in the space of six days. People are going to notice.” She looked around then leaned in, “Toshi, tell me one more time what we are doing is legal, because this much money this fast seems shady as HELL.”


Toshi stared at the printout, “It’s perfectly legal. I’m just really good at predicting trends, but I never expected those companies to merge then do a stock split four days after we went all in. I figured we would have to sit on this for a while.” He looked up, “And we don’t always win. Sometimes we lose.”


Ruri snorted as she sat on the bench next to Toshi, “Sometimes? We’ve had a mere eight percent failure rate since we started, whereas we’ve doubled the initial investment a dozen times in the past few months. This is insane!” She looked around and leaned in to whisper, “I can’t go to jail. I’m very fragile. I’d never make it in the joint.” Toshi snorted, “Joint?” She rolled her eyes, “You know what I mean.” He shook his head, “I’m just lucky, that’s all. But…” He looked at the paper, “You’re right. We’re going to draw too much attention. Damn it, I guess I am going to have to hire someone.” Ruri tilted her head to the side, “Was that what you needed to talk about?”


Toshi shook his head, “Actually, what I need is… to know what a girl expects on a date.”


Ruri looked puzzled for a second, then let out a long, ‘Oh’. She bobbed her head for a bit, “Finally going to take your sister up on those blind dates, huh?” He looked glum and hung his head, “I can’t keep putting this off, so yeah, I’m going to have to get this over with.” Ruri looked sideways at Toshi, “Uh… why don’t you want to go out with them? They are the top three most eligible girls in school. The fact they have been waiting for you to make up your mind should tell you something, in and of itself.”


Toshi rolled his eyes, “Don’t remind me! I figured if I just held out long enough they’d move on. What the hell is wrong with them?” Ruri stared at Toshi. Toshi looked back. Eventually he asked, “What?” Ruri shook her head, “Even after all this time I still get floored at how clueless you are.”


Toshi snorted, “Look. I need to know what a girl expects from a guy on a date. Just, what would YOU like from your date.” Ruri narrowed her eyes, “Toshi, you aren’t pining for me are you?” Toshi looked surprised, “WHAT?” Ruri shrugged, “You did say, in the past, that you were interested in me and now you are asking what I would like from someone I am dating…” Toshi looked at the ground and thought about these words.


“I won’t say I don’t…” He rubbed his forehead, “Look. I don’t know if men and women can ever really be friends, but I happen to need you as a friend more than I need you as a girlfriend. I’m not trying to figure out how to get you to date me. I am really just trying to figure out how to get through these three blind dates.”


Ruri listened intently, then nodded, “Good. Because I really need you as a friend as well.” She looked off into the distance, “Honestly, I haven’t been thinking about dating at all. I’ve just pushed all those feelings down and I’ve resigned myself to focusing on being a success. I don’t have time to date.”


Toshi physically jerked all over at the sudden onrush of memories from his previous life. It was eerie how much this echoed his old childhood and what was worse, he couldn’t help but regret his choices. Ruri noticed this and grabbed his shoulder, “Toshi! Are you having another seizure?”


Toshi held up a hand and shook his head, “I’m… fine. It was just a moment.” He took a deep breath and turned back to look Ruri in the eyes, “Don’t.” She looked confused, “Don’t what?” He took her hand, “Don’t waste your childhood. You should try and have fun. Find someone and have relationships with people. Trust me, you’ll regret it.” Ruri’s eyebrows slowly raised up before she facepalmed. She shook her head a bit then sighed, “Toshi. You are acting really weird again.”


Toshi took her head in his hands and stared into her eyes, “Ruri. I’m serious. Please. Promise me you won’t lose yourself in work. Try to have a life. Your happiness means so much to me.” Ruri looked concerned as she took his hands and pulled them down to her chest, “Toshi, I’m-” She squeezed his hands, “Okay. Fine. I promise to try and have a life.” She pushed his hands into his lap, “So you want to know what is expected of you on a date, right?”


Toshi relaxed a bit, “Yes.” Ruri thought, “Well, I’d like you to look nice. I hope you’d put on nice clothing and maybe some makeup for a change.” She looked up at the sky, “Try to tell me what you enjoy ahead of time so I don’t have to guess.” Toshi nodded, “What would you do on a date? Like… what should I expect?”


Ruri squinted with one eye and started to count with her fingers, “Let’s see… Take you out for dinner, then some sort of entertainment like a movie…” She frowned slightly, “Then I’d most likely overshare and tell you way too much about myself.” She started to look increasingly depressed, “Then I’d realize I screwed up and things would get awkward. I’d try to fix things and over compensate, coming across as a freak, then be too scared to give you a good night kiss.” Toshi raised a finger, “uh…”


Ruri hung her head, “After that, you’d talk to all your friends and tell them what a freak I was. My reputation would be ruined and then rumors would get out of control, people would accuse me of trying to sexually assult-” Toshi snapped his fingers in front of Ruri’s face. She blinked and came out of her trance to look at Toshi. He frowned, “Holy crap! You need to stop being so negative.”


Ruri rolled her eyes, “It’s this damn memory of mine! I can’t help but remember every single thing that might go wrong. The problem is I can’t handle too much at once.” She rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands, “Mom explained it to me like this; Men are good multitaskers. It’s why they are so good at raising kids. They can handle twelve things at once. Women are monotaskers. We handle one thing at a time.” She looked at Toshi, “It’s why men are so emotional. You can do something and be emotional about it at the same time. Women can’t. We either are doing something, or we have feelings about it. Not both at the same time. It’s just too much.” She shrugged, "Hyper focus just comes with the vagina."


Toshi looked off into the distance for a second, “I’m… not sure if that’s how it works, but I can see what you mean.”  He looked back at her, “You are a great girl and any guy who asks you out would be lucky to have you.” Ruri burst out laughing for a second. Toshi looked confused. This made Ruri laugh even harder, “Oh god Toshi, don’t ever change!” She then gave him a quick hug. Toshi hugged back, “I…” Then realized what he said, “Oh. Duh. Girls ask guys out.” Ruri pulled back, “Yeah.” She rapped her knuckles on his head, “Wow. The wiring up there is really screwed up.”


She paused, then looked around. Seeing nobody else was nearby, “I’m not judging, but I got to ask…” She leaned in to whisper, “You aren’t a bull, are you?” Toshi blinked, “Bull?” She nodded, then looked a little embarrassed before explaining, “A bull is a very dominate gay man.” She pulled back, “I’m not saying, I’m just-”


Toshi’s expression went stone cold. Ruri instantly knew she screwed up. He frowned, “I am not gay. I am not even a little gay. I am not Bi. I have absolutely no interest in sexual relations with other boys.” He leaned in close, “EVER.” Ruri backed off and held up her hands towards him in a gesture of surrender, “Whoa! Just Asking! You… act in a way others might… see as…” Toshi looked increasingly pissed.


She held up a finger, “Hey! I’m telling you what other people will think, okay? You want to wander around not knowing how you act comes across? You want to know what I want from a date? Not some guy who acts like they want to be in charge. I want to be the one to wear the skirt in the relationship. And most other girls are like that as well. ”


Toshi thought about it for a moment, then calmed down, “I can’t help what other people think. I just care what you think.” Ruri felt guilty as his words pierced her heart. She gave him a pat on the shoulder, “Sorry. I didn’t think that you were actually a bull, I just wanted to remove all doubt.” She squeezed, “Besides, two guys getting it on? That’s really hot.”  Toshi’s eyes flared open wide as he snapped to look at her, “That’s disgusting.”


She flinched, “Hey. You asked what your date might want from you. I’ve been dancing around it, but they are going to want to…er…” Toshi sighed, “Fuck. They’ll want to fuck.” Ruri got a sly look, “Not to mention they wouldn’t mind you getting it on with some other guy, if they got to watch.  I mean, I’d be lying if I said-” She cleared her throat and shook her head, “Sorry. Off topic.” She looked up, ““But Yeah… I’m sure those three have strict orders from your sister not to do anything, but I can’t imagine any girl who you gave the go ahead to saying no.”


Toshi frowned, “Wait. How do I quote ‘give the go ahead’ unquote?” Ruri shrugged, “I got no clue. I have never seen any guy give me the go ahead. Well, I mean, guys show they are interested, you approach them, they pull away, you chase, they slow down, you pay them a lot of attention and then…” She sighed, “Something. I have no clue what. If I knew, I wouldn’t be a virgin.” She looked thoughtful, “Have you tried asking your sister or parents?” Toshi nodded, “Yes. And they flipped out. It is not a conversation we can have because they can’t get past the rape. It colors everything they think about me.”


Ruri flinched slightly at the word, then her expression turned grim, “Toshi, I know you are…I dunno… at peace with it… but so help me if I ever find the girl I will frickin’ murder her.” Toshi looked shocked, “Ruri… don’t. Please. Don’t. Okay. I get enough of that from my sister. Don’t ruin your life for me.” Ruri took a deep breath and let it out through her nose, “Toshi, I get how screwed up you are, but killing a rapist so she doesn’t rape anyone else is a public service.” She shrugged, “Besides, I’m just being hyperbolic. I don’t think I could kill someone. I still think what she did was the absolutely worst thing a person could do and any woman who crosses that line should be buried alive.” She lowered her voice, “Especially the one who attacked you.” She gave him a weak smile, “I know you talked about what a total asshole you were before your coma, but you are just the sweetest guy now.” Her expression turned dark, “That’s the problem. Any monster who’d do that would absolutely love the sweet, innocent-”


Toshi cut her off, “I am not as innocent as everyone thinks, okay? I have my dark side.” Ruri laughed and covered her face, “Oh my god!” Toshi frowned, “What? I do!” Ruri looked at Toshi, “I’ve seen your dark side, when you came to save me. That was righteous fury. Okay? What you think of as dark and edgy is just… cute.”


Toshi pulled away and looked at the ground, “Ruri… serious time, okay?”


Ruri’s smile faded and she nodded, “Okay. Serious time,”


Toshi looked at Ruri out of the corner of his eyes, “Everyone keeps saying how sweet, cute, nice, and pure I am. I mean, it’s been happening a lot. People rush to my defense whenever I have problems and just automatically assume I’m right and anyone I have a problem with is a villain.” He looked back at the ground, “Think about this question… is it possible that people only see me that way because I’m handsome?”


Ruri opened her mouth, but closed it immediately. She looked at the dirt and thought for a long time before answering, “Well… knowing what I know about you, and I can remember everything in detail, I think it is a factor. I think people do treat you better because you look good.” She paused, “But it is also how you act. You… come across as…”


She looked up, “Toshi. Do you really want to hear this?”


Toshi nodded, “Hit me.”


Ruri took a deep breath, “When someone first meets you, they think you are weird. This makes them confused and curious. You stand out as a puzzle they want to solve. You don’t talk much, so you are mysterious. You do crazy things. You do things backwards, and when you do, it’s really… cute.” She smiled, “The crazy things you say or do are cute. They really are. When I’m around you, I find myself laughing at the way you see things and it… makes me feel better.” She paused to compose her thoughts, “I feel good being around you. I think most people do.”


She looked up at the sky, “And you care. I mean, you got shot trying to save Naora. I don’t know if you understand how that made you look.” She turned her gaze back to Toshi, “Everyone thinks you're an angel. A sweet, pure, innocent…” Her smile faded, “Naive angel.” She sighs, “And that’s the problem. People think you’re kinda stupid, maybe even a little retarded. Not all the time, but sometimes you do really stupid things, and I think people just assume you are too dumb to be the bad guy.” She turned away to avoid Toshi’s gaze, “And that also makes you very… sexy. I mean, sexy in a way that makes a girl feel bad because she’s going, I’m having perverted thoughts about this angel. I must be a bad person.”


She then looked up into the distance, “Then you start thinking, I bet other people are thinking the same thing. What if they don’t have the same restraint?  I bet there are sickos out there who would take advantage of this guy.” She looked at Toshi, “Which is what makes a girl want to protect you. It… isn’t because they all find you super handsome and want to get in your pants, but because you look helpless. Girls have this inner need to protect their men. It’s that mothering instinct. You trigger that need for a mother to protect.”


“That’s how you come across.”


Toshi nodded slowly, taking in every word. At the end, he spoke softly, “Wow. I sort of had that all worked out, but never really put it together like that. I was feeling guilty about girls being so nice to me, just because I look good, but now that you explain everything, I can see how it all fits.” Ruri gave him a pat on the shoulder, “You okay?” He nodded, “Yeah.” She bit her lip, “Do you want to change?” He shook his head, “No. I am what I am. I… am just worried I’ll start to take advantage of people. I could weaponize this and it bothers me.”


Ruri let out a soft chuckle and squeezed his shoulder, “Toshi, the very fact that sort of thing bothers you is why it will never happen.” He looked at her with an expression mixed with worry and hope, “Really?” She closed her eyes as she nodded, “Yes.  You worry about other people way too much, in fact.”


The period bell sounded. They both looked up. Ruri commented, “Wow. We were talking for a long time.” They both got up as Toshi commented, “I suppose it’s time to get back inside.”


They both started walking back as Toshi asked one last question, “Out of curiosity, what would everyone think about someone who I started having sex with?” Ruri squinted at Toshi, “Seriously? Well, it depends. If it was after a long relationship, I suppose it would be acceptable. However, if someone just seduced you and got in bed with you. They would instantly become the most hated person in the school, and or the envy of every girl.” She looked ahead, “Everyone would assume that monster lied to you or drugged you, and would want them dead. People think you’re too naive to possibly give consent. It’s part of the reason why I don’t want to date you. Everyone would assume I took advantage of you.”


She suddenly got an odd look on her face, “Why are you asking? Are you-” Toshi inwardly tensed up and quickly cut her off, “No no no! I was just wondering ! That’s all.” His thoughts turned to Naora.

“Just… wondering.”

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