Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch34- Sound Four

Attention, attention! Let the confetti rain and trumpets blare, for we have a newcomer to our esteemed realm of literary enthusiasts! Welcome, Dani, the magnificent patron with a penchant for wit and charm. Prepare to embark on an enchanting journey of imagination and words, where every chapter unfolds like a grand feast for the mind. Join me in raising a virtual toast to Dani, the herald of literary delight!

About Samui and how quickly his feelings developed... You must understand that for Kai, emotions are uncharted territories. It's not that he lacks emotions, but rather, due to his upbringing and environment, he doesn't know how to navigate them. In Chapter One, I demonstrated that Kai does indeed possess emotions. However, his lack of experience in dealing with them resulted in his hesitation when he wanted to help the little girl. It wasn't a case of emotionless reasoning; instead, it was an inexperienced warrior (emotions) losing to a seasoned veteran (logic). Therefore, what he feels for Tsunade and now Samui is his attempt to utilize his budding emotions in a reciprocal manner. When he receives genuine feelings from someone, he reciprocates them. That simple.


Kai remained silent, his expression neutral as he continued to dodge and counter Kurogane's attacks. He seamlessly blended the Swift Release with the Lightning Chakra Mode and the Flying Thunder God technique, creating an unstoppable combination that left Kurogane struggling to keep up.

Kurogane continued to launch attack after attack, desperately trying to gain the upper hand against Kai. However, it was clear that the tide of the battle had turned, and Kai's superior speed and adaptability gave him the advantage he needed.

With a final burst of speed, Kai closed the distance between himself and Kurogane, striking with a devastating combination of taijutsu and ninjutsu that left the rogue ninja reeling. Despite his best efforts, Kurogane was unable to defend against Kai's relentless assault, and he fell to the ground, severely injured and gasping for breath.

Kai stood over Kurogane, his eyes devoid of emotion as he prepared to deliver the final blow. "Your reign of terror is over," he said coldly. "May you find peace in the next life."

With that, Kai struck, his hand crackling with lightning as he drove it through Kurogane's chest, ending the rogue ninja's life. As Kurogane's body fell limp, Kai stood up and turned away, his expression unchanged.

Sealing the head of the shinobi as proof, Kai meticulously performed the necessary steps to ensure that Kurogane's demise would be undisputed. He sealed the blood of the fallen enemy, taking care not to leave any trace of the rogue ninja behind. The rest of Kurogane's body was burned, leaving only ashes in the dark cave. It was a cruel world they lived in, but it was the reality they all had to face. Kurogane had sought to break free from the Hidden Cloud Village, but in doing so, he had chosen a path of violence and bloodshed. Kai was reminded of how precious freedom truly was, and the lengths some would go to obtain it.

With his mission complete, Kai used his Flying Thunder God technique to teleport back to an alley in the Hidden Cloud Village. His heart weighed heavy with the knowledge of what he had done, but he knew it had been necessary. Without a moment's hesitation, he strode towards A's office, his expression unreadable.

Upon entering the office, Kai's sudden appearance shocked both A and B. They had expected him to take much longer in completing the mission that had plagued them for years. With a heavy thud, he dropped the scroll containing Kurogane's head onto the table, the impact causing A and B to flinch involuntarily.

"Samui is free now," Kai declared, his voice cold and unyielding. "She can take missions from you if she wants, but you cannot force her to do anything."

A's eyes narrowed as he stared at the scroll, a mixture of anger and disbelief playing across his face. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment at how easily Kai had accomplished what he and his brother had failed to do for so long. B, however, looked at Kai with a newfound respect, recognizing the power that lay within the enigmatic man.

Despite his annoyance, A couldn't deny that Kai had held up his end of the bargain. With a reluctant nod, he accepted the terms. "Fine," he growled. "Samui is free to choose her own path from now on."

Kai's expression remained impassive, but he gave a curt nod in response, acknowledging A's words. With that, he turned to leave the office, knowing that he had done what he had set out to do.

After freeing Samui, Kai wasted no time in leaving the cloud and pursuing the horrifying news he had just heard. Orochimaru's Cursed Seal carried a piece of his soul, and there were at least five people with the cursed seal in the Sound Village. If they weren't dealt with, there was a chance Orochimaru could somehow return. Tsunade had shared this news, mentioning that one of her own Kunoichi also bore the cursed seal. They were already working to free her from its grasp.

Kai rushed towards the Sound Village, his mind focused solely on his mission. He couldn't afford to waste time or allow any emotions to interfere with his task. He had to find the Sound Four – Sakon, Jirōbō, Kidōmaru, and Tayuya – and eliminate the cursed seals.

As he arrived at the outskirts of the Sound Village, he quickly realized that finding the Sound Four wouldn't be an easy task. They had been hidden by Kabuto, Orochimaru's assistant, and there was no sign of Kabuto himself. Kai spent days searching the village, interrogating those who might have information about their whereabouts, and slowly piecing together their location.

Finally, after an exhaustive search, Kai managed to find the Sound Four in a hidden underground lair. The entrance was disguised by an intricate genjutsu, but Kai was able to see through it and make his way inside.

As he entered the dimly lit chamber, the four ninja were gathered around a table, planning their next move. They looked up as Kai entered, their eyes wary and hostile.

"Who are you?" Sakon demanded, his voice laced with suspicion.

Kai didn't waste time with introductions. "I'm here to remove the cursed seals Orochimaru placed on you. Either you let me do it willingly, or I'll do it by force."

The four exchanged glances, clearly not trusting Kai's intentions.

"Why should we believe you?" Jirōbō asked, his large frame tensing in anticipation of a fight.

Kai's expression remained cold and emotionless as he replied, "That's the neat part—you don't have to believe me." His gaze swept over the group, assessing their readiness for combat.

As if on cue, Sakon, Jirōbō, and Kidōmaru launched themselves towards Kai, their weapons drawn and intent on stopping him. Tayuya, however, hesitated and remained seated at the table, her eyes flicking between Kai and her comrades.

In a split second, Kai activated his Swift Release. The room seemed to blur as he moved at breakneck speed, leaving only a faint trail of wind behind him. With three swift, precise motions, he struck each of the attacking Sound Four members, their bodies collapsing to the ground, lifeless.

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