Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch35- Tayuya’s Pledge

Attention, dear readers! Let me take a moment to give a thunderous virtual applause to our newest patron, the legendary Robert! With his impeccable taste and unwavering support, Robert has joined our elite league of literary enthusiasts, bringing a spark of brilliance and charm to our community. Prepare yourselves for Robert's arrival, as he embark on a wondrous journey through the realms of imagination and storytelling!

Kai reappeared at the table, sitting opposite Tayuya, who stared back at him, fear evident in her eyes. The room was now eerily quiet, save for the sound of their breathing. Tayuya's hands trembled ever so slightly, but she maintained her composure as she faced Kai.

"Well, that was... efficient," Tayuya muttered, trying to hide her fear behind a mask of indifference. "So, what now? You going to kill me too?"

Kai regarded her for a moment, his face unreadable. "I'll ask you again: will you let me experiment on the cursed seal Orochimaru placed on you?"

Tayuya hesitated, her eyes darting towards the lifeless bodies of her former comrades. After a tense moment, she took a deep breath and gave a slight nod. "Fine. Do what you have to do. Just get it over with."

Kai studied Tayuya for a moment longer before he began to prepare for the procedure. As he gathered his tools and chakra, Tayuya couldn't help but feel a mix of dread and curiosity. She had never trusted Orochimaru or his cursed seal, but the idea of allowing a complete stranger to experiment on her was equally unsettling.

As Kai started to work on removing the cursed seal, Tayuya gritted her teeth against the pain. The process was intense and invasive, but she was determined to see it through.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked, her voice strained.

Kai didn't look up from his task as he replied, "Orochimaru's cursed seals contain a fragment of his soul. If left unchecked, there's a possibility he could return."

Tayuya's eyes widened at the revelation. "So, you're doing this to stop him from coming back?"

Kai nodded curtly. "Yes. And to prevent any further harm to those bearing the cursed seals."

As the process continued, Tayuya found herself strangely grateful to this emotionless stranger. It was clear that he was not driven by a desire for power or revenge, but rather by a sense of duty to protect others from Orochimaru's influence.

"You know," Tayuya said, wincing as Kai continued to work on her seal, "you're not like the others. You're not like Orochimaru or Kabuto. You're... different."

Kai paused briefly, his gaze locking onto Tayuya's. "I am what I need to be to fulfill my mission."

Tayuya couldn't help but feel a flicker of admiration for the enigmatic ninja. She had spent her entire life surrounded by people who sought power and dominance at any cost, but here was someone who seemed to be driven by a higher purpose.

Kai inspected the cursed seal on Tayuya's neck, fascinated by its complexity. Orochimaru, despite being evil, was undeniably a genius. The seal was multi-layered, serving multiple purposes. Not only did it allow the bearer to use Nature Chakra, but it also hid a part of Orochimaru's soul, granting him the ability to influence the people who bore it, ensuring their loyalty.

Removing the seal would be no easy task. If Kai removed it too forcefully, it would undoubtedly kill Tayuya. Despite her past, Kai had no intention of causing her death. He would do everything in his power to ensure her survival.

Tayuya watched Kai as he began to work, his face betraying no emotion as he carefully and methodically channeled his chakra to break down the layers of the seal. It was a painstaking process that would require hours, of concentrated effort. Tayuya could feel the intense pain as Kai manipulated the cursed mark, but she gritted her teeth and bore it. She had no other choice.

As the hours stretched on, Tayuya found herself observing Kai more closely. His unwavering determination and commitment to saving her life were unlike anything she had ever experienced. In her world of deception and betrayal, where people would do anything for power, Kai was a stark contrast.

"You're working so hard to save me," Tayuya murmured, her voice barely audible through the pain. "Why?"

Kai continued to work, his concentration never wavering. "You're not the enemy," he replied simply. "You're just a pawn in Orochimaru's game. I have no reason to kill you if I can remove the seal and free you from his influence."

Tayuya's eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and disbelief. In her life, she had never experienced such selflessness or compassion. In her world, everyone had ulterior motives, hidden agendas, and selfish desires. But Kai seemed different, and as she watched him work tirelessly to save her life, she couldn't help but admire him even more.

As the hours went by, Kai's efforts began to pay off. The cursed seal gradually weakened, and Tayuya could feel its hold on her mind and body lessening. In the quiet moments between the waves of pain, she found herself reflecting on her life and the choices she had made. With the cursed seal gone, she would be free to forge her own path. But what would that path be?

With no cause to call her own, Tayuya's thoughts kept returning to the enigmatic man who had saved her life. Kai had shown her a different way, a life where power and dominance weren't the only driving forces. Perhaps, she thought, she could find a new purpose in following his example.

As the seal finally broke, Tayuya let out a gasp, her body shuddering with the release of Orochimaru's influence. She looked up at Kai, her eyes filled with gratitude and determination.

"Thank you," she whispered. "I owe you my life."

Kai regarded her for a moment, his expression as unreadable as ever. "You owe me nothing," he replied.

Tayuya stared at Kai, her eyes filled with a newfound sense of purpose. "I want to follow you," she said firmly. "I want to pay you back for what you've done for me."

Kai's expression didn't change as he replied, "You're too weak and too slow to follow me. You wouldn't be able to keep up."

Tayuya's resolve faltered for a moment, but she refused to give up. Falling to her knees, she looked up at him, desperation in her eyes. "Please," she begged, "give me a chance. I want to be with you. If you leave me here, I'll die aimlessly. I'm not strong enough on my own." Her voice trembled as she pleaded with him, emotion raw and exposed.


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