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Ch100- Sasuke, I am Your Daddy!

Before Kai could dig deeper into this revelation, a strange sensation rippled from underground. Instinctively, he turned intangible, chasing after the source of the disturbance. The shift in his state was so rapid that it left a blur in his wake. The others in the room could only watch, trying to process what was happening.

Seconds felt like hours before Kai returned to his tangible state, a hint of frustration evident in his eyes. "It's gone," he muttered.

Tsunade immediately picked up on his tone, "What happened, Kai?"

"An enemy," was his curt reply, the single word heavy with meaning.

"Who was it?" Kai directed his question at Obito, his gaze intense.

"Zetsu," Obito revealed without hesitation. "Only he possesses the ability to move unrestricted, bypassing barriers and traditional forms of detection."

Tsunade's expression darkened, her hand balling into a tight fist. "That means they're aware we know of their plans now. This changes everything."

Haku added, "We should alert the other villages too. They must be informed."

Tsunade, her mind racing, said, "I'll convene a meeting of the Kage. We must stand united against this threat."

Kai’s voice was a low, clear timbre. “I will talk to the other Kage. I have some sort of connection with all of them.” He paused for a beat, his eyes flickering over to Sasuke, then Kakashi. "Kakashi is Obito's childhood friend. Sasuke wants nothing more than to kill Obito. When I accepted Sasuke as my student, I told him he was not to follow the path of revenge, but it doesn't mean he should forgive everyone. I will let you decide how you solve this, Sasuke."

Kakashi, whose relationship with Obito had spanned years and traversed complex emotional terrain, took a deep breath. There was an unmistakable, almost invisible shimmer of pain in his eyes. “Sasuke, you’re free to decide what you want to do. But remember, it’s a choice that you’ll have to live with.”

Sasuke's eyes, usually inscrutable, now burned with an intensity, reflecting years of pain, betrayal, and yearning for vengeance. Yet, he kept silent for a while, the weight of his impending decision evident. Every set of eyes in the room was now on him.

“Obito,” Sasuke began, his voice icy and resolute, “you robbed me of my family. You took away my brother. Any last words?”

Obito, seemingly unaffected by Sasuke's hostility, met the Uchiha's gaze. "Your brother chose his fate. But if it brings you peace, do what you must."

Sasuke approached Obito, unsheathing his sword. It gleamed ominously in the dimly lit room, reflecting the myriad emotions swirling in the air. With a swift, practiced motion, he ended Obito's life. The act was both merciful in its quickness and cruel in its finality.

Kakashi looked away, his gaze landing on the floor. He seemed lost in thought, likely reflecting on lost friendships and the consequences of choices made long ago.

After the deed was done, the room remained silent, save for the rhythmic breathing of its occupants. Tsunade eventually broke the silence, her voice trembling just slightly, “We need to move. The Akatsuki are onto us.”

Kai merely nodded, already turning to leave, the full weight of the mission ahead evident in his posture.

"Kakashi, make sure Sasuke's team have accommodations for their stay," Kai said. His voice was firm, an indication of the urgency.

Kakashi looked at Tsunade, who gave a single, solemn nod. Sasuke's eyes flickered briefly towards them but quickly returned to their usual, steely gaze.

"Sasuke, come with me to see your mother. Karin, you come too. There is someone I want you to meet." Kai's words were simple, but there was an underlying note of something deeper.

Karin's eyes widened for a moment, curiosity sparkling within them. Haku and Jugo followed after Kakashi, leaving the room in silence. Tsunade walked beside Kai, and her hand reached out to grab his. He held her hand tight, a subtle but meaningful gesture of reassurance. They moved with purpose, leaving behind the place where a life had just been extinguished.

Karin looked at Tsunade and Kai with a warm smile. She had long wanted to repay Kai for saving her, giving her purpose, but she was too weak to do so. Seeing him happy with Tsunade was enough to make her happy. Sasuke, on the other hand, either didn't see or ignored their behavior. He was not one to care about romantic stuff.

When they reached the Uchiha Compound, Sasuke's jaw tightened. The grand gates, the familiar emblem, it all brought a rush of memories and emotions.

"Tsunade gave this place to me and Mikoto," Kai said, his voice betraying no emotion, but the significance was not lost on anyone.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed, "You and mother?" he asked, not sure what Kai meant.

"Mikoto is my lover," Kai plainly said. He didn't like to beat around the bush.

Sasuke's eyes widened. In disbelief, in shock, in emotions he didn't know how to explain... A multitude of feelings were at play within him. The revelation had struck a nerve, an unexpected tremor that rippled through his very being.

His mother's face flashed before his eyes, the image tinged with an ache he hadn't fully comprehended before. He recalled her loneliness, a silent suffering that had always been there but that he had never truly seen. Worse than his own loneliness, because he had never cared to see how she felt as a woman. His focus had always been elsewhere—on revenge, on power, on himself.

The turmoil within him grew, anger, confusion, betrayal, and longing all intertwining into a chaotic storm. His hands clenched into fists, his breathing became shallow, his thoughts scattered and wild.

And then, slowly, the storm began to subside. Reason started to take over, his mind began to see things more clearly. His mother had the right to live on, to find happiness where she could. And if it was with Kai, then perhaps that was alright. Kai was the one person he respected and trusted more than anyone else. His teacher, his mentor, the one who had guided him when no one else would.

A semblance of calm finally settled over him, the turbulent emotions dying down to a quiet understanding. "I understand," was all he said.

Kai nodded, putting a hand on his shoulder, "Good, let's go and talk to her."


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