
Chapter 35




This day was maybe one of the weirdest I ever had and ever will have.
At least it will prove difficult to top negotiations with insects while keeping my subordinates from provoking a conflict we cannot win.
I am not really sure if what I do is right.
But as pressured our forces are I cannot risk a second front.
Furthermore, one I cannot even see.

An underground system!
You won't find anything about this in any tactical guides.
Given the current situation, even if we are at war, I believe my decision to be right to send Temia Lorata there.
She might be young for a lord, due to the recent passing of her father, but I don't think she will be in any danger.
At the same time, I cannot have her joining the frontlines, as her death would throw her fief into chaos.

But the most important is that her house is maintaining a neutral position in the local politics.
As such, there is no reason to doubt any testimony she will provide.
I need information and her testimony will pose a base for me to make decisions the other houses can relate to.
If these insects prove as powerful as I suppose them to be the other great lords might understand that open conflict is not the right approach.

Things being like this, I need to make sure that the status quo stays preserved.
Which prompts me to send a note to the capital.
I heavily emphasize my opinion that a war is not recommended.
Yet who knows what kind of reaction I have to expect.
They might even call me insane for such a ridiculous story.

But this is unlikely.
Much more I fear that they will force me to do something reckless.
I already have the suspicion that our current leader's decisions are based on a lack of insight into this war.

While the king is not a violent man, there are many hardliners.
And the greater problem is that those people control the forces at the main front in the north.
I can just hope that giving word about today's events is the right decision.
Maybe it will get better if for some time nothing happens and the people can finally ease up.



"What!?" (J)


I look to the window on the side and find one of those humanoid insects with wings.
The wings aren't surprising, as it needs those to get this high up but what is the meaning of this?

An attack?
But why now?
It's not like the people would be less alert after today's parade.
It seems to look to the side.

Promptly a whole bunch gathers around it.
As soon they break through my chances of survival will be low.
Nonetheless, my hand draws instinctively to my sword, while I slowly retreat to the door.
Yet a moment later they divide and in the middle appears this insect princess.
Liseti was it, right?

The other creatures somehow clamped into the stone of the wall and now they support her stand with their bodies, which is effectively in the open space past the window.
There she remains in absolute serenity, knowing that she won't fall.
And she stares at me.

It's hard to return it, as I have no idea what goes on inside her mind, and my abilities to read the facial expressions of insects aren't very developed.
But her demeanor appears to be somewhat displeased, as she tips with her upper claws on her lower arms before pointing at the wooden frame.

Oh, the window!
I guess she wants me to open it.
If I do so, either a dozen of these creatures will rush inside and rip me apart or I will come to learn what this princess wants from me.
As my instinct tells me it is fine and my mind that even if I'd run now probably a thousand more of these things would lead to the same outcome, I would rather open this window and try my luck with diplomacy.

Nonetheless, the situation makes me tense and alert.
After I've shoved the window open I hurriedly retreat.
With a serenity, that gives her a dignified vibe she ducks inside.
A move from her claw keeps the other insects from following behind.


"Uhh, princess Liseti was it, right?" (J)

"CorrEect." (LH)


Completely forgot about this screeching.
I guess it got slightly better but it's still very unpleasant.


"I have to say, a formal appointment would have been more appropriate. Your sudden visit could easily be misinterpreted." (J)


For example, as an attack on the castle.
A possibility I'd like to ascertain first.


"Mye fauult. Ien thEe swarm iet iez common for priEencEssEz to meeet wiethouut dEeleay! Also iet iez urgent" (L)

"These beings did look for me? They can discern specific targets?" (J)


This is what I gather from what just happened and it shows a distressing amount of intellect from these things.


"Naturallyee! MEssEngers have to knoow who thEy shall find! Hoow else wouuld thEy relAy ordeers?" (L)


At this moment the door bursts open.


"Sire, we are under attack! These insects..." (knight)


I directly prompt him to silence before he says more unnecessary things.


"This was nothing but a misunderstanding! No hostile actions! And now leave. We have a private discussion." (J)


At least I can show that I as well have some control over my men.
While he doesn't react as fast as I would like him to, as confused as he is, his compliance shows that I hold power and can be considered as an equal.
I need this position to perform negotiations with them.


"I'm sorry for this interruption, yet you approached with quite a force out of nowhere. Let's proceed. You said it's urgent?" (J)

"Ie rEeequeest a cooach for our deeepartuure." (L)

"A coach?" (J)

"ThEe weay back to thee hieve iez long. Your pEople wiell have to fiend theeir own meeans of tranzportAtion. YEt prienzEss Eeeryes wieshEs for such a thieng, as shee dreadz thEe usual meeans." (L)

"The usual?" (J)

"CArrieed bye our subjEctz!" (L)


This poor girl has more and more my sympathy.


"It's a bit sudden but should be possible. Are there any specifics we have to pay attention to?" (J)

"Iet haas to bee small enouugh to nAvigate thee tunnels. And naturAllye, it must complEtely encase her to provide thee nEcEssarye protEctieon." (L)

"Completely encased?" (J)


So they want a common coach?


"Yes, thee same as thee workers would usually do." (L)


I have no idea how I have to understand this, but I somehow really don't want to change places with Erys.
I guess it would really be better to grant her this, even if the construction must be pushed.


"I will fulfill your request. Is it fine if the envoys have their own carriages?" (J)

"Ief yuu wish so. You may brieng thEm to thee gAte wee passed today. Ie will opEn a pAssage bElow." (L)


She is hard to talk to and I am sure that other nobles would take offense.
Even I am a little taken aback by her demanding attitude.
She emits authority, as wrong as this may appear coming from an insect.
For now, it might be for the best to keep them far away from the royal palace.


"We have an agreement then. But I would ask you from now on to abstain from sending your forces to frequent the sky above our city." (J)

"Very wEll." (L)


With this, she turns around and jumps without any hesitation through the frame.
A moment later she's flying upwards, which induces the other insects to follow behind.


Sigh! That was tense.
Now I have to calm the people and convince them that we aren't under attack.
Then construct a carriage that is to the liking of insects, contact one last time the guilds to send their envoys, quell the uproar among the nobles, manage the notification of the capital, and not to forget to win a war, as insignificant as this point may appear at the moment.
This is going to become a busy week.



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