Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch36- Meeting with Tsunade Again

Attention, attention! Let's all raise our virtual glasses and give a thunderous round of applause to our newest patron, Eric! Eric, welcome to our merry band of literary enthusiasts. May your days be filled with thrilling plot twists, unforgettable characters, and an infinite supply of reading joy! Cheers, Eric!

Kai shook his head, his face betraying nothing. He turned to leave, but as he reached the door, he hesitated. He had started to change recently. Although he didn't know what these changes would bring, he began to feel that having people around him wasn't all that bad. While he still didn't fully trust anyone, he recognized that having people who could help him might prove useful in the future.

Turning back, he walked towards the devastated Tayuya, who had thought he had left her behind. As he reached her, he placed a hand on her forehead. Focusing on the Divine Purple Card in his heart, he started to gather Nature Chakra. The amount was so massive that it would have turned Tayuya into stone ten times over if it weren't for his control.

As the Nature Chakra condensed into a fist-sized ball, a lotus tattoo appeared on Tayuya's back. "This is my version of the seal," Kai explained, his voice as cold and emotionless as ever. "It's not cursed, nor does it carry my soul. But you can use it to send me messages anytime. It also contains Nature Chakra and can replenish itself as you use it. This will give you strength far beyond what Orochimaru's seal could offer. Train and get used to your new power. Show me what you're capable of, and maybe I can use you."

Tayuya's eyes widened, filled with gratitude and determination as she looked up at Kai. She nodded, accepting his gift and the responsibility that came with it.

As Kai left Tayuya to start her new life, he couldn't help but reflect on the changes happening within himself. He had begun to feel a flicker of emotion for Tsunade and Samui after seeing her genuine intentions and the way she treated others.

Despite the ever-present darkness in the world around him, Kai could sense that maybe, just maybe, there was room for something more than just cold detachment.

Leaving Tayuya behind, Kai flashed to an alley he had marked in Konoha with the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Checking to ensure no one had noticed his arrival, he used Swift Release to appear in Tsunade's office.

Tsunade, in the middle of reviewing some documents, was caught off guard by Kai's sudden appearance. Her heart clenched as memories of the night they had spent together flooded back, and she felt a mixture of sadness and longing.

Kai's face remained as cold and emotionless as ever, but as Tsunade met his gaze, she noticed a flicker of emotion deep within his eyes. It was subtle, barely perceptible, but it was enough to confirm that he too had missed her.

Tsunade's eyes welled up with tears as she stood, unable to contain the emotions that swelled within her. She closed the distance between them and, in a rare moment of vulnerability, wrapped her arms around Kai, hugging him tightly.

Kai stiffened momentarily, surprised by her sudden display of affection. But as her warmth enveloped him, he couldn't deny the growing flicker of emotion within him.

Shizune, who had been standing by Tsunade's side, was shocked by the scene unfolding before her. She had never seen Tsunade act so openly affectionate towards anyone, let alone the cold and emotionless man she had only recently met.

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, Tsunade finally spoke, her voice choked with emotion. "I missed you, Kai."

Kai hesitated, struggling to find the right words. "I... I missed you too," he admitted, his voice barely audible.

Tsunade pulled back slightly, her eyes shining with tears as she looked into Kai's face. "I'm glad you're here. We need your help."

Kai nodded, his face returning to its usual impassive state. "What do you need?"

Tsunade wiped her tears away and took a deep breath, steeling herself. "Anko Mitarashi, one of our kunoichi, bears Orochimaru's cursed seal. We've been trying to unravel it, but we haven't had any success."

Kai's eyes narrowed as he listened. "I was able to remove the seal successfully from one of Orochimaru's agents," he revealed, recalling his recent encounter with Tayuya.

Tsunade's eyes widened in surprise and hope. "You were? Can you do the same for Anko?"

Kai considered her request for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, but it will be a difficult and time-consuming process."

Tsunade looked at him earnestly, her eyes pleading. "I know it's asking a lot, but please, Kai, help her. She's suffering."

Kai's cold gaze met Tsunade's, and for a brief moment, his expression softened ever so slightly. "I will help her," he promised.

Gratitude and relief washed over Tsunade's face as she hugged Kai once more, murmuring her thanks. Though Kai's exterior remained as stoic as ever, he couldn't deny the growing warmth he felt towards Tsunade. As he held her in his arms, he realized that perhaps, in this cruel and unforgiving world, there might still be a place for compassion and connection.

With Tsunade's guidance, Kai was led to Anko's location. She was sealed in a room underground, in case Orochimaru somehow took over her body. She had been deprived of human interaction for weeks now, so when she saw Kai and Tsunade walk in, she was beaming with happiness. However, as Tsunade left her alone with Kai, her demeanor shifted, and she began to flirt with him.

Anko loved teasing men, and it had been weeks since she had even talked to one. Now that a handsome stranger was there alone with her, she couldn't resist the temptation to push his buttons.

"Well, well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Anko purred, eyeing Kai up and down as she leaned against the wall. "I never expected such a good-looking guy to come to my rescue."

Kai's face remained impassive as he replied, "I'm here to remove the cursed seal, not to engage in idle conversation."

Anko smirked, unfazed by his cold response. "Oh, I see. All business, huh? Well, that's a shame. I was hoping for a little fun before getting down to the serious stuff."

Kai ignored her flirtatious remarks and began to gather his tools, focusing on the task at hand.


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