Floating Color

Chapter 7 - I Really Want to Bite You to Death.

Chapter 7: I Really Want to Bite You to Death.

Translator: Claire.KK

Mi Chen had ever read some reports about Li Mojun (厉墨钧, originally 厉秣钧) and it was said that the two Chinese characters (秣钧) of his original name came from two set phrases, one of which (Mo, 秣) meant keeping the army ready for combat and the other (Jun, 钧) meant the great power of thunderbolt. Obviously, his former name sounded too murderous, so he changed his name when he debuted.

“Have you ever seen Li Mojun?” asked Fang Chengye with a smile on his face.

“No. But I have seen his work The Story of an Empty City. His smile could give people a strong sense of warmth.”

“This is what a qualified actor should do. Li Mojun is able to change himself into different characters when he meet different scripts. But actually he is quite difficult to get along with. And…” Fang Chengye got close to Mi Chen, whispering to her ears in a low tone, “I heard that he has changed his cosmeticians six times in a year. That means he would expel a cosmetician every two months.”

“What?” Mi Chen raised her head looking at the man in the playbill. She never expected that Li Mojun could be so bad-tempered.

“So, you’d better to follow our boss wholeheartedly!”

When she left, Mi Chen took one look backwards subconsciously. Her eyes suddenly got painful when she caught sight of the brow ridges of the young man.

Even though she didn’t get anything that she wanted, Mi Chen was not nervous at all. After all, it would be useless to have those unsuitable things and they could only turned to be waste.

When Mi Chen got back to her small apartment, Meow was conscientiously making pumpkin porridge with all necessary ingredients prepared. She also planned to make two dishes when Meow came back. If they kept eating instant noodles, Mi Chen believed that they would became mummy that no poison could hurt them.

When Mi Chen turned on her computer, Mi Chen logged on a French website. As she click on the page, various cosmetics appeared on the interface. She then clicked the option ‘Men’ and began selecting products. As she finished putting all the suitable things to her shopping cart, she then called Fang Chengye. Fang Chengye immediately remitted a sum of money to her credit card. Finally, Mi Chen perfectly finished her task.

Meanwhile, Meow also came back. Along with the sound of a key turning in the lock, Meow’s voice came into Mi Chen’s ears too.

“Mi Chen! Mi Chen! Tell me! Are you the private cosmeticians of Bai Yihan now? What kind of person is he? Is he as generous as what he is in the interviews? Does he behave like a bad-tempered big shot? Has he ever ordered you to do so many things for him? Or those rumours are true and he is really a gentle man?!”

Mi Chen got pretty surprised. How could Meow ask so many questions at one sitting? She suddenly had no idea how to answer her.

“Don’t worry. Bai Yihan is really a good person. By now he has still been a flawless white jade and no defect could be found on him!”

“Wow, it’s really unbelievable! You can even use such an advanced metaphor with your poor Chinese!”

“What do you mean?! Are you serious? Is my Chinese so poor?”

“Well, how many points did you get in our monthly Chinese tests when we were in middle school?”

“I got more than eighty points!”

“You thought the full mark was one hundred?! It was a hundred and fifty, ok? Listen, forget the rhetoric, whether it’s simile or metaphor. What matters is the deep meanings in people’s words! If you want to get along well with those people around you, you must learn to get their true meanings! That’s the so called connotation, hidden under the conceptual meaning! Of course, connotation was more important than the other. Do you understand?”

Mi Chen sighed, replying, “Can’t people express their feelings directly? Why do they have to make their words so complex…? Meow, don’t you realize that you might think too much about it?”

It was really annoying to listen to those kind of “meanings”!

“Now you can see how extensive and profound language is! You are not working at the shabby photographic studio now. But think the words that those guests ever said to you! You even can’t understand them without me! There must be various kinds of people and troubles around Bai Yihan. The same sentence that Bai Yihan said to you may has different meanings in different places with different circumstances.”

“For example?” asked Mi Chen. She hadn’t intended to understand the clients’ words at all in the studio!

“For example, ‘I really want to bite you to death.’”

“What…” Mi Chen recalled her former boss in the photographic studio. When their client complained about her, he would say those fierce words to Mi Chen. “Why do you take this as an example? I’m clear with its meaning!”

It was really easy to understand! And it seemed that Meow really regarded her as an idiot!

“Do you really understand it? If a handsome man pinches your chin with a charming smile on his face, will you understand what he really means at that time?”

Mi Chen shrugged as she felt it so nauseating.

“Look! The same sentence will have different meanings when it is told by different people in different contexts. Just try to understand the art of words!”

Meow slightly patted on Mi Chen’s shoulder and kept eating the pumpkin porridge.

As Bai Yihan’s schedule had not been arranged for the time being, Mi Chen didn’t have a lot work to do as well. She bought plenty of fashion magazines and started studying the male models’ makeups of the magazines on her bed.

At that moment, her phone suddenly rang.

“Hello, this is Mi Chen.”

“I know it. I’m the leader of cosmetic group, Lin Ruyi.”

The voice sounded so cold and was filled with arrogance and disdain.

It then occurred to Mi Chen that she had kept following Fang Chengye all the time since she entered Starry Cosmo. She had never met her immediate superior Lin Ruyi once.

“Hello, Miss Lin! I’m so sorry. I planned to meet you today. But they told me that you were shooting on location.”

“Well, you don’t need to say these polite words. I know Bai Yihan has no work to do now, but our group is short of staff. Liao Bing has a fans meeting at three o’clock this afternoon. Many entertainment media will come to report the event. Her cosmetician was pushed down the stairs by those radical fans and has been sent to hospital. You have to reach the Dream Chasing Square and temporarily work as her cosmetician. Do you have any problems with that?”

“No! I will prepare for it now!”

“All right. That’s all.”

As the phone was hung up, Mi Chen patted her chest and realized that she’d better invite Lin Ruyi to dinner.

According to Meow’s opinion, office politics could be found in every place.

But Liao Bing… She was the supreme female singer of Starry Cosmo and her gramophone record was also the bestseller. She was the only person who was equal to compete with those top singers of Great Waves.

She was such an important singer of Starry Cosmo, so Mi Chen never expected that Lin Ruyi could let her do the job.

However, there was also a problem as Liao Bing was a woman and she only prepared some cosmetics which were suitable for female. Mi Chen took one look at her watch. It was ten o’clock, so she still had enough time. She quickly rushed to the supermarket and selected some high-quality cosmetics which she had ever used before.

Having no time to have lunch, she quickly arrived at the Dream Chasing Square and ran to the dressing room of Liao Bing.

As soon as she got there, she saw the guards and Liao Bing’s assistant standing outside the door, lowing their heads.

“Hmm, I’m a cosmetician and our group leader Miss Lin asks me to come here… So, may I come in now?”

“Well, oh… Please wait for a while.” Liao Bing’s assistant smiled to Mi Chen and said.

Suddenly, a loud voice full of rage came from the other side of the door. “This is what you have made for me? I’m going to meet my fans today, not going to have fun with men in a bar! Do you think I can go out to meet my fans with such a makeup?”

“I’m so sorry, Miss Liao! It’s all my fault. I didn’t get your idea clearly.”

“Get out of here! Now!”

Mi Chen swallowed in fear. As the door opened, a cosmetician came out embarrassedly. She raised her head up as she bumped into Mi Chen. It was until this time that Mi Chen found that the person seemed to be an experienced cosmetician in their cosmetic group.

“Ms. Zheng.”

The woman who was called Ms. Zheng gave a bitter smile and then said, “Mi Chen… Are you asked by Miss Lin to come here to be cannon fodder too?”

Mi Chen was at a loss for words for the moment.

Ms. Zheng patted Mi Chen’s shoulder and then said with a smile on her face, “So many people dislike you and envy you because you can work for Bai Yihan as soon as you enter our company. It will be better for you to have a setback here. After all, if your career is too smooth, there must be a number of people who are waiting to stab you in your back.”

Finishing her words, Ms. Zheng walked away.

“Where is the cosmetician? Did Lin Ruyi say that she had sent a powerful abroad-educated cosmetician to work for me? Let her come in now!” The cold voice of Liao Bing came again.

“She has arrived already. I will let her in right now!” The assistant slightly pushed Mi Chen, winked, and then whispered to her ears, “Don’t worry about it. She can only drive you out if she is not satisfied with your work. Hold on and everything will be okay soon!”

Mi Chen’s heart got chilled after she heard the words. She was just going to put on makeup for Liao Bing. Why did she feel more like she was approaching the execution ground?

She carefully opened the door and stepped in. Liao Bing was sitting in the centre of the dressing room. Her legs was so long, and that was why she was called leggy beauty in the entertainment circle. But at this time, she crossed her legs, leaned against the chair and stared at Mi Chen with her chin raised. The dominating atmosphere around her made Mi Chen feel more nervous. She even felt pain in her throat when she swallowed.

“Are you the abroad-educated cosmetician? You are so young. Have you ever worked for any famous models or fashion magazines?” said Liao Bing with a cold expression on her face.

Mi Chen noticed her makeup when she saw Liao Bing. It was really a good one as the smoky style looked fashionable and made her eyes bigger. The whole makeup on her face was harmonious. Mi Chen was exclaiming secretly in her heart that Ms. Zheng was really an experienced cosmetician. But why did Liao Bing still feel unsatisfied?

“I don’t have a gorgeous background. Actually, I just have a few part-time experiences of doing makeup for some infamous plane models while I was studying overseas.” Mi Chen negatively told the truth since it might be better for her to be driven away directly.

“Well, you are honest. It seems that Lin Ruyi doesn’t have enough people to use. Otherwise she would not send such a young girl to be here! Why doesn’t she come here herself?” Liao Bing smiled and sneered. “Well, it’s true that there are so many big shots in Starry Cosmo and they are more important than me.”

Mi Chen didn’t reply. She was not so clear about the matters inside Starry Cosmo. She would not discuss the things that she didn’t know.

“I have removed my makeup for three times already. If you make me do it again, I will let you lose your job.”

Liao Bing had lost all her impatience as she had wasted a long time.

Mi Chen’s finger shook unconsciously. She didn’t know whether Liao Bing was just scaring her or she would really take it so seriously.

“What are you waiting for? I don’t have that much time to waste.”

Mi Chen forced herself to walk up to Liao Bing and began removing her makeup. She knew that Liao Bing was still in anger now. If she directly touched the outline of her face as what she did to Bai Yihan that day, Liao Bing would definitely get out of temper again.

With the cotton pad in-between her hand and Liao Bing’s face, Mi Chen softly removed the makeup and discreetly tried to feel the exact shape of her facial skeleton.

When she studied overseas, Lin Runan personally taught her how to remove makeups.

According to his words, removing the mask of a woman’s face should be the most relaxing thing for the woman and cosmeticians were supposed to make the time enjoyable. So Mi Chen exerted the most suitable strength to press the skin of Liao Bing’s face. Sometimes she would massage some acupoints for Liao Bing to ease the muscles of her face.

Closing her eyes, Liao Bing didn’t say a word until Mi Chen washed her face clean.

Liao Bing paid no attention to Mi Chen; instead, she just used her toner and emulsion to do a basic skin care. Meanwhile, Mi Chen averted her eyes to the cosmetics on the dressing table.

“Miss. Liao, does Ms. Zheng leave those cosmetics here?”

“No, they are all mine.”

“Well… I also bring some cosmetics here too. Would you mind it if I use these products today?” Mi Chen opened her cosmetic box and showed them to Liao Bing. “All of them are new and no one has ever used them before.” Mi Chen added.

“I only use the products of the best brand,” answered Liao Bing with a cold tone.

“It’s true that they are the top brands of western countries. But westerners’ skin condition is different from ours. Actually, Miss. Liao, this kind of products will cause burden for your skin. It will be hard for the pores to breathe and finally lead to blocked pores. By the way, the makeup will also be easily taken off.

“I have heard the same words for many times and I also used some so-called flimsy cosmetics before. As a result, they only made my face fail to come out well in photos. I can try the cosmetics that you have brought here. But just like what I said just now, I will let you lose your job if you can’t make me satisfied. I have seen so many people who graduate from well-known universities but are not capable at all. They do nothing but waste both my energy and my time.”

Mi Chen smiled. It was obvious that Liao Bing had a prejudice against her now and it would be useless to explain to her. Mi Chen could only try her best to make a perfect makeup for her. Only in this way could Liao Bing change her idea and trust her.

“Do you have any requirements about your makeup, Miss. Liao?” questioned Mi Chen.

“Of course, I have told all the cosmeticians that I’m going to have a fans meeting and I want my fans to see the gentle side of mine. I’m not going to be a plane model! At the same time, my photos should be good enough to be reported, so the makeup should not only look tender but also be impressive!”

“Then… Let’s try the natural style and stress your pronounced facial features. What do you think of it?”

“That’s fine with me as long as you can make it.” Liao Bing really wanted to see how the facial features get more pronounced when the makeup was natural. She was clear that no one could have his cake and eat it too.

Mi Chen took her seat in front of Liao Bing. Just like other cosmeticians, she put on the foundation for her first. But her following steps were quite different. She kept mixing those rouges and eye-shadows of different colors. All the colors belonged to the same system and no gaudy colors could be found among them. Next she slightly put the eye-shadows on Liao Bing’s eyelids layer by layer. All the colors were light and at the same time each layer was all different from the former one.

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