Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch99- Questioning Obito

The accusation hung in the air, heavy and damning. Kakashi's eyes widened, the truth in Obito's words striking him like a blow.

"Obito," Tsunade said, her voice firm but compassionate. "Kakashi did what he had to do. He made a choice that no one should ever have to make."

Obito's face snapped to Tsunade, his face twisted with rage. "And who are you to judge? Who are any of you to judge me? You, who play at being Hokage, who rule over a village that let Rin die. You, who claim to stand for justice, but only when it suits you."

Kai waved his hand and Obito wriggled in pain, "Watch your mouth, or you won't be able to talk again." Tsunade looked at Kai, her eyes filled with warmth. Despite being the mighty Hokage, she liked the feeling of being protected by her man. Obito's left eye was still closed, but Kai could feel the presence of a hidden Sharingan in it. Probably something he hid for a trick, but Kai's earlier seals weren't for show. He took precautions.

Kai then used another technique, suddenly, Obito lost his free will, and turned rigid.

"What did you do?" Karin asked, as she felt the change in Obito's chakra.

"I derived this technique from Edo Tensei," Kai answered. "It takes away the target's will. He will answer all of our questions now."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed, his attention fixed on Obito. "Then let's ask what we need to know."

Tsunade's gaze shifted from Kai to Obito, her expression one of determination. "Yes, we need to understand his plans, his motivations. This information is vital for Konoha's safety."

Obito's voice, devoid of emotion due to the loss of his will, began to spill the secrets. "Project Tsuki no Me is in the final stages. The Ten-Tails must be resurrected. The world will be remade."

"What are those?" Tsunade asked, her voice filled with uncertainty as she picked up on something ominous in Obito's emotionless declaration.

"The Ten-Tails, or Juubi, is the progenitor of all chakra," Obito's voice continued, robotic and detached under Kai's control. "It was split into nine Tailed Beasts by the Sage of Six Paths. My master, Madara Uchiha, plans to resurrect it to initiate the Eye of the Moon Plan."

"Madara Uchiha?" Kakashi exclaimed, his voice a mixture of disbelief and shock. "But he's dead!"

Kai asked, "Tell us everything, Obito. Start from the beginning. How were you saved, and how did you come to be a part of this plan?"

Obito's body was stiff as he began to recount his tale. "I was crushed under rocks in Kannabi Bridge. Near death, I was found by Madara Uchiha. He saved me, brought me back to his hideout, and healed me."

Sasuke's eyes were sharp, his mind working furiously to process the information. "Why would Madara save you?"

"He saw potential in me, a fellow Uchiha," Obito continued, his voice lifeless. "He trained me, told me about his vision for a world without pain, without suffering. A world where everyone would be united under a genjutsu created by the Infinite Tsukuyomi."

"How can the Infinite Tsukuyomi be achieved?" Tsunade asked, sensing that this was the key to their enemy's plan.

"The Infinite Tsukuyomi requires the Ten-Tails' power," Obito explained, his voice still devoid of emotion. "To resurrect the Ten-Tails, one must gather all the nine Tailed Beasts and merge them. The Moon's eye will then cast a genjutsu on the entire world, enslaving them under Madara's will."

A silence fell over the room, each person grappling with the enormity of what they'd learned.

"Madara awakened the Rinnegan shortly before his natural death," Obito replied. "He implanted his eyes into a young Nagato without the boy's knowledge. Nagato was to be a pawn, guided to resurrect Madara when the time was right."

"Who is Nagato?" Kakashi asked, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Front leader of Akatsuki, also known as Pain," Obito answered, his voice devoid of emotion under Kai's control. "But Akatsuki's real leader is me."

The revelation sent a shockwave through the room. Kakashi's face twisted into an expression of disbelief, while Tsunade's eyes narrowed, her mind racing with the implications of what she'd just heard.

Sasuke's face remained unreadable, but his eyes were filled with a fire that spoke of his mounting anger. "Who killed Itachi?" he demanded, his voice sharp.

"Uchiha elders with my help," Obito answered, the words falling from his lips like stones.

Sasuke's hand tightened into a fist, his whole body trembling with rage. The truth about his brother's death was too much to bear, a betrayal that cut to the very core of his being.

"Sasuke..." Karin began, reaching out to him, her eyes filled with empathy.

But Sasuke's focus was locked on Obito, his anger boiling over. He was about to unleash his fury when Kai's hand shot out, grabbing his arm. His grip was firm, a silent command for restraint.

"Sasuke, wait," Kai said, his voice steady. The words were simple, but they carried a weight that silenced Sasuke's rage. The bond of trust between them was strong, and Sasuke knew that Kai wouldn't stop him without reason.

"How about the Uchiha Massacre?" Kai asked, his eyes fixed on Obito, his voice betraying no emotion.

"I assisted Danzo to kill everyone," Obito answered, his voice still flat, controlled by Kai's technique. "Only three of them escaped."

"How are you going to remove the tailed beasts from their hosts? Is the Rinnegan capable of such a feat?" Tsunade inquired, her gaze sharp as she sought answers from Obito's now subservient form.

"The Rinnegan grants many abilities, but to extract tailed beasts, we use the Gedo Mazo," Obito intoned, the details rolling off him due to Kai's technique. "It's an ancient statue, bound by chains, with eyes for each of the tailed beasts. It has the power to forcibly remove and seal the beasts."

"And you've already identified the hosts for all the tailed beasts?" Kakashi's voice was laced with concern.

"Yes," Obito's voice remained emotionless. "The Akatsuki has pinpointed every last one of them. We are about to move."


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