Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch12- Lava and Boil Release

Hey there, readers! Before we jump into this chapter, I wanted to give a quick shout out to my newest Patreon supporters - Timothy, George, and Mellomellen! These awesome folks have recently joined the squad, and I couldn't be more grateful for their support. Your contributions mean the world to me and help me keep writing and sharing my stories with you all. So let's give a warm welcome to Timothy, George, and Mellomellen! Thank you for joining the party, and I can't wait to share more with you all.

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Kai, unfazed by the onslaught, began to weave a series of hand signs, utilizing his ability to perform jutsu from all five elements. A gust of wind swept through the area as he unleashed a powerful Wind Release jutsu, knocking several of the rogue ninja off their feet.

Not missing a beat, Kai quickly followed up with a Water Release jutsu, creating a massive tidal wave that crashed down on his opponents, disorienting them and making it difficult for them to regain their footing.

The rogue ninja attempted to retaliate, but Kai was relentless. He seamlessly transitioned to an Earth Release jutsu, causing the ground beneath their feet to shift and tremble, creating a series of jagged rock formations that impaled several of the rogue ninja.

As his opponents regrouped once more, Kai used a Fire Release jutsu, sending a wave of searing flames towards them. The rogue ninja scrambled to evade the blaze, their movements becoming more desperate as they realized the extent of Kai's abilities.

Finally, Kai unleashed a Lightning Release jutsu, a powerful bolt of electricity streaking across the battlefield and striking the remaining rogue ninja, incapacitating them.

With his elemental jutsu display complete, Kai turned his attention to the other facets of his fighting prowess. He performed the hand signs for the Shadow Clone Jutsu, creating several copies of himself that spread out across the battlefield. The rogue ninja, now severely outnumbered, struggled to keep up with the onslaught of attacks from Kai and his clones.

Kai's shuriken jutsu was on par with that of the late Itachi Uchiha, each throw with deadly precision and accuracy. He launched a flurry of shuriken towards his opponents, striking their weapons and forcing them to drop their defenses.

Switching to taijutsu, Kai demonstrated his mastery of hand-to-hand combat. His movements were fluid and powerful, each strike landing with devastating force. The rogue ninja, already weakened by Kai's elemental jutsu barrage and shuriken assault, were no match for his physical prowess.

As the battle raged on, Kai decided to incorporate genjutsu into his attack strategy. He locked eyes with one of the rogue ninja, ensnaring him in a powerful illusion. The trapped rogue ninja began to see his comrades as monstrous creatures, attacking him relentlessly. Panicked and disoriented, he turned on his own allies, further adding to the chaos of the battlefield.

The rogue ninja continued to fight, their numbers dwindling rapidly as Kai's relentless assault continued. Eventually, only a handful of them remained, their faces etched with a mix of fear, desperation, and exhaustion.

One of the remaining rogue ninja, sensing the end was near, made a desperate attempt to escape. He darted towards the edge of the battlefield, hoping to find some means of evading capture. But Kai had anticipated this move, and one of his shadow clones was already waiting to intercept the fleeing rogue ninja.

With the last of the rogue ninja defeated, Kai stood alone on the battlefield, surrounded by the unconscious and injured forms of his opponents. His face remained as impassive as ever, betraying no hint of satisfaction or pride in his victory.

The villagers, who had been watching the battle unfold from a safe distance, cautiously approached Kai. They were in awe of his power and skill, grateful for his intervention, but also wary of his cold and detached demeanor.

"Thank you," one villager said hesitantly, his voice quivering. "You saved us from those monsters."

Kai offered a curt nod in response but said nothing. He knew he had completed his mission, and that was all that mattered to him. The gratitude of the villagers was inconsequential.

As he turned to leave, the village elder approached him. "You are a skilled shinobi," the elder said, his voice filled with both admiration and fear. "We are grateful for your assistance, but we also know that normal folk cannot trust you completely. You are not part of our country, and your allegiance is uncertain due to that civilians will feel threaten with your presence."

Kai stared at the elder, his expression unchanged. "I understand," he said simply, his tone devoid of emotion. "I do not expect your trust, nor do I seek it. I am a free shinobi, bound only by my own will and the terms of my agreement with the Mizukage."

The elder nodded, his eyes filled with a mix of relief and sadness. "I see," he said softly. "Then, I will not ask you to stay. But know that your actions today have saved countless lives."

Kai acknowledged the elder's words with another nod before vanishing, leaving the villagers to tend to the wounded and rebuild their lives. The rogue ninja had been defeated, and for now, at least, peace had been restored.

Back in the Hidden Mist Village, Mei was informed of Kai's success in defeating the rogue ninja. She allowed herself a small, satisfied smile, knowing that she had chosen wisely in enlisting his aid. But she also knew that Kai's loyalty was not guaranteed, and that one day, he might choose to turn against her.

For now, however, she would honor their agreement. After Kai arrived, in a secluded training area, Mei demonstrated her unique jutsu to Kai, allowing him to observe her techniques three times each, as they had negotiated. Kai watched intently, his mind absorbing and analyzing every detail, further expanding his already vast arsenal of jutsu. He only needed to see once, but there was no need to reveal this information to others.

As the demonstration concluded, Kai turned to leave, his face as emotionless as ever. Mei watched him go, a mix of admiration and wariness in her eyes. She knew that she had gained a powerful ally in Kai, but she also knew that he was a wild card, a force that could not be truly controlled or tamed.

In the world of shinobi, trust was a rare commodity, and both Kai and Mei understood that all too well. They would continue to walk their separate paths, bound only by their mutual desire for power and knowledge. And as they moved forward, they would always be aware of the potential danger that the other posed, knowing that their alliance was as fragile as it was powerful.

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