Floating Color

Chapter 8 - Where is the little cosmetician?

Chapter 8: Where is the little cosmetician?

Translator: Claire.KK

Mi Chen took the chance to carefully watch Liao Bing’s face from different directions while putting on cosmetics for her. Mi Chen didn’t talk a lot as she paid all her attention to Liao Bing’s face.

Liao Bing would lose her temper if she met such a silent cosmetician who did such a slow work before. However, when she saw Mi Chen flutter her eyes down and keep comparing the color on her cheeks with the color on her own arm, Liao Ming gradually felt warm in her heart, somehow.

“Miss. Liao, could you smile a bit?”

“Why need I smile to you?”

“Because… Because only in this way can I see the detailed radian of the muscles on your face…”

Liao Bing gave a snort, a smile then appearing on her face. Mi Chen fixed her eyes on Liao Bing, her brush slightly swung across Liao Bing’s face with another color.

“Miss. Liao. It’s okay now. Have a look. Do you think there is any place should be adjusted?”

Liao Bing leaned over and turned her sight to herself in the mirror.

After a while, she slightly turned her face left and right with no expression could be seen on her face.

Noticing that made Mi Chen get nervous in a sudden. Maybe Liao Bing just thought the same way as those guests who were taking wedding photos. She might be not satisfied with the makeup as its color was not dense enough. Would Liao Bing got really angry and make her lose her job in Starry Cosmo.

Liao Bing then gave her phone to Mi Chen saying, “Take a photo for me. I want to see if it comes out well in photos.”

“Oh, okay!” Mi Chen immediately took the phone.

Liao Bing leaned backwards, a smile lighting up her face. The face in the mirror looked not cold at all; instead, it only gave people a sense of warmth.

Mi Chen gave the phone back to Liao Bing. With a groan Liao Bing said, “Your camera technique sucks.”

Mi Chen pursed her lips and said nothing more.

“Let’s go, what are you waiting for?” Liao Bing got up her feet and walked to the doorway.

“What?” Mi Chen couldn’t follow her mind, feeling so confused.

“You have cost me a long while. It’s time to meet my fans! There’s no time for me to change cosmetician even if I really want to! You put on the makeup for me. Don’t you think you should follow me and fix the make up for me later?”

“Sure! I’ll do it right now!” Mi Chen hurriedly put away all her brushes and followed Liao Bing out.

As soon as they got out, all guards as well as Liao Bing’s assistant immediately kept up with them. Mi Chen could only be borne backward by the crowd.

However, after walking ahead for just more than ten meters, Liao Bing suddenly turned around, knitted her eyebrows and said, “Where is the little cosmetician?”

“I’m here!” Mi Chen waved her hand.

Liao Bing pointed at the place beside her, saying, “Haven’t I told you to follow me? Where are you going?”

Mi Chen then forced a passage through the crowd and walked up to Liao Bing.

It was a really large scale fans meeting. The whole square was filled with people and Liao Bing’s name could be seen everywhere. Those fans screamed loudly with delight as they saw Liao Bing appearing there.

Liao Bing, who kept a cold face, smiled to her fans. Her expression was so warm that it even seemed to be the snow water flowing from the top of iceberg. Mi Chen, along with Liao Bing’s assistant stood below the stage and looked up at her.

Liao Bing communicated with the host with great ease. She then answered some questions from her fans and read a few letters too, expressing her gratitude to her fans. More than one thousand records of Liao Bing were sold in the fans meeting.

With the great request of her fans, Liao bing sang a song on the stage, after which she went back to the backstage to have a rest. Sitting in front of the mirror, Mi Chen took one look at her cheeks and waved her hand to Mi Chen, uttering, “What are you doing there? Come here to fix the makeup for me.”

“Oh, okay!” Mi Chen walked to Liao Bing but found that her makeup was still kept well.

When the fans meeting finished, one third of the tickets for Liao Bing’s concert, which was going to be held next month, had been sold. It was the first time that Mi Chen had ever seen such a powerful appeal.

Before Liao Bing left the place, Hong Yueying, the female host of the fans meeting, quickly walked to her and asked, “Liao Bing, you are really pretty today. There seems to be no makeup on your face. It looks so natural. Do you go to a beauty salon to take care of your skin or you just change your skin care products?”

Hong Yueying was one of Liao Bing’s friends in the circle. So they talked with each other rather directly.

“I just change my cosmetics.” Liao Bing got close to Hong Yueying, watched her facial skin carefully and said, “Look, your makeup has been taken off. Do you know that those big-brand cosmetics are mostly designed for westerners. So they will easily cause many problems for our skin, such as blocked pores, greasy face. And they are not stable either. You should change them.”

“I have also heard about this kinds of words. I remember you didn’t think too much of them and said to me that money wouldn’t be wasted. So I just use the same products with you! What brand are you using now? I really admire you when I see your makeup!”

Liao Bing looked around and then knitted her eyebrows, asking to her assistant who was standing beside, “Where is the little cosmetician?”

“Well, she said that she hadn’t had lunch yet. She was quite hungry so she asked if there was something else to do. I said no, then she went to the nearby KFC.”

“Hum, she should really be careful of becoming a fat pig if she eats too much fast food like those things in KFC!” With these words, Liao Bing got on her nanny car, closing the door with a loud sound and finally left.

Hong Yueying couldn’t help winking her eyes hearing what Liao Bing said. Was Liao Bing caring someone just now? The woman didn’t change a bit. She always uttered sharp words but her heart was actually soft. And she always behaved arrogant when she cared about others.

Mi Chen ate a whole hamburger and gulped down a large cup of cola. It was at this time that she felt she came to life again.

Those reports about Liao Bing’s fans meeting appeared on those mainstream media soon. All of them praised Liao Bing and commented that she really looked like a young girl. In addition, her makeup on the fans meeting became the cover of a special column of Fashion Style. They acclaimed that goddess Liao Bing walked down from the altar that day. So many cosmetic editors also made remarks saying that this kind of natural makeup would make an ordinary’s facial features not so solid in photos. But according to the photos that came from the media, they couldn’t deny that those photos were totally the same with what they saw on scene. That showed that Liao Bing’s facial features were rather solid and no one had expected that they could be so perfect.

A few days later, Liao Bing listened to her assistant reading those reports about her. Her assistant read some news about love affairs at the beginning. Liao Bing didn’t care this kind of reports at all as she had heard so many similar news. Then the assistant read the comments about her makeup on the fans meeting. It never occurred to Liao Bing that she could take the first place on Fashion Style.

The assistant took one glance at Liao Bing. No change could be seen on her expression but the slight curved corner of her lips indicated that their goddess was really happy today. When Liao Bing finished her work, she happened to meet Lin Ruyi in the elevator.

“Oh, Miss. Liao. I’m so sorry. I’m too busy that day. I should have put on makeup for you myself!” Lin Ruyi heard that Liao Bing never smiled to others except audience.

“That’s all right. By the way, you can arrange the girl to be my personal cosmetician! Then she needn’t to run around like a small mouse. It’s really hard to find her in crowd!”

Finishing her words, Liao Bing got out the elevator.

Lin Ruyi go confused with her words. She then clasped Liao Bing’s assistant asking, “What did Liao Bing mean just now?”

“You sent Mi Chen to help put on makeup for Liao Bing, didn’t you? Liao Bing was satisfied with her work. Just transfer her here to be Liao Bing’s personal cosmetician.”

Lin Ruyi got struck dumb by this. Liao Bing was so fastidious that an experienced cosmetician could not make her satisfied. Even she, the cosmetician leader of Starry Cosmo, tried hard to find an excuse to escape from working for her. But now the big problem was solved by such a young girl! How could it be possible?

Lin Ruyi suddenly felt pretty uncomfortable in her chest.

But Liao Bing was a hot singer of Starry Cosmo, she couldn’t afford to offend her. She finally came to the HR department as she had no option else. “Liao Bing wants Mi Chen to be her personal cosmetician. I will find another cosmetician to work for Bai Yihan.” She said to Kang Mao.

Kang Mao gazed at her with curious sight as if he was saying “Are you crazy?”

“Miss. Lin, don’t you know that it is Mr. Li who asks Mi Chen to work for Bai Yihan? You should ask Mr. Li if you want to replace her with someone else!”

Lin Ruyi bit her lower lip and walked out. She had a terrible headache now and could do nothing but call Bai Yihan’s agent Fang Chengye to ask if she could do that.

“Hello, Mr. Fang. I’m Lin Ruyi, the cosmetician group leader of Starry Cosmo.”

“Oh, Miss. Lin. What’s up?”

“Well, Mi Chen put on makeup for Liao Bing on her fans meeting, and Liao Bing is pretty satisfied with her work. So she tells me to ask Mr. Bai if Mi Chen can work for her. I will work for Mr. Bai myself. What do you think about it?”

Fang Chengye turned his head back and happened to see Mi Chen sitting beside Bai Yihan testing the cosmetics that she bought from abroad.

Bai Yihan had a crucial interview tomorrow afternoon and Mi Chen was testing the makeup for him. At first Bai Yihan didn’t think it was necessary for a male star to test the makeup as a woman. Furthermore, he would be attractive enough even if he appeared without any makeup. But it was the first time that Mi Chen had done her work after entering their group. She was really careful when she was studying the collocation of different color and the color gradation.

Bai Yihan always thought highly of those people who took their work seriously. If it could be perfect, then he was willing to cooperate with Mi Chen and do what she asked him to do.

Fang Chengye stepped to the balcony, touched his chin and said, “Miss. Lin, actually, I am a bit curious why you sent Mi Chen to work for Liao Bing that day as she is the personal cosmetician of Bai Yihan.”

Lin Ruyi got stunned for seconds and quickly resumed her intonation explaining, “Mr. Fang, please don’t make me wrong. We were really short of hands that day. So I has to ask Mi Chen for help. By the way, Mi Chen agreed to do that herself. After all, Liao Bing was really a big shot.”

She couldn’t say that it was all because Liao Bing drove away three experienced cosmeticians and she didn’t want to get in the line of fire herself, then she sent Mi Chen to do the work instead and indicated that Mi Chen tried flattering Liao Bing.

“Well, it seemed to be your fault as you didn’t manage it well. Now that Mi Chen has become one part of Mr. Bai’s group, you should inform Mr. Bai or me first if you want to ask her to work for other stars.

“Could I… Could I talk about it with Mr. Bai in person?”

“Mr. Bai? He appears to be gentle and generous, but he was actually a serious person. Have you forgotten what you did at the music ceremony? You should put on makeup for Bai Yihan first but you suddenly went to work for the idol group after receiving a phone call. We had been waiting you for one hour in the dress room. You just said that you were willing to replace Mi Chen yourself. Not only Bai Yihan would refuse, but I was worrying. Because I’m not sure whether you will go away with your cosmetic box when you receive another call from an idol group.”

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