
Chapter 36


I wake up again.
When I do so I find my two nurses standing perfectly still in front of me.
One could be quite creeped out because of this but I can somewhat understand that they would never harm me.
Also, I've got adjusted by the pheromones as it seems.
Those tell me that everything is fine.
A biological signal that eases me.
Which is distressing on its own.


"Hey you two." (E)

"My princess, I report that your family is sufficiently prepared for the journey." (S)

"Our departure can proceed at your command. Because of your current state we don't need to worry about any laying intervals on the way." (K)


Reminded like this about my condition I touch my stomach.
Does it feel fuller than yesterday?
It might be just my imagination, caused by all the dread I feel.
But eventually, I will have to deal with the reactions the process causes to my body.


"Fine, then I should get out as well." (E)

"First another issue, my princess." (K)

"What is it?" (E)

"In cooperation with your mother I ventured out yesterday. We were able to obtain a specific item!" (K)

"You were out with my mother?! Wasn't this dangerous?" (E)

"It was within the limits. Skiras protected us properly with a small unit of interceptors." (K)

"What just happened while I was out?" (E)

"I will explain!" (K)




- Farrah -


My daughter is back.
I had no chance to talk with her, as she apparently directly fell into sleep after she returned, as Kyska told us.
This might be because she had a hard day or it is that state she is in.
Her body truly completely changed.

I still have no idea what to make out of the fact that she is like this.
She doesn't look ill or mistreated, but the things I've seen...

Erys was never very tough.
She always looks slightly troubled.
I am very worried.

At least I should look for her.
The others seem all fine.
The insects kept their word and we can't complain about anything.
Before I can reach her I meet one of Erys' nurses.
I guess it is Suki.

I'm absolutely sure Rowen can't tell them apart, as they truly look completely the same and I have at times no idea how Erys can do so easily.
Yet Suki has a far more easygoing demeanor.
She moves and flexes more, while Kyska is as stern as one can be, always uptight and stiff.


"Ehm, hello... Suki?" (F)


However, they look absolutely the same, so a little bit of insecurity should be forgiven.


"Mizz FArraaah, ies everyething according to your wishees?" (S)


I still don't know how I shall feel about being talked to politely.
Furthermore, as the only reason for this hospitality are the things that were done to my daughter.
It feels simply wrong that I profit from this.


"We are fine." (F)

"Tomorrow wee will deepart to the hive. Are you prEepared for such a journEy?" (S)

"I think so. How is my daughter?" (F)

"Shee is fiene. Sleeeping at the moment." (S)

"Can I see her?" (F)

"Sure. But don't wAke her up. Shee has to reecuperate!" (S)

"Sigh, alright!" (F)


It's vexing that I cannot decide when to talk to my own daughter but I wouldn't want to worsen my position here.

She's in her room.
Sleeping as they said.
It's warm, but no blanket covers her.
Also, these wings on her back stir frequently.
I think this indicates an uneasy sleep.

This is a troubling sight I need to say.
And she sleeps in her clothes.
Was she so exhausted that she couldn't even change?
Yet, none of these insects wear clothes in the first place.
That triggers me:


"Suki..." (F)


Before I can say anything else, Suki indicates with a gesture to her mandibles that I can't talk here.
Fine then outside.

Stepping out of the hole to her chamber I see Kyska.
I am not sure how to interact with her, as she barely shows any expressions.
She might be polite, but who knows what she really thinks about us.


"Miss Farrah, to find you here." (K)

"I was looking for my daughter. Is there any problem with this." (F)

"None I would know of. The princess made clear that you are allowed to move freely in her district." (K)

"Good." (F)


I won't make any concessions if it's about visiting her.


"You wantEd to say somethieng?" (S)

"Ehm, yes. The dress my daughter wears..." (F)

"Yes, we obtained it by processing the fabric of the other humans we encountered where she was procured from." (K)


Furthermore, does she really say all she has is some fabric people died in?


"Nevermind! Does she always sleep in these?" (F)

"At times we can manage to undress her in advance, but usually she does." (K)


Okay Farrah, ignore the disturbing comment and concentrate on the topic.


"Has she no garments for the night?" (F)

"Nieght garments?" (S)

"Lighter clothing to sleep in?" (F)

"No, she always uses those, since her initial attire lost its usability." (K)

"So my daughter has no change of clothes?" (F)

"It is like this." (K)


This is a serious issue that I cannot allow to continue.


"Then we need to do something about this. We have to bring her something new!" (F)

"New clothes? How would wee obtain those?" (S)

"We are right now in a city! This is the perfect opportunity to do so and it will be gone when we depart. We should act now as long Erys still sleeps." (F)

"Opportunity? What do you mean?" (S)

"We can buy some clothes above the surface. I can simply go with some money and get her something from a tailor." (F)

"Miss Farrah, the passages are now controlled by the guards of this city. We have no way to bring you out secretly. Even more, it is too much of a risk to expose you in such a manner. If someone would threaten you while you are out there on your own! I cannot allow this to happen!" (K)

"And what are you suggesting? My daughter needs something to wear." (F)

"It's the duty of a nurse to perform this kind of task. So I will venture out and acquire the wished goods." (K)

"My daughter would surely also be sad if something happens to you. Also, do you even know anything about trading goods?" (F)

"You give money and get what you want for it." (K)

"How much will the clothes cost? How about what a tailor's shop looks like, and where it's located? What kind of clothes would my daughter like regarding style, fabric, form? I have to do this!" (F)

"I simply cannot allow that you put yourself at risk like this!" (K)

"Then find a solution! I will go buy something for my daughter!" (F)

"I... Maybe if we prepare safety measures." (K)

"Screak!" (Sk)


At this moment, another insect of greater stature, yet similar frame as the two nurses approaches.


"Skiras, what is the issue?" (K)

"Iet iz mye dutye to proteect thee princEszz and the rElated individualz!" (Sk)

"Since when are you able to perform human speech?" (K)

"I observEd! Iet iz a rEcommEnded skill rEgarding thEe princezz tEndencye to interact wieth thiz speciezz!" (Sk)


I won't complain if more individuals are able to talk with me.
If it would just sound a little bit more pleasant.


"Explain your intention, Skiras?" (K)

"Ief you neEd to vEnture out, I will raize an Escort!" (Sk)

"If it is like this there should be no problem for me to leave. We aren't speaking here about a war effort of troops, right?" (F)

"It's only natural to give our princess' mother a high priority." (K)

"B-but too many would just attract unwanted attention." (F)

"Ie will crEAte an Elieete unit with thee twElve most reliAble IntErcEptors undEr thee princEzz command!" (Sk)

"I will trust your judgment, Skiras." (K)


A dozen?
Those are already too much I think, but I doubt they will let me argue with them on that matter.


"Sigh. Alright. Do we have anything we can pay with on the market?" (F)

"We still have one gold coin. Aside from that, princess Liseti surely wouldn't mind if we use the stored gold ore." (K)

"I... would rather not take her stuff. One gold should be plenty." (F)

"We can't afford to lose time then. Princess Erys might not have intervals anytime soon, yet she needs assistance when she wakes up. I don't want to leave her for long." (K)

"You intend to accompany me?" (F)

"Absolutely! I am responsible for your well-being." (K)


It seems this Skiras already has gathered his unit and leads them back to us.


"We can depart as it seems." (K)


I've fought for this opportunity, so I can't back out now.
Yet just looking at all these insects, without a doubt ready to mercilessly cut down anything that gets in our way, disturbs me deeply.
Still, I have to go.


"Miss Farrah, just so you know: In case we are confronted with any threats the interceptors will transport you away. In this case, you have to keep your body absolutely still so that they can fulfill their task and carry your weight." (K)

"Are you implying they will fly with me?" (F)

"Naturally. The open space upwards is the safest location. No hostile human beings can follow us there. So you must allow them to take this route in case of an emergency." (K)


High above in the air and certain death if I should fall.
Humans are certainly not thought to be elevated like this.

I was now in these tunnels for quite some time and have a rough idea about the layout.
Yet it's rather dark, so traversing them is difficult
I need to say as weird it is I relied very much on those insects, which have no problems finding their way down here.
The main base was rather bright, with many of these shining stones.
Especially Erys place was plastered with them.
Still, nothing is better than sunlight.
But something comes up.


"Kyska, aren't the checkpoints now controlled by the town's guards?" (F)

"There was an agreement. I am sure they won't stop us. In addition, this will be a perfect test to see how they intend to keep their part." (K)


If she says so.
We get to the upper floors and soon it gets much brighter with flickering lights.
The soldiers must be close.

The leg claws of these insects are not exactly quiet so that I soon notice something like a commotion a little further ahead.
Honestly, I can understand them.
They must be totally on edge, knowing what kind of passage they guard here and what comes now in their direction.


"S-Stop! W-who goes there?" (guard)

"I will talk." (K)


Kyska takes like this the front.
At her approach, the tension of these men does not really decrease.


"We wish to pass here! On behalf of princess Erys I demand you to give way!" (K)


An officer who appears to be responsible steps forward but looks now rather dumbfounded.


"Princess... Erys?" (guard)


I am as bewildered as they are.
Never I would have thought my daughter's name would be used like this.
Not that I had no trust in her, but being a high-ranking influence was a little out of my expectations.
The soldiers seem as well to be at a loss at what to do.


"We just made an agreement with your superior, which should allow us to enter. Or is this actually without value?" (K)

"W-wait. We first need to confirm." (officer)

"What is there to confirm? We don't mind if guards are following but please don't hinder us to complete our urgent tasks!" (K)


I just wanted to buy clothes for my daughter.


"C-can you at least explain your purpose in town?" (officer)

"We wish to acquire human goods on the market. This is absolutely in accordance with our agreement. And naturally we need protection while doing so." (K)

"H-how many are going to pass?" (officer)

"A group of fifteen. Completely within the limits." (K)


Kyska really is a demon to speak to.
It's very hard to talk back to her and she has this attitude that comes from absolute confidence in being backed up by a greater authority.
Which is my daughter as it seems.

Looking back, I count our group.
The escort of twelve interceptors, Skiras, Kyska, and me.
This isn't ignorable.
Yet it's not like they can do much.
If anything they know how their lord has tried to keep things calm and they cannot afford a diplomatic issue.


"Alright. Group D prepare to accompany them and maintain the order! Keros, give word to the headquarter and request reinforcements. The rest of us will stay here." (officer)


He said this with the confidence of a seasoned officer.
There is a visible small turmoil among the soldiers due to these orders.
Our group approaches them as soon they are no longer twitchy enough to do something stupid.

It's again a little weird.
The interceptors and the soldiers have around the same height.
The soldiers might be slightly taller.
Yet the interceptors look far more ready to act.
They have this presence of veterans compared to recruits, giving them a menacing aura, which makes the soldiers stare at them in fear.
Yet naturally, the one who gets the most looks is me.
The woman amidst the monsters.


"Who i-is this?" (officer)

"This is princess Erys' mother! I surely don't have to point out what kind of behavior I expect towards her!" (K)


Oh no.
Should they really know about this?
This won't make it any easier to avoid causing a ruckus.
Not that there was much of a chance for that with this escort in the first place.
And surely I am not used to getting treated like a noble.

The officer can't say much and ultimately has to let us pass.
I am very aware that more than a dozen men take position around us.
However, I doubt there are any plans to seize me.

So walking out into the town should be fine.
Even more, as the interceptors on our side are taking formation, making sure to effectively shield me against any threats from outside.
Just Kyska and Skiras are with me inside this cocoon.
Not that I don't acknowledge the effort, but it's rather hard to guide this bulk from here to the tailor.


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