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Ch13- Escorting Gaara and Others

Hello, my lovely readers! Did you miss me? I have some news for you! Can you believe that not everyone loves all three of my stories? Shocking, I know! But it was my bad, and it's totally fine if you don't like all three. Even supporting one of my stories means the world to me, and I truly appreciate all the love and support you show me (not the literal kind, I prefer virtual hugs). So, to make things easier for everyone, I've added some middle tiers to my Patreon account, where you don't have to pay for the whole shebang. Now you can pick one of the three novels and read 5, 10, or 15 chapters ahead! Thanks, and have a blast!

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Kai, having learned Lava and Boil Release from Mei, left the Mist and made his way to Suna. A few months prior, he had been hired by the Kazekage in advance for the upcoming Chunin Exam. During his last visit to Suna, when he escorted Rock Shinobi to the village, he worked for the Kazekage while waiting for the exam to end. At that time, Raasa had told Kai that he would require his services when the time came. Now, it was time for Kai to honor that promise.

Upon arriving in Suna, Kai was escorted to a private meeting with Kazekage Raasa. The room was dimly lit, casting ominous shadows on the walls. Raasa sat behind a large wooden desk, his expression stern and serious.

"Kai, thank you for honoring our agreement," Raasa said, his voice deep and commanding. "As you know, the Chunin Exam will be held in Konoha this year. My children, along with several other promising young shinobi from Suna, will be participating."

Kai listened intently, his face betraying no emotion.

"I want you to accompany the Jounin and Chunin from our village and assist them as necessary," Raasa continued. "However, I must caution you: stay away from Gaara. He has a power within him that is unstable, and I do not wish to provoke it."

Kai nodded in understanding. "Understood, Kazekage-sama."

Raasa leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "Remember, Kai, you are an outsider here. While I trust your abilities, I cannot guarantee that my shinobi will accept you as one of their own. Be prepared for that."

Kai's expression remained unchanged. "I do not expect their acceptance, nor do I require it. I am here to fulfill my mission and ensure the safety of your shinobi."

The Kazekage studied him for a moment, then nodded. "Very well. You will leave for Konoha with the others tomorrow morning."

The following morning, Kai joined the group of Jounin and Chunin from Suna as they prepared to depart for Konoha. The shinobi regarded him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, but Kai paid them no mind. He knew that their opinions of him were irrelevant to the task at hand.

As the group made their way to Konoha, the atmosphere was tense. The Suna shinobi exchanged hushed conversations amongst themselves, occasionally casting furtive glances in Kai's direction. Despite the hostility, Kai remained focused on his mission, determined to uphold his agreement with the Kazekage.

As the group of Suna shinobi continued their journey towards Konoha, they encountered a series of obstacles that tested their skills and resolve. Among these challenges were a group of bandits that had been terrorizing the local villages, using their knowledge of the terrain and guerilla tactics to evade capture.

The first encounter with the bandits happened as the group passed through a dense forest. A sudden ambush took them by surprise, with the bandits launching a barrage of kunai and shuriken from the cover of the trees. The Suna shinobi reacted quickly, forming defensive formations and deflecting the projectiles with their own weapons and jutsu.

Gaara, who had been quietly walking at the back of the group, stepped forward, his sand swirling around him as he prepared to engage the attackers. The Suna shinobi, aware of the potential danger that Gaara's power posed, hesitated for a moment, exchanging nervous glances with one another.

"Stay back," Gaara warned, his voice cold and devoid of emotion. "I will handle this."

Kai, who had been observing the situation closely, remained detached from the conflict, his eyes focused on Gaara and his sand manipulation techniques. As the bandits launched another wave of attacks, Gaara effortlessly countered with his sand, creating a protective barrier that absorbed the impact of the projectiles.

With a flick of his wrist, Gaara sent a torrent of sand towards the bandits, the force of the attack causing the trees to groan and splinter. The bandits, realizing the extent of Gaara's power, attempted to flee, their bravado quickly replaced with terror.

But Gaara's sand pursued them relentlessly, snaking through the forest and ensnaring them in its crushing grip. One by one, the bandits were brutally dispatched, their screams echoing through the forest before being abruptly silenced.

As the last of the bandits met their fate, Kai's interest in Gaara's techniques only intensified. He observed the way Gaara manipulated the sand with ease, the fluidity of his movements, and the raw power that seemed to radiate from him.

The Suna shinobi, who had been watching the gruesome display in a mix of awe and fear, quickly resumed their journey, their eyes avoiding Gaara as they moved forward. They had witnessed firsthand the danger that he posed, and none of them wished to risk provoking him.

Kai, however, remained unfazed, his eyes never straying from Gaara. He understood that the key to mastering any technique was observation, and he intended to learn as much as possible about Gaara's abilities.

The second encounter with the bandits occurred a few days later, as the group crossed a narrow mountain pass. This time, the bandits were more prepared, having learned from their previous encounter with Gaara. They had set up a series of traps and ambush points along the pass, hoping to catch the Suna shinobi off guard.

As the group navigated the treacherous terrain, they were suddenly beset by a series of explosions, triggered by the bandits' hidden explosive tags. The blasts sent rocks and debris raining down on them, forcing them to scatter and take cover.

Gaara, however, remained unfazed, his sand rising up to form a protective dome around him. The Suna shinobi watched in amazement as the debris harmlessly bounced off Gaara's shield, unable to penetrate its defenses.

Sensing that their attack had failed, the bandits emerged from their hiding spots, weapons drawn and ready for a close-quarters confrontation. But Gaara was already one step ahead of them.

With a wave of his hand, he unleashed a cascade of sand that surged forward, enveloping the bandits and crushing them.

The rest of the journey to Konoha was fraught with tension and the occasional skirmish with bandits or rogue ninja, but the group of Suna shinobi, led by Gaara and with Kai ever watchful, eventually reached the Hidden Leaf Village without suffering any significant losses. As they arrived at the gates of Konoha, the Suna shinobi couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, knowing that the treacherous journey was finally over.

Kai, still regarded as an outsider by his temporary companions, was given free rein to move about the village as he pleased until the Chunin Exams ended. The understanding was clear: once the exams concluded, he would escort the Suna shinobi back to the Hidden Sand Village.

During the Chunin Exams, Kai took the opportunity to observe the participants, particularly Gaara, and learn from their techniques. He maintained his distance from the Suna shinobi, never involving himself in their personal matters or attempting to form any bonds. In turn, the Suna shinobi showed no interest in getting to know Kai, treating him with suspicion and keeping him at arm's length.

During the Chunin Exams, the village of Konoha was filled with tension and anticipation as the participating shinobi prepared themselves for the challenges ahead. The atmosphere was electric, with a sense of rivalry and competition hanging in the air.

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