Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 3a

“That’s Awesome!”


Hinako was grinning from ear to ear after hearing her brother agree to going out on a date. She had the feeling he was stalling and was worried that he might be dating someone else secretly. The evidence was there, but she couldn’t figure out who. Maybe it was that girl Ruri, which wouldn’t be the worst choice, but her brother could do so much better. However, every conversation with Ruri indicated she wasn’t dating him, and that she had no idea if he was interested in anyone.


“He confesses everything to me, I seriously doubt he’s got a secret girlfriend.”


But all those worries fell away, now that he said he was finally ready to date.


“Look, I’m not that comfortable with this. I figured waiting a few months they’d find someone else to date. I really can’t believe they all waited just to date me.”


“Madoka is a bit of a perfectionist. She wouldn’t just date anyone. The boys all faun over her, but we’ve talked and it’s quite clear she wants to date the best.” She winked, “That’s you.” I clearly came across that Madoka was her preferred choice as she continued, “As for Abi, well… she did go on a date or two, but she wasn’t that serious about it.” She held up her hands, “Don’t get me wrong. She’s a great friend, a bit on the ‘fun’ side, if you get my meaning. I don’t know if she taking dating very seriously, but she thinks you're cool and she isn’t dating anyone currently.”


Her tone lowered slightly as she continued, “Meiko… Well… she’s really shy, but she is super reliable. I mean, she’s a rock. She’d likely have a boyfriend if she just tried. I also trust her implicitly.” She glanced at Toshi, “Honestly, I asked her to take you out on a date. I figured she could use the experience, and you need to date different types of girls.” She gave Toshi a thumbs up, “It’s okay if it doesn’t work out. They know you are trying to re-socialize so they’ll be super understanding.”


Toshi nodded, “Out of curiosity… did you tell them about… you know.” She shook her head violently, “Oh hell no. No no no… No. But none of them will make a move on you, regardless. I made that clear. If any of them try anything, let me know. I’ll-” Toshi leaned in, “Hey! Just asking! Relax. You need to relax.” He paused, “And I’ll make sure to make the boundaries clear.”


She nodded and looked a little sheepish, “Sorry. Just worried about you. This is a big step and I don’t want you to rush into this. I’m not even saying you have to like them, I just want you to give each one a chance and… try to…” He interjected, “Be normal?” Hinako frowned, “Toshi…” She sighed and shook her head slightly, “Well… yeah, but it’s more like I want you to LEARN how to be normal. So you can be happy with whomever you pick.”


Toshi smiled, “I am happy. I’ll give them all a fair shot.”



That afternoon Toshi found himself at the school’s athletic field watching the Roshi Giants practice.


Madoka had quite a number of fans. Quite a number of students just showed up to watch. It wasn’t just boys, but girls as well. The boys showed up to watch the mostly girls baseball team. The girls showed up to watch the cheerleaders practice.


Toshi came to watch Madoka, the lead pitcher, but he just couldn’t stop his gaze from wandering over to the all-male cheerleaders. He didn’t know why, but the amount of sheer enthusiasm and antics drove him up a wall. It wasn’t right. However, the girls LOVED the cheerleaders. You couldn’t help but overhear the comments. Hinako bumped shoulders with Toshi.


“You don’t have to worry about him.”


Toshi looked at his sister, puzzled. She pointed at the head cheerleader, “Sado Kingo.” Toshi looked at where she pointed and saw most likely the most handsome man in school. Most handsome by his otherworldly tastes, that is. Here, Kingo was a bit too tall and a bit too muscular as far as girls were concerned. In the other world, Kingo would have to beat off girls with a stick. Here, he still got his fair share of attention, but he was a little too… homely. Physically he was perfect for the job. He had the body strength to be the anchor of the entire cheerleading squad, but by this world’s crazy logic, he was like a girl in Toshi’s old world that was too tall.


“Kingo has a crush on Madoka, but she isn’t his type. So you don’t have to worry about the competition.” Hinako helpfully explained to Toshi. Toshi nodded, “Good to know.” He glanced back at Kingo, ~So I have my number one target to foist Madoka on. I will have to get close to him and see how I can make those two a couple.~


Toshi got tapped on the shoulder as Kenko came up behind and sat down next to his friend sipping from his soda “Hey. Didn’t expect to see you here.” Toshi held up a fist, “Checking out Madoka. What about you?” Kenko fist bumped back, “My girlfriend is second base.” He gestured to said position with his soda. Toshi nodded and waited until Kenko was taking another sip, “You ever going let her get a home run?”


Hinako snapped her eyes to glare at Toshi as Kenko did a spit take. Fortunately they were sitting far enough away that he didn’t get anyone with the spray. Kenko glared at Toshi, “Keanu Christ, Toshi! Don’t do that while I’m drinking!” Toshi just grinned, “Sorry! Sorry. Couldn’t resist.” He noticed Hinako was still glaring at him, “Hey, Sis. Just a joke, ‘kay?” She snorted, “Not a funny one.”


Kenko stood up and waved. Second base noticed and waved back. As he sat back down he said, “I heard Kingo is pissed.” Toshi turned back to Kenko, “About… me?” Kenko nodded, “Yeah. I heard he actually got on a date with Madoka, but he was so pushy that it ended in disaster.” He glanced around before stage whispering in Toshi’s ear, “I heard he tried to have sex with Madoka, but couldn’t get it up.” Toshi felt really awkward at hearing this. He didn’t like rumors to begin with, but something like this sounded down right cruel. He narrowed his eyes at Kenko, “I don’t like discussing other people’s personal lives.”


Kenko didn’t seem to notice or care what Toshi’s reaction was, “Well, this is your life we’re talking about, but he’s going to be a problem. The whole cheerleading squad is one big clique, so they’ll be behind Kingo, but they’re all second string around here.” Toshi was about to ask what that meant, when his sister hit him lightly in the arm, “Hey.” She pointed to the field. The team was taking a break and Madoka was walking over.


She was tall, athletic with a solid frame. She walked with confidence. Her long hair, a mixture of light brown and sun-bleached blond, was tied back in a ponytail and pulled through the back of her baseball cap. Her light tan skin had a sheen of sweat to it, but she seemed to be walking in a fashion that showed she wasn’t exhausted at all. She was smooth, confident, and the center of attention.


Toshi did not like her at all.


The problem was, Toshi knew the problem wasn’t Madoka, but him. He just couldn’t help but think back to his time in school and girls like this wouldn’t give him the time of day. What was worse is that she moved like the jocks in his old school. Boys who would make fun of him when he tried out for various sports teams. He could never make the cut, no matter how hard he tried. He’d later learn it wasn’t because of his lack of talent, or skill, but just because the head of the baseball team thought he was a loser. He always thought he'd be good at it, but never got a chance. Ever since then, he's had this deep seated... something. Knowing he had a problem and doing something about it was two different things.


Madoka wasn’t one of the girls who rejected him. She wasn’t the asshole who made a point of causing him trouble at every opportunity. That didn’t matter. She reminded him of the worst of both and deep down he intensely disliked her. He also, intellectually, knew this was total bullshit and that he needed to give her a chance. This was his state of mind as he bowed in greeting while affixing his best phony grin of steel upon his face.


Madoka and Hinako exchanged a complicated handshake and laughed. Madoka bowed towards Toshi, but only slightly, never taking her eyes off him. Her smile was soft, yet a tad bit on the predatory side, “So. Toshi. How you feeling since the…” She let the sentence trail off.


Toshi completed the sentence, “Shooting? Better. I’ve been working on strengthening my back muscles. A few trips to a chiropractor and acupuncturist did wonders for my back pain.” He paused in thought, ~Ooo. I should be more emotional about this, shouldn’t I?~ He cleared his throat, “Uh… the… nightmares have stopped. So I’m good.” Inwardly he nodded, ~Good save.~


Hinako and Kenko looked at Toshi and spoke in unison, “Nightmares?” And instantly Toshi regretted making it up. Madoka looked very sympathetic, “Well, I’m glad to hear that.” She put one foot on the space between Toshi and Kenko and leaned on her knee to get in closer, “So what do you think about the team?”


Toshi realized he hadn’t paid as much attention as he should, “Uh… seems like a good team. Second base seems sharp.” He thought for a second, “Your change up is nice. The arm movement is almost identical to your fastball. Didn’t see many curve balls, but they looked like they were going to hit the batter to start so that was good.” He scratched his chin, “I think you tried a fork ball one time, but it’s hard to tell from up here. If you did, you flubbed it, but that’s understandable.” He held out his hand and motioned like he was releasing a ball in slow motion, "Fork ball is murder on the wrist."


Madoka was taken off guard, “Hold it.” She held up a hand, “That fork ball dropped just fine. I just don't think you could see it properly from up here." She looked a little defensive, but relaxed as she scratched her cheek and stared off into the distance "But yeah, it's murder on the wrist. I was getting tired at the end there." She looked back at Toshi, “You got good eyes. I’m surprised you noticed.” Toshi nodded, “Kinda hard to miss it. It's the only pitch where you snapped your wrist down.” Madoka looked at her hand and flexed it at the wrist for a moment, “I can’t really pull it off late in the game and if I do it early when I CAN do it, I wipe out my arm and have to let the relief take over for an inning while I ice it up.”


A sly grin slowly grew on Madoka's face, “Hey, you said you wanted to practice with the team. We don’t do that usually, but during the break, why don't you come down and I'll toss a few pitches past you.” She straightened up, "You can give me some pointers." Kenko giggled a little at this. Toshi glanced sideways at Kenko and couldn't help but notice he might actually be flirting with Madoka, ~I wonder if it's reflexive or intentional?~


Toshi shook his head to refocus and turned his attention back to Madoka, “Shouldn’t you be resting your arm?” She waved off the concern, “Bah. We’re just screwing around today, anyways.” Toshi looked at home plate with a tad bit of longing, ~It has been a while…~ Toshi stood up, “Sure. Why not?” As the two walked down the bleachers to the field, Hinako and Kenko looked at each other and gave thumbs up. Kenko looked especially jazzed about this turn of events.


Toshi stood in the batter’s box with a wooden bat in hand. Madoka picked up a bucket of balls, “We’ll just let the fence catch it.” At the moment only a few people were watching out of curiosity as Madoka walked out to the mound. Kingo was among them.


Toshi choked up on the bat and squeezed his hands tightly. It had been years since he last played, but it was all coming back to him. He took a few swings to let his arms remember. He joined up with some friends from time to time for impromptu games during the summer. Rival offices competing, that sort of thing. He stopped because the years had caught up to him, but now he was in a fit, youthful body that he had been exercising for about half a year now. He was in a mood to test his limits.


Madoka tossed a nice, slow, leisurely ball in a high arc.


Toshi watched it go by. He placed the end of his bat on home plate and leaned on it. His body language screamed indignity, “What was that?” He yelled towards the pitcher's mound. Madoka looked around for a second then shrugged, “We’re just having fun, right?” Toshi let his head fall to the side, “Yeah. FUN." He pointed his bat towards Madoka, "So don’t insult me.” He straightened up, hit the plate with his bat twice, then brought it back up to his shoulder, “Let’s try that again.”


Madoka gave Toshi a patronizing smile, “Okay…” She wound up and threw the ball. It was a better pitch, but Toshi could still tell Madoka wasn’t taking this seriously. Madoka was basically serving the ball up to Toshi on a silver platter. Maybe it was the smile, or maybe it was his dislike for Madoka as a whole. Maybe Toshi didn’t intend to hit the ball as he did, at least consciously.

Regardless, Toshi hit a line-drive straight for Madoka’s head.

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