Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 27b

Harou stepped out, closed Toshi's bedroom door behind him, and headed down to the bathroom. He paused outside to take a look at his 'real' objective. Because to the left was the bedroom of the one, the only, Honey Whitefox.


Well, at least this world's doppelganger of the Honey Whitefox Harou had a crush on, also known as, Toshi's Sister, Hinako.


Now when you have a rib injury, there isn't much one can do about it. Contrary to popular belief, you shouldn't bind the ribs to prevent movement. The only thing you really can do is just take it easy as much as possible. So, to that end, Hinako was lying down as much as possible, taking painkillers, and avoiding anything that might aggravate her condition.


For example, wearing a bra.


Today, Harou was in luck, for Hinako was sitting up at her computer, engrossed in her work and topless. She was facing away, so he could only catch a glimpse of some side boob, but for Harou it felt like a moment stolen from heaven. He took a risk and discreetly poked the door open a little more so he could get a better look. As he tried to improve his view, there was a sound from down the hall. Harou snapped his head to the side, looking down the hall in fear that Toshi might be about to leave his room and discover Harou peeking at his sister. Harou was frozen for a good thirty seconds, but when Toshi did not appear, he resumed peeping.


Or rather, he WOULD have resumed peeping, if the door wasn't now wide open with Hinako standing there, staring at him,  "You want something?" She asked with an annoyed tone.


Harou had turned his head back to look straight into Hinako's lovely unfettered chest. Her breasts were large, firm, and possessed just a hit of gravity-defying properties. Right in the center of them was a fading bruise where Hinako had taken Naora's blow. Hinako's eyes went as wide as dinner plates and he openly stared at her as he completely lost the ability to process coherent thought.


Hinako waited for a reply. Something was off, judging by the fact this boy wasn't doing what most boys would do. In this situation, most would avert their eyes and run away. Sure, there was no problem with a boy admiring a girl, but the thing is, you aren't supposed to get CAUGHT. As time dragged on, she slowly smirked more and more at the fact she seemed to have short-circled Toshi's friend.


Eventually, Hinako reached an arm up to grasp the door frame and leaned toward her admirer, "You're Toshi's friend, right?" With her other hand, she reached up to absentmindedly rub her bruise, while inadvertently jiggling her tits in the process.


Harou was no virgin. However, despite having gained a lot of experience since arriving in Reverse World, this was different. This was a pair of famous tits that he had longed and lusted after for the better part of a year. True, This Honey Whitefox didn't have her silver hair. This version wasn't soft and delicate like the one on the poster in his old room. The woman in front of her was as physically fit as a woman could get without an ounce of body fat to be found. With the exception of the fading bruise, her body was as close to flawless as one could imagine. What was getting to Harou was how she stood before him without a hint of modesty.


"Heh. I just... I was... uh... worried? Wanted to... I heard... hurt. Wanted... see if... you..." The whole time he was stuttering, he couldn't raise his eyes to look her in the eyes. Despite all the time he had spent in this world, he still couldn't shake the feeling he was about to get slapped.


Instead, Hinako looked at Harou like a great white shark might eye the bleeding leg of a wounded diver.


She cleared her throat to interrupt his stammering, "You heard I was injured and wanted to check on me?"


Harou nodded as his face turned the deepest shade of red.


Hinako leaned in closer, "Well, it's healing, as you can see. I'm going back to school in a few days. Did you want to..." She just let her voice trail off as she briefly jutted her chest at him, indicating he could touch the bruise if he wished. This resulted in her tits bouncing in his face and somehow widening his eyes just a little bit more.


She was puzzled when Harou, appearing to be in a trance, lifted both hands as if he were going to grab her. However, he snapped out of his reverie when he finally looked up at her leering expression. Abruptly he rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him.


Harou leaned back against the bathroom door, ~Holy crap. If Toshi came out and saw me feeling up his sister, he'd murder me right then and there!~ He thumped his head against the door a few times, ~I... crap. I should not do this. I should not THINK about this. I should not...~ He reached up and rubbed his upper lip with the back of his hand, noticing that his nose had started to bleed.


Toshi's sister stood there and stared at the bathroom door, ~That was odd. Does Toshi's friend have a fetish or something? Wait. He's from that support group, right? Maybe I should look into him. If he's as screwed up as Toshi, it could be trouble.~




"Someone's coming?"




Asai and Mitamura were lurking in the back behind the boulders of the hot spring. The recent change in weather had caused the steam to thicken to the point of becoming actual fog. It was difficult to see who else was in the water. The hot springs were fairly large with plenty of areas to lurk in. The two had picked a nice spot where they could get a good view of the main entrance. At least until the fog started drifting about.


Asai looked hopeful as she tried to peer around a large rock they were using for cover, "Is it a guy? Is it?"


The fog parted to reveal that two rather old men who were had gotten close enough to overhear the two talking. The bald one looked down his nose at the two, "Two young girls peeping in a mixed hot spring? How lewd!"


The older one started laughing like this was something they did for the fun of it, "I'm sorry that you only get to see the naked bodies of these old uncles!"


Mitamura and Asai were two young women seeking excitement. Mitamura had a lith, slim figure, short straight black hair, and captivating dark eyes. She was attractive but in the traditional Japanese sense of beauty. Alas, this made her seem far more mundane than her more exotic friend.


In contrast, her friend Asai stood taller and had an exceptionally curvaceous figure. Her long, flowing blond hair was a stark contrast to Mitamura's appearance, as it framed her features in an eye-catching way. Her only flaw was the pair of large, circular glasses that dominated her face. The two, both fresh out of college, were on an adventure to investigate rumors of the fabled 'peeping bath.' that could be found along the Arakawa River.


Asai tried to laugh it off, "No no no... we don't have such ulterior motives."


Mitamura forced a smile while her eyes betrayed her disappointment, "Yeah, we came down the river sightseeing and just happened to find this inn when we decided to stay."


The two old men chuckled as they got out of the water, grabbing towels as they went, "Don't keep guard too long, or you'll go dizzy!"


Mita replied, "Oh, come on! We're not here for THAT! Ha ha ha..."


After the two had left and they were the only two left in the spring, they got out of the water and sat on the edge with their legs dangling in the water. Asai sighed, "They are right. We've been in here forever and all we're getting is boiled."


"Let's get out, already?"


"Why did we come here and spend all that money on travel expenses, then?" Asai turned to glare at her friend, "I'm not leaving before I see some hot naked dude!"


Mita let her head hang down as she stared into the water, "But there's nothing we can do if there's none-"


The door from the men's section opened up.







"Why are we hanging out in the lounge so much? Didn't we come here to use the spring?"



Harou looked up as a pair of old men walked out of the changing area. He did some math in his head and figured out that the springs were finally free of any other men. He turned to Toshi, "Sorry. I've been enjoying the massage machine too much. My back has been bothering me. You're right. Let's head in."


Harou got up and rushed into the changing room. Toshi stood up and walked after him. Toshi raised an eyebrow as he watched his friend practically throw all his clothing in a locker and grab a towel. Harou looked back at Toshi, "Why are you taking so long?"


Toshi blinked and watched Harou go into the wash area, "Uh..." He lowered his voice and just mumbled to himself, "We've been screwing around for an hour. What's the rush?" He just shook his head and put his clothing away as he wrapped a towel around his waist. He quietly stepped out into the spring and took a moment to look around.


Harou was sitting at the wash station pointedly washing his body with an excessive amount of foam in what could only be described as slow motion. In the water were two, admittedly hot young college girls who were practically drooling as they stared openly at Harou. Their eyes were as wide as their faces allowed, while they slowly leaned ever closer to try and get a better view.


Toshi just watched the girls, who had failed to notice his arrival, ~Wow. So this is what it looks like from this side.~ He glanced around and realized this place looked familiar, ~Oh hell. I remember now. I came here about... ten years ago with my roommates while I was in college. Did I look that pathetic?~


While he was reminiscing, Harou called out, "Toshi! Over here!" Immediately the two girls looked away and tried to look at anything but the two guys. One was even whistling.


Toshi walked over and sat down while Harou used the shower head to wash the foam off. Toshi leaned over to whisper, "Seriously? That's their idea of being discreet?"


Harou let out a snort then smirked as he whispered back, "Hey. Let's put on a show for them." He grabbed some of the soap and started to lather it up on a towel before speaking a bit louder than he had to, "Let me get your back for you."


Toshi tensed up as Harou started to lather his back. He whispered over his shoulder, "Dude, not comfortable with-"


Harou cut him off, "Just watch the mirror."


Toshi started to lather himself as Harou got his back. However, he quickly figured out why Harou was doing this when Toshi looked at the girls in the reflection. Before they were drooling, now they looked like they might charge rushing out of the water and jump them. Asai was biting her fist as she grabbed her friend to hold her back.


Toshi had some experience dealing with horny women, but nothing before prepared him for this level of pure, unbridled lust. It was intense to the point of actually being a little scary. He remembered being on the other side of this scenario about a decade ago, but he was nothing like these two, ~Are they the exceptions or the rule?~


Toshi's train of thought was abruptly interrupted when Harou, his mischievous friend, drenched him with a bucket of water. He frowned as his gray hair clung to his head and face. Reacting quickly, he reached for the shower head and retaliated, spraying Harou with water. Harou, undeterred, grabbed another shower head and returned fire, and soon they were engaged in a spirited water fight. Amid the playful commotion, Toshi did something he hadn't done in a long time.



He had fun.

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