Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 6a

Toshi's hands were sweating as he stood staring at the door to the art room storage.


Ruri had done a good job and figured out the school the author went to, as well as where one could meet them, but she didn't get their real names. She got their pen names, Saketoba and Yaoisuki. This gave Toshi some pause. He understood the need to use an alias, but those names were a bit much. He was worried that maybe they were just creative people and not someone else who got transmigrated here as well. He had spent the money to take a taxi to this school, then asked around and was told where the second art room was.


He flexed his hands and forced himself to calm down, ~Relax. You spent money to get here. Don't chicken out now. This is your chance to find a proper ally and I bet they want to contact someone from our home world as well.~ He took a step forward and then paused, ~But what if he's just a creative person who came up with this? If I screw this up, I could get sent to a mental hospital.~ He ran his fingers through his hair, "Relax." He mumbled to himself, "That's not going to happen. Just play it off as a joke." He looked up at the door, screwed his courage to the sticking place, then muttered one last time, "Okay. Let's do this."


He stepped in and closed it behind him as quietly as possible. Toshi looked around. The room seemed to have been given over to storage. There was boxes, a small couch, a couple of stacked chairs in the corner. An easel stood in the corner next to a cabinet of art supplies. In the corner was a bust of a head that was Greek in style. It sat next to a jar of paint brushes and an armless, legless plastic torso that seemed to be what one might use for practicing CPR. In other words, the room was full of clutter and bricker-brak. There was a free standing, felt divider in the middle of the room with scraps of various old, yellowing paper pinned to it. Toshi quietly moved closer and timidly looked around the corner.


Behind it were four girls. Two were obviously drawing, the other two were looking at the drawings. The two standing were a blond with two pigtails hanging down her back and a red head with short spiky hair. They looked, well... normal. Nothing unusual. The blond looked cute, but nothing exceptional. Out of the group, she was the only one with substantially sized breasts, which was a little odd considering she was the shortest in the group. The red head was the tallest and seemed to have a rather sharp expression. She had those strong eyes that made a woman look rather intense and off putting, but nothing too extreme.


Of the two drawing, one had black hair and square glasses. The other with light brown and large, rounded, dad-style glasses. Both had long hair, but the black haired girl wore hers in a pony tail. They both looked some what plain and the shy type. All four were dressed in sailor school uniforms, standard for this school. They were most likely around sixteen or seventeen years old. The two that were drawing intensely looked super nerdy.


Exactly like Toshi's preferred fetish material. 


When he looked around the divider, none of them reacted. The two kept on scribbling. The two standing kept reading. They were looking at sheets that were obviously loose pages of a manga. Whatever it was, it was obviously very gripping because nobody looked up, ~Well, two hotties and two cute girls. But, which one is the one that flipped? If any.~ Another thought occurred to him that he had not considered until just now, ~or all of them? Or some? G'damnit. Wait, what if they are just the artists and someone else is feeding them the ideas?~


Toshi started to regret not knocking first. Last time he surprised a bunch of girls like this, it didn't end well. He bit his lower lip, ~Maybe I should go back and knock?~ The blond looked up, "You got those-" She stopped in mid-sentence and stared at Toshi. He just smiled and froze, ~No. Sudden. Moves.~ The blond  looked Toshi up and down then abruptly put what she was reading down on the table, upside down, "HELLO!" She said very loudly as she moved to get in close to Toshi and block his view. The other three looked up at the blond, then noticed Toshi. The two drawing just froze in fear, while the red head tried to hide what they were reading or drawing.


The blond smiled and got right in Toshi's face, trying to block his view, "How are you? Have we met? I don't think so. New to the school? Nice clothes, by the way. Love your shoes!" She spoke without looking down and continued to try and fast talk Toshi, "I bet you are looking for the manga club, right? Well, this isn't it. The manga club is in the main art room! Here!" She grabbed Toshi's elbow and tried to turn him around, "Let me show you where they meet!" She gave Toshi the biggest grin she could force on her face.


Toshi thought for a second, ~Hold on a sec, this is an excellent opportunity to drop some clues where I'm from.~ As she tried to turn him around and escort him out, Toshi turned around with her, but then kept right on turning to spin out of her grasp. Instead he walked past her and up to the table, "Oh? But you seem to be drawing quite intently." He reached out and snatched a page off the table to look at it.


It was a picture of a black haired girl who looked cute, but also was drawn in a way to give you the impression she was rather plain. The goal was to obviously make her the every-girl so the reader could identify with her. This page had the girl playing mahjong with a rather handsome boy who was down to his underwear. He was standing there and looking embarrassed, 'When I said I wanted to play strip mahjong, I didn't think I'd actually lose.' He was currently had his thumb in the corner of his boxers and looked like he was about to pull them down.


Everyone tensed up as Toshi grabbed a sheet. The red head winced with gritted teeth, "Uh. It's not what you think-" She tried to grab the page from his hand but Toshi turned away to shield the page with his body. Toshi eyed the artwork, "It looks like standard ecchi fodder to me." He stood there and make a point of examining it in an overtly exaggerated fashion, "Good perspective shot." He paused as he thought, "However, it's a little strange the guy asked to play strip mahjong." He looked at the girl with black hair and leaned in closer to her turning the page around to show her, "Don't you think?"


Everyone tensed up.  The girl with black hair just moved her mouth a little. Before she could speak Toshi gave her a soft smile and big eyes in an attempt to look harmless, "It's almost as if the girl is in an alternate world where the social expectations of interacting between men and women were reversed." The girl with brown hair just stared at Toshi like a deer caught in headlights. The black haired girl spoke up, "That's exactly what it is." Toshi looked up as she continued, "It's called the world of Moral Reversal." She pushed her glasses up on her nose. She was getting a little brave, but not by much. It was obvious that this was not supposed to be happening on school grounds.


Toshi took a deep breath as he straightened up, ~Okay... where to go from here?~ He looked at the page then put it back where he got it, "So I heard. I read the first issue." He looked between the two girls sitting at the table, "Which one is Saketoba and which one is Yaoisuki?" The brown haired girl quickly pointed at herself, "Saketoba!" She stabbed a finger at the girl across from her, "Her excellency, Yaoisuki!" There was a pause, then she also pointed at the blond, "Kawashima!" Then the red head, "Kanzaki!" Sajetobe's face was bright red and she seemed to be so flustered she forgot to use honorifics. She abruptly put both hands in her lap and looked down at the table before her.


"A pleasure to meet all of you." Toshi gave a short bow to the room, "I am Kimoto Toshi." He looked up at the two artists.


"I'm a huge fan."

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