Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 6b

~I don't think it's one of these girls.~


Toshi may have tracked down the creators of the manga, but those same creators did not seem like girls from an alternate world. If that was the case, Toshi needed to get close to them to figure out if they were just creative, or inspired by someone else. So, he told them he was a fan of their work. It seemed like the next logical step. All he would have to do is act like a groupie and he was sure he'd get the information out of them. Except that he forgot how good looking he was by this world's standards.


Imagine if you will, a total nerd who was a social outcast who's only skill in life was he was really good at drawing manga. Now imagine that same guy was a pervert and spent all their time drawing weird sexual situations they wished would happen to them. Now imagine that someone who could make a million yen a year on OnlyFans dropped out of nowhere to slide up to said nerd and told him that she was a fan of his porn. That is basically what Saketoba and Yaoisuki was experiencing in that very moment. Unfortunately, Toshi was very bad at picking up on body language. He thought these extremely introverted girls were just sort of shy and did not realize they were having a full blown panic attack. If he had, he might not have laid it on quite as thick.


Toshi walked around to the other side of Yaoisuki where there was a chair, "So they call you 'her excellency'?" He took one of the free chairs on the edge of the room and pulled it over. He sat down next to her, just a bit too close. He put his elbow on the table and leaned into his hand to tilt his head in as cute a fashion as possible. He  smiled and asked as innocently as possible, "Where did you pick up a title like that?"


Yaoisuki tried to talk, but seemed to be unable to. She just started to laugh nervously as if she was going to launch into a funny story. Except that she never formed any words. She just chuckled and chuckled... and kept chuckling. Her face was bright red as she seemed to be stuck in some sort of downward spiral. The more she chuckled, the more embarrassed she got and the more she chuckled. Toshi was trying his best to look interested in her, but the longer it went on, the more concerned Toshi got that maybe she was having some sort of seizure.


Kawashima jumped in to try and salvage the situation, "Oh, We all just started calling her that one day because of how good her artwork was and it stuck." She smiled nervously as she tried to distract Toshi from Yaoisuki's meltdown. Saketoba suddenly spoke up way too loud, "I DO THE INKING!" Toshi looked up at Saketoba, "You don't say." She nodded her head very vigorously, "AND THE SHADING!" Kanzaki stepped up next to Saketoba to put a hand on her shoulder and gave Toshi a reassuring smile, "She's a little deaf so she talks-" Saketoba nodded her head even harder and interrupted Kanzaki, "I ALSO SCRIPT THE SEX!"


Kanzaki's face froze as her eyes unfocused and stared off into the distance, "-quite loud at times."


Saketobi seemed to realize what she said and collapsed into herself, her head bowed so far forward her chin touched her chest. Toshi just stared. He had expected many things, but this was not one of them. He coughed into his fist then looked at Yaoisuki. He smiled softly and leaned in, "Sooo..." He pointed at the page she was working on,  touching it with a single finger and making sure to gently brush the side of her hand, "You are the lead artist." He looked up at her into her wide eyes, "Neat!"


He looked over at her partner, "Wait. Does that mean you are the one who came up with the Tit Job?"


For some reason asking that question seemed to change the atmosphere. It was like up until this point he was a threat to everything they were. They weren't supposed to be using school resources to make porn, and if the teachers found out, then making the manga would get much more expensive. But asking about the Tit Job scene, seemed to finally break the ice and prove to everyone that maybe he wasn't just fucking with them. Saketoba relaxed slightly and looked up, "Huh?" Toshi repeated himself, "The tit job scene? I was wondering if that was your inspiration." Saketoba opened her mouth to speak, but Kawashima cut her off, "Hold on." She stepped up to the table on the other side from Toshi and folded her arms, "What's going on?"


Toshi looked around for a second, "Huh?" She glared at Toshi, "Good looking guy comes walking in, starts asking about details about the manga my friends are creating. Specifically about the details that make the manga stand out." She put her hands on the table so she could lean across towards Toshi, who couldn't help but notice her assets hanging in front of him,  "When something is too good to be true, it usually isn't!" She waggled a finger at Toshi, "What's the con?" The action caused Toshi's eyes to be drawn down to her breasts as they bobbed in front of him. Toshi suddenly was inspired, ~Well, there's one sure fire way to indicate I'm from another world.~


He leaned forward and blatantly stared at her chest from about two inches away, "I like boobs." Kawashima looked puzzled, "What?" Toshi reached out, but didn't quite grab them. He lustfully wiggled his fingers near them, "Boobies, Breasts, Bazongas, Headlights, Chesticles, Tits, Sweater puppies, Love Shakers, Simply put..." He cupped his hands under her pendulous chest, but didn't quite touch.


"I crave mellifluous mounds of magnificently massive mammalia!"


The only sound was four jaws hitting the floor at the same time. Toshi leaned back and looked from person to person. He quickly determined that none of them were reacting in a fashion that indicated they were from his world, ~Damn it.~ Toshi shrugged, "I wanted to know about your inspiration for the comic, that's all."


Both artists sprayed forth fountains of blood from their noses as they fell backwards.



Toshi suspected he might have gone too far.


He peered to the left, and then to the right, to gaze upon the two authors of 'The World of Moral Reversal' as they had both slumped and passed out. Kawashina had straightened up and was frozen in mid word. Her mind was having a problem processing what was going on, "Wait. You're a groupie?" Toshi stood up and spoke with utter confidence as he spouted off the cuff inspired bullshit, "We prefer the term groper, those of us among the breast fetishist community, that is." He rolled a hand in the air, "But the term boob connoisseur is also acceptable."


(editor: In the US, the politically correct term would be Motorboating-American)


He reached into his pocket to pull out a prepared card, "Why don't I just leave my number and you can call back when you have the time." He placed the rectangle on the table and stepped around Yaoisuki to head for the exit. Kanzaki stepped in his way, "Whoa whoa whoa! Uh..." She looked at her friends, then at Kawashima, then back at Toshi, "Could you... wait? Just a minute?" Toshi nodded. Kanzaki grabbed her friend and pulled her behind the room divider. They tried to speak softly and failed.


"You check out that guy? What the hell?"

"I guess the world is filled with all kinds."

"We can't let him go! Yaoi and Sake are our friends! If there's a chance in Hell they might score, we got to-"


The door started to open up and another girl walked in. Toshi couldn't see who it was, but she had a nice sounding voice, "Uh... what's going on?" Kawashima grabbed the new girl by the shoulders, "Oh my god! Ichikawa! Perfect!" Abruptly a girl about the same age as the others was pushed around the room divider. She was wearing the same school uniform as the others. She had long blond hair, was actually very attractive, and at least a C-cup, possibly a D. She took a lot more care in her appearance than the others and it showed. She was actually attractive. She had those big eyes that the really cute girls have and they were quite wide when she was pushed in front of Toshi with absolutely no explanation except that her friend spat out the word, "STALL."


Toshi instantly didn't like her.


She was too perfect. She was exactly like those judgmental bitches from his old life when he was low on the social pecking order. It wasn't a strong feeling, just a knee-jerk reaction, but it was still there. Because of this subconscious feeling, he felt absolutely no remorse about what he did next, ~Well, I suppose I should test her as well.~


"Hey. Nice tits." Toshi reached out to gently squeeze the tip of her left breast while saying, "Honk-Honk!"


There wasn't even a moment's hesitation as Ichikawa's hand flew up and across Toshi's face in a slap so hard it echoed down the hallway and made one of the janitors look up and wonder where that sound came from. Toshi's head flew to the side with a nice red hand print freshly visible across his left cheek. The two artists had just been recovering from passing out and got to see their one and only fan get slapped. Yaoisuki sat up abruptly, "Ichikawa!" she exclaimed with a look of horror. Both the other two girls looked around the divider to see Ichikawa standing before Toshi, his face way to one side, her arm swung around, and a look of righteous indignation on her face.




Toshi remained still, his head off to the side. He reached up to feel his jaw and move it slightly, checking to see if she knocked any teeth loose. Kawashima grabbed Ichikawa from behind and pulled her back, "Are you nuts? That's these girls' only groupie!" She looked over her shoulder at Kawashima, "He grabbed my boob!" Kawashima looked back at her with a look of utter bafflement, "SO?"


Toshi slowly turned to look at Ichikawa and spoke with a voice that seemed rather detached. To Ichikawa, he sounded a tad bit sinister, "Why yes. That sort of reaction is totally out of place in this sort of situation, Don't you think?" He gave her a smirk as he straightened up, "It is almost as if you were play acting a role in the manga these two were writing." Ichikawa suddenly looked nervous, sweat starting to form on her forehead.


"Say, you wouldn't happen to know where they get their inspiration from..." He stepped up to her getting eye to eye. She reflexively retreated a step.



"Would you?"

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