Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 61: I'm Sorry That I'm Just Me

Five minutes later, Zhao Huatai and Zhang Hongyu were both on the ground, their heads hanging as tears poured down their faces. Two teardrops fell from Zhao Huatai’s eyes. He had never felt humiliation on this scale. He had had a majorly successful life and never would have thought he could suffer this way.

Xiang Ning was in good spirits now, his Fury Points breaking the ten thousand mark. He was rich! And very satisfied. The system even rewarded him with a little pill that fully recovered one’s strength without any side effects as a reward for his first time accumulating ten thousand points.

Of course, that only referred to physical strength, not injuries. If medicine could instantly heal injuries, it would be sold at a sky-high price—or perhaps be priceless—and would only end up hurting many more lives. Human greed knew no limits.

He looked at the trembling mercenaries, who instantly panicked. If they had to endure the same humiliation as the ringleaders, they would choose death instead.

“Don’t come here, we have already called the police. They’ll be here very soon!” The leader manically struggled on the ground, trying to get away from Xiang Ning.

Xiang Ning chuckled, ignoring him. He picked up a dagger and walked over with a grin. The man wet himself in the terror. Xiang Ning frowned, but still brought his blade down. The man shrieked, then he felt a slap across his face.

“Stop that! I don’t even know how you became a mercenary.” Xiang Ning didn’t plan to hurt the man, he only wanted to shave off the man’s mohawk.

He had confirmed that the man could no longer provide any more Fury Points based on his reaction. He was utterly terrified, how could he produce more Fury Points? He would probably generate Fear Points instead, if those existed.

“Alright, I’m done here. Pay up.” Xiang Ning clapped the dust off his hands, then walked up to Zhao Huatai with an outstretched palm.

Zhao Huatai hung his head.

“Stop pretending to be dead! Or I’ll take pictures as evidence. You’ll still have to pay what you owe me,” Xiang Ning threatened, as Zhao Huatai owed him money.

Zhao Huatai had just been beaten up, and now he had to pay Xiang Ning. Knowing he could pretend no longer, he said, “How will you pay me if you tie me up like this?”

Fury Points +66

Xiang Ning was amused. He sure recovered quickly! Fury Points so soon? However, Xiang Ning was reasonable. He had planned to take the money after the beating.

Xiang Ning let him go and Zhao Huatai took out his communicator. “Your bank account.”


Xiang Ning told him a string of numbers. Why did he memorize his bank account numbers, you ask? Well, Xiang Ning had always been on top of his finances.

“Ding. Incoming funds of $150,000 into your account 666XX… Balance: $154,152.”

Xiang Ning broke into a grin when he saw the message on his communicator. What a good day! After receiving the money, he knew it was time to leave and he smiled at the rest of the men. “Come look for me if you’ve got anything else to discuss. Next time, I’ll even give you a discount.” Then he disappeared. Everyone cursed the madman when he left. Discount? He probably meant breaking their legs.

“You idiot! Come untie me!” When Zhang Hongyu saw the psycho leave, he finally dared speak up. He instinctively rubbed his buttocks the moment he was let go. It still burned; he would never forget such humiliation.

“Hehe, a hundred and fifty thousand! Do you think this is over? That’s going to be your medical bill when I’m done!” Zhao Huatai didn’t hide his rage.

“Bro, in two days, students attending the special training course across Marsh City will participate in a wilderness activity and that bastard’ll be there too,” said Zhao Huatai.

“It’s no use, he’s too powerful. I can’t even beat him with my spiritual armor.” Despite being tempted, Zhang Hongyu realized he simply wasn’t strong enough to take revenge. Fighting Xiang Ning in a group was still impossible as he didn’t have a tier one, nine-star martial artist with him, either. There was still a huge gap.

Zhao Huatai paused as he thought about it. “Why don’t we get someone else to do the job for us.…”

“That’s a good idea… a great idea! We won’t have to lift a finger! The bastard will die from spit!” Zhang Hongyu let out a guffaw.

They had completely thrown the humiliating episode to the back of their minds. Such was natural human behavior, they tended to forget tragedies.

Xiang Ning took a look at the time, discovering that it was already past nine. Working at the dojo meant he would only get home in about two hours, and he thought about his adorably innocent little sister waiting up for him. He was initially pissed about the wasted time, but then he remembered the money he had earned from the fight.

“Fine, I’ll go back home and get some rest. I need to plan for the wilderness activity, anyway.” He slowly walked home, head lowered as he fell deep in thought.

At about nine-thirty, he arrived at the entrance of his home. He looked at the glass window, then realized the silhouette there was not his sister. His mind instantly raced like thousands of cogwheels spinning, his face turning ghostly pale as he let out a primal roar!

“Who is it!” Xiang Ning expanded his mental power and a sharp rock levitated off the ground. He charged into the house, hoping to startle the intruder!

At that moment, Xiang Ning had succumbed to his instincts, his love for Xiang Xiaoyu blinding his logic. The conversation he’d had with Zhang Hongyu and Zhao Huatai was mostly to blame—did they really send someone for his sister?

Those were the thoughts running through his mind.


The ten-year-old anti-burglary door was knocked down, followed by three sharp rocks flying in. All he saw was Xiang Xiaoyu’s terrified expression and a person who quickly turned around to face him.

Xiang Ning unleashed a primal roar. But when he saw the face that turned around, Xiang Ning stopped abruptly in his tracks, the rocks falling to the ground.

“Uh… Uncle Zhao.…” He awkwardly stood there, not expecting the ‘intruder’ to be Uncle Zhao.

Before Uncle Zhao could say anything, Xiang Xiaoyu leaped from the sofa and stood between them. Although she didn’t know what was going on, seeing her brother’s rash behavior, she instinctively stood between them in fear of a fight breaking out.

“Xiang Ning, what’s the matter with you?” she asked in a panicked tone.

Xiang Ning scratched his head, embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I thought there was an intruder.” He had been worried because of Zhao Huatai and Zhang Hongyu’s threats. Although he hadn’t taken their words to heart at the time, afterward, he realized that he might not have made the right decision because he wasn’t acting alone—he had a little sister to care for!

Uncle Zhao didn’t intend to blame Xiang Ning either, though he stared at the rocks on the ground in surprise. Based on what had just happened, Xiang Ning had displayed abilities equivalent to a tier one, four-star spiritual cultivator. However, he had just witnessed how fast those rocks flew. How could he only be a tier one, four-star spiritual cultivator?

Xiang Ning's physique had improved as well. Hmm, he must be a tier one, nine-star martial artist now. The vast improvement proved that Xiang Ning was a very gifted kid.

“I’m so sorry, Uncle Zhao, I wasn’t thinking straight,” Xiang Ning sincerely apologized.

Uncle Zhao kindly smiled. “I’ll admit you were brash, but you still could hold yourself back in time. Not bad. Well actually, I was here to give you two some mooncakes. Now that you’re here, uh… where is it?”

“Mooncakes?” Xiang Ning froze. It wasn't the Mid-Autumn Festival, was it?

“I’m bringing them over early because I’ll be visiting my son during the Mid-Autumn Festival,” explained Uncle Zhao.

Before the Great Disaster, the Mid-Autumn Festival was a traditional Chinese festival almost as important as the Spring Festival. It was a time when parents looked forward to their children coming home.

Xiang Xiaoyu looked disappointed when she heard Uncle Zhao.

“Ah, thank you so much, Uncle Zhao,” said Xiang Ning with a small bow. He thought for a moment. He needed to leave for the wilderness in two days, should he ask Uncle Zhao to look after Xiang Xiaoyu in the meantime?

“It’s nothing! I watched you two grow up, you don’t have to be so formal with me,” Uncle Zhao chuckled. Xiang Ning’s a good kid, but the right time hasn’t come yet.

“Uncle Zhao, could you help me with something?”

“Oh? What is it? Ask away, kid.” Uncle Zhao already had a faint guess.

“Well…” Xiang Ning explained his wilderness activity and expressed his hope for Uncle Zhao to take good care of Xiang Xiaoyu while he was away.

Naturally, Uncle Zhao agreed. His own son was a busy man, and he usually only lived alone. Obviously, he wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to care for this cute girl.

After some small talk, Uncle Zhao went home.

Xiang Xiaoyu hugged Xiang Ning’s waist from the back, leaning her head against his back. His gaze softened as he felt her emotions change. He turned and pulled her into his arms, hoping to give her some comfort.

After a few minutes, a forlorn voice came from his chest. “Xiang Ning, do we not have a home?” Uncle Zhao’s words had made her crave a home. She always saw parents picking up their children in school, and the way children lit up when they were lifted up by their parents. But she didn’t have any.

“This is your home. No matter where I am, I’ll be your home. I’m sorry that I’m just me, that I can’t give you love like true parents can, but I’ll do my best to give you the world, Xiaoyu. We may be orphans, but we aren’t weak. We live on. Do not worry, I’m here for you,” whispered Xiang Ning, gently stroking her hair.

Ten minutes later, he looked at the little girl asleep in his arms, his heart aching for her. He wiped the remaining tears off her face, then carefully placed her on his bed.

The moon hung coldly in the sky.

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