Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 5c

Kyoko looked nervous as she turned to Toshi, “Hey, I didn’t get a chance to say thanks.”


She and Toshi were standing outside of a large building where in they would meet the man who would decide the fate of their school club. Toshi looked at her, “Hey. Thank you for agreeing to my crazy scheme.” She shook her head, “No. I’ve been trying to get my parents to take me seriously for a long time. They just don’t consider computer games to be a real career. I keep telling them game design is what I want to do, but they just don’t believe it’s real. If we can actually make any money at this, then they’ll have to take me seriously.”


Toshi regarded Kyoko thoughtfully, “I was wondering why you were so gunho about this idea.“ He looked back up the building, “Well, for what it’s worth, I’m taking this serious as well.”


A short walk inside and a ride up an elevator later, they were waiting in the lobby of the local representative of Alchemx Entertainment, the company that handled the Starhammer tournament. Both were wearing the best business clothes they had. Toshi’s was better dressed because he had more money to spend. Kyoko kept bouncing her foot as they waited. At one point Toshi reached over and put a hand on her knee, “Stop it.”


She looked up, “Sorry. Can’t help it.” Toshi removed his hand an leaned back in his seat, “There’s nothing else you can do right now, so relax.” She eyed him up and down, “How can you be so calm?” He shrugged while reflecting inwardly, ~Years on the job dealing with this exact same BS.~ A bright young man stepped into the room, “The director will see you now.”


The two were shown into a rather posh office that had many awards and what not hanging on the walls. Signed pictures from famous people could be seen here and there. They were people Toshi had never heard of. Toshi couldn't help but wonder about the contrast between the male and female actors. The women all looked so confident and cool, while the male actors were all open mouthed smiles with tilted heads. The ladies had stiff hair while the men's was in motion. They also never looked directly at the camera, but the women did, as if to say, 'I am the one you can rely on',


The man behind the desk didn’t even look up, but reclined in his chair and stared out the window, most likely because he was using his phone. The secretary gestured for the two to sit down, “Please. Director Yama will be right with you.”


The two sat down as the director grunted into the phone a few times before saying, “Yeah. Well. Your time is up. I’m not sold.” He hung up and turned to look at the Kyoto with a squint, “What? You here to sell me chocolate bars to raise fund for your school?” Toshi glanced at Kyoko with a quirked eyebrow. She cleared her throat, “Actually, we represent our school computer club and we wanted to sign up for the 20k tournament. We were told we needed to see the director handling it.”


Director Yama laughed and pressed a button on the counter, “Lem, Get these kids out of here.” Toshi frowned, “Hey! You advertized an open event and we signed up!” The door opened as the assistant came in, “Sir?” Without seeming to even notice Toshi spoke, the director looked at his assistant, “Why you letting high schoolers in here?”  Lem looked at the two briefly then up at the director, “Sir, they already paid the entry fee.” Kyoko furrowed her eyebrows and looked to Toshi, “Entry fee?” Toshi shook his head and muttered out of the side of his mouth at her, “Don’t worry about it.”


The director looked at Kyoko, “You two came up with half a million yen?” Kyoko’s eyes bugged out and nearly got whiplash as she snapped her head to look at Toshi, “What???” Toshi glared back at her and spoke through gritted teeth, “I said, don’t worry about it.” She leaned in close to Toshi, “I’m worried about it!” He gave the Director a smile while speaking through his gritted teeth towards Kyoko, “It was generously gifted to us by the International Acme Corporation, LLC.” The director looked puzzled, “Never heard of them.” Toshi smiled, “It’s an investment firm. They needed the tax write off. You know their motto!” Toshi held up a hand and arced it through the air like a shooting star, “International Acme Corporation. We’re a business in the business of being in business.”


The director clicked his tongue, “International... ACME... corporation?” He turned to his computer on his desk and started typing. Toshi sat up a bit in his chair and said, “Include California, Wall street, and Hong Kong stock exchange in your search.” While he was typing, Kyoko leaned in closer to Toshi, “How did you get this company to help us?” He held up his hand to his mouth, “We’ll talk later.” As he settled back in his seat he thought, ~I own it.~


The Director looked surprised as he read off what he found, “Who is IAC International?” He used his scroll wheel, “The international Acme Corporation, LLC International, a company who’s stated mission statement is; We’re a business in the business of being in business has exploded onto the investment market with it’s wide diversity of economic investments. The holding company was thought to be a joke until it made several wise investments in the market, cleaning up during the recent K-Flag fiasco that crippled several major US banks-“ The director eyed Toshi and Kyoko, “What? This a front for some crime family?”


Toshi snorted, “No! I’m insulted sir. The only thing that company is guilty of is trying to improve it’s image.” He smiled, “So they are donating to needy schools and we happened to be the beneficiaries.” The director leaned back in his seat, “Uh huh.” Kyoko leaned forward in her seat, “Look. We’re been working our asses off for this. We’re good. Hell. We’re the best! We’re going into this to win.”


The director looked at Kyoko, “I don’t care.” She blinked, “Huh?” The director gestured around, “Look at my walls. We’re a PR firm. This whole thing is just a publicity stunt.” He turned around in his swivel chair and pointed at an award on his wall, “We’re here to drum up public awareness of the product. We don’t care about tournament itself.” He swiveled back, “Look. I get where you are coming from, but you’re just a bunch of high schoolers. That’s not going to draw any attention. We need spectacle. We need scandal! We need something to draw down the attention of the media.” He sat up in his chair, “I’m sorry, but nobody cares about e-sports. So, if you don’t-“


Kyoko looked heartbroken. Like all of her dreams had been riding on this and was just crushed before her. Toshi was staring right at her as the assistant closed in to escort the two out. Toshi closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, “And what if we had that?”


The director quirked an eyebrow, “That... what?”


Toshi leveled a look at the director that could only be described as ‘pissed off’, “What if I could get you that spectacle?” The director leaned back in his chair, “Go on.” Toshi took a deep breath, “What if I could get Honey Whitefox involved?” The director snorted, “Who?” However, the assistant grabbed Toshi by the shoulder and yanked him around so he could look him in the face, “You know how to get a hold of Honey Whitefox?”


The director squinted at his assistant, “Who the hell is Honey Whitefox?” The assistant started talking energetically with his hands, “He was this up and coming super famous pop star and then one day he just vanished and everyone thought it was just a publicity stunt, but he never came back into the lime light and everyone had thought he died or something but it’s this super big mystery and what the hell happened to him?”


Toshi and the director both blinked HARD under the onslaught of babble from the young lad. Toshi looked around, “I... shouldn’t say too much, but he is the owner of IAC.” Inwardly he winced, ~Technically the truth.~ The director steepled his fingers, the turned to start typing on his computer. Eventually he spoke up, “Never heard of the guy, but it seems like he’s somewhat famous.” He kept tapping on his computer for another minute, "Huh. That's odd." Toshi quirked an eyebrow, "What?" The director looked over, "Well, I was going to verify your story, but it turns out his agent is currently dead. Some sort of car accident. I knew her professionally. Real slimy bitch, but she could get the job done." He snorted, "Well, nobody is gonna miss her."


He looked at Toshi, "It seems you are the only contact I have, then." He paused to look at the computer monitor again, "Truth told, he looks like a has-been. Totally last year, if you get my meaning." The assistant folded his hands and looked at the director with the widest eyes imaginable, “PLEEEEESE Uncle! I love Honey Whitefox! He’s like this super cool guy who’s really nice and such an inspiring guy and I REALLY want to meet him!” Lem bit his quivering lower lip and looked hopeful.


The director frowned, “I told you not to call me-!” He sighed and collapsed into himself, covering his eyes with his hands, “Ugh.” He looked up at his nephew into those sparkling, hopeful eyes and promptly shook his head in defeat, “Goddamn it, Lem.” Kyoko looked like she wanted to drag Toshi out of there and shout at him, but she kept calm and quiet. The only sign of her discomfort being the clenching and unclenching of her fists.


Toshi leaned in, “Look, Director Yama, right?” Toshi looked around, then leaned in to speak conspiratorially, “I don’t know what’s going on. I think it has something to do with his family, but everything that man touches turns into gold.” He leaned back, “Honey Whitefox wouldn’t agree to this if he didn’t think it would be profitable.” The director lifted his head and looked thoughtful, “Hummm...” He straightened up and pointed at his assistant, “Don’t ever say I don’t do anything for you.” He turned back to Kyoko, “Okay. You convinced me. You’re in.” He waved everyone out of the room, “Get the details from my assistant. I’m busy. Out.” Kyoko stood up, “I just-“ But she was cut off, “Busy! Shoo!” And he started to pick up a phone.


The three left the office with Lem chattering Toshi’s ear off while Toshi tried to evade answering any questions. Paperwork was exchanged and contracts signed before Toshi and Kyoko found themselves in a elevator. Kyoko grabbed Toshi by the shoulder, “TALK. NOW.” Toshi held up his hands in surrender, “WHOA! You know Ruri helped Whitefox out once, right? Well, turns out he’s a lonely guy! He calls up once in a while. I got to talk to him from Ruri and next thing I know he is offering to sponsor us.” Kyoko let go of Toshi’s shoulder, “Offering to pay the entrance fee is different from showing up in person! What if-“


Toshi sighed, “He’ll show up. He isn’t going to be HAPPY, but... he’ll show up.” Kyoko glared at Toshi, “How do you know? He’s a big name star and apparently is rich as Hell! Why didn’t you tell me he was our sponsor?” Toshi waved his hand around, “Because of this exact reason. I didn’t expect it to come up! Look... I’ll make sure he’s there.” He crossed his heart, “Promise.” Kyoko closed her eyes, “Toshi... this means the world to me. Okay. Please... please... do not screw this up. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Toshi gave her a reassuring pat on the back, “Don’t worry. He’ll show up.”



Oh fuck, how am I going to show up?”


Ruri was on a video call while Toshi was having a breakdown. Ruri sighed, “I guess you’ll have to dress up as Honey Whitefox again and... show up!” He looked up, “And how will I watch the match WHILE I’m playing?” Ruri shrugged, “Dunno. Maybe you just have to show up at the start. Walk around, say some funny quips, then get a phone call, say you have to take it, vanish, then change and become Toshi again. I don’t think you have to BE there every second. You just have to be SEEN, right?”


Toshi nodded, “Yeah.... Yeah. You’re right. I just have to be SEEN. They get their photo op, we get to be in the tournament. Win-win.” Ruri shook her head slightly, “I got a bad feeling about all this...” She snapped her fingers, “Oh. Speaking of a bad feeling. I finally managed to track down the creators of that comic. I just got aliases for the two of them, but eventually I managed to find that girl again, and she told me that she... doesn’t know their name either.”


Toshi frowned, “That doesn’t help much.” Ruri raised a finger, “BUT... She told me the school they go to and every Tuesday and Thursday they use the art department to draw their manga after school. So, if you left our school just as it let out tomorrow and rushed over there, I bet you could find them.” She got quiet, “You never told me why.”


Toshi took a deep breath, “Because... it triggered some memories. I’m not quite sure how it does or why, but I got a feeling that who ever wrote that manga, or the person who gave them they idea, is connected to me... some how.” He stared into the camera, “It might be a wild goose chase, but it means alot. Thanks. You’re a good friend.” Ruri rolled her eyes, “For the most part. You’re just too cute to say no to.” Toshi looked away, “I’m sorry if I take advantage of you.” Ruri smacked her forehead, “Oh. My. GOD. Stop that. It’s just so cute when you get all worried about my feelings. Have you no mercy?”


Toshi tensed up and held up his hand, “I don’t even know I’m doing it! Sorry!” She shook her head and smiled, “Well, You’re certainly making me enough money. I think I can let hanging around in front of a porn store for a couple of days slide.” She paused, “Speaking of making money, you going to hire that guy your friend recommended?” Toshi tensed up, “Still thinking ‘bout it. Look. I think mom needs me. Gotta go.” He didn’t wait for a reply and ended the call. He paused before opening the file, and instead stared off into the distance, thinking about how crazy things were getting.


Invariably his thoughts turned to Naora as he wondered what she was doing.


~I need money. In the end, with enough money, you can solve any problem.  If I had enough money, maybe I could just buy Naora out of her situation. They’re crooks. They’d sell anything, right?~ He rubbed his eyes, ~How the hell is she going to want to be with a man who bought her? Or does she really want to be with me? Right now she’s scared, but if she won the right to be the next head of her family...~



~Would she really give that up?~

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