Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 27a

I keep putting this off. Better to finish then forever waffle about the quality. I know whats going to happen, so ill do my best to just write it. Dont expect me to be reliable. RL is still a pain.

"The hardest part is that she won't return my calls."






Harou and Toshi had grown closer, their friendship deepening since they met, but especially picking up following the big fight. Mostly because Toshi didn't have anyone to talk to, and things at school had taken a turn for the worse. Naora's absence was notable as she hadn't returned to school the day after the incident. Although no one was openly discussing the fight, rumors spread that Hinako required hospitalization because of a bruised rib. Technically, both Hinako and Naora should have faced suspension, but without willing witnesses, the school found it difficult to take any concrete action. The incident had cast a shadow over the school, leaving tension in its wake.


Naora didn't return to school because she had been 'transferred'.


Where did she transfer to? What school? How? Why? Nobody knew. With it being so late in the school year, it was highly suspect, but there was nothing Toshi could do about it. Toshi suspected that the angels were behind it in some way, but didn't understand why or how. Just that he was starting to notice how it seemed like he was being pushed in certain directions.


Initially had assumed such strangeness was serendipity, but now he wasn't sure.


When Midori appeared a few days later to offer an "explanation" to Toshi, it became obvious something big had happened. Naora would be spending time at the family estate and was expected to return in a few weeks. However, as Toshi probed for more information, Midori remained evasive and vague. Frustrated, Toshi finally gave up, "Fine. Tell her I'm not mad. I'm worried. And... I'll wait. Tell her to be safe and... I love her."


Midori looked a little surprised and put a hand on his shoulder, "She loves you too. I wish I could explain more. She's a good friend to me and I'll do anything to get you two together, but... it can't happen right now. But whatever you hear, don't believe it unless it comes from me or her." And before Toshi could get any clarification, she left.


At the same time, Abi called to postpone their date. This was another odd occurrence from out of nowhere. Toshi assumed it had something to do with Mieko, but Mieko seemed to drop off the face of the earth as well. Toshi always had the idea that something was going on behind his back at school, but this had been taken to a new level. Toshi's sister was going to be laid up at home for about two weeks until she recovered enough to return to school. During that time, it was like all her friends were on high alert.


The whole school seemed to be tense over the incident, but Toshi couldn't put a finger on why. Following the incident, the lack of clear information only added to his unease. Kenko and his group of friends continued to maintain their usual 'keep-Toshi-in-the-dark' plan in place. Toshi did manage to glean that Mieko appeared to have assumed the role of the "school sheriff."


The one time Toshi caught a glimpse of Meiko was down a long hallway, witnessing her physically confront a girl by grabbing her by the neck and forcefully dragging her into a classroom. Abi and Madoka stood guard outside the door, adding to the air of authority that Meiko seemed to now exert. The situation was becoming increasingly complex, leaving Toshi with more questions than answers.


So Toshi was grateful when Harou started wanting to hang out.


Harou fiddled with his controller as he played head-to-head with Toshi, "Hate to tell you this, but you are dating a future crime boss. Did you think your life with her was going to be an open book?" He stuck his tongue out a little from the side of his mouth as he struggled to maintain his lead, "You and I both know this wasn't going to end well."


Toshi started clicking harder and swinging his controller around as they fought, "Yeah. I know- DAMNIT!" Toshi got clipped by a punch, and that was all Harou needed to finish him off. Toshi sighed and started to queue up another game.


Harou put down his controller, "Toshi, hold it." Toshi stopped. Harou turned to look at Toshi, "I'm not one to open up, and certainly not one to tell someone how to live their life, but whatever is going on, you need to clear your head. Obsessing about this is only going to make it worse."


Toshi rolled his eyes, "How can't I obsess about this? I'm... I... I dunno. I don't even know how I got here."


Harou just stared for a bit, "You're acting funny."


Toshi raised an eyebrow, "Huh?"


Harou sighed, "I can't put my finger on it, but you keep... I dunno. Acting like a..." He ran his hand through his hair, "Don't take this the wrong way, but you keep acting normal, then every once in a while you... act floofy for a while, then you go back to being normal."


Toshi raised an eyebrow, "I'll repeat myself. Huh?"


Harou scratched his eyebrow, "Okay. You know how body language works, right? You have normal body language for a guy. It's why I hang out with you because you are the only guy I can stand being around besides Kingo, except Kingo isn't..." Harou paused for a bit, "That's another discussion. My point is, every once in a while you just start acting like... well, a guy from here. It's in how you move, or you flip your hair, or you... I dunno. You just get odd for a minute, then it goes away."


Toshi blinked a few times, "I am?" He thought for a second, "Now that you mention it, I do keep getting... flashes. From the original Toshi."


Harou scratched his chin in thought, "Oh. Wait. Maybe because the other Toshi didn't have a body on the other side to go to, parts of him are lingering here?" He frowned at that thought, "Well, crap."


Toshi opened his mouth, then closed it, and shrugged.


Harou nodded slowly, "Well. That settles it then."


Toshi squinted, "Settles what?"


"I was thinking about inviting you on a day trip to a hot spring I wanted to check out. Figured it'd be fun to go together. You DEFINATELY need to go." Harou looked rather serious about the proposal.


Toshi squinted with one eye and pulled away a little, "Uhh... you want to go to a hot spring... because...?"


"Not like that! It's a MIXED hot spring. I heard it's got a terrible reputation because college girls keep going to the place hoping to peep on guys so I was warned not to go there." Narou smacked Toshi on the shoulder with the back of his hand, "We TOTALLY need to go there!"


Toshi frowned, "Uhh.. I got-"


Harou cut off Toshi, "I've been hanging out with you for a while now and all you talk about is that girl you are pining over, who you can't actually date, who your family would disown you if they found out about, and it's turning you into a little.. well... bitch."


"Excuse me?"


"You heard me. I think you are forgetting what it's like to be a real guy and as such, the leftover Toshi is messing with your head. If you want to retain your personality, you should, I dunno. Act like a real, red-blooded man."


"But I don't want to cheat on Naora."


Harou rolled his eyes, "Did I say come with me to bang chicks? No. We just go there, hang out, then watch all the lovely ladies as they hang out... topless."


Toshi froze up.


Harou gave Toshi a most evil grin, "Ahhh... I knew you were a boob man." He bumped shoulders with Toshi, "C'mon. You know your family will never let you out of the house without someone escorting you, but if we tell them we're going for a spa treatment because I got a coupon or something, they'll just think you're getting your... I dunno... Nails done? Whatever the hell guys do here in this screwed-up world."


Toshi started to sweat a little, "Well... I don't..."


Harou grabbed Toshi by the shoulder and gave him a little shake, "C'mon! Back in our world, co-workers would go to strip clubs all the time. I'm not saying we go to a pink salon or something. Let's just go somewhere, hang out in a hot spring, and look at some nice, perky college girls for free."


Toshi chewed on his thumbnail for a few seconds, "And... that's the plan?"


Harou nodded, "That's the plan."


Toshi let out a sigh, "Well... maybe I do need to go relax a little. It has been forever since I've been to a hot spring."


Harou grinned, "That's the spirit." He stood up, "Ya mind if I used your bathroom?"


Toshi shook his head, "End of the hall." and started fiddling with the game.



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