Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch43- Even If

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

At that moment, Kai made his decision. He would help Sasuke.

Kai looked deeply into Sasuke's eyes, his expression resolute yet compassionate. "Sasuke," he began, his voice steady and firm, "I will take you as my student. I will teach you and help you become one of the strongest warriors in the world so that you can rebuild the Uchiha Clan. A clan that Itachi would be proud of. But you must promise me one thing."

Sasuke stared back at him, his eyes flickering with a mixture of determination and uncertainty. "What is it?" he asked, his voice a low growl.

Kai's gaze never wavered as he replied, "You must never let yourself be consumed by hatred and revenge. These emotions will only lead you to ruin. Instead, you must learn to channel your pain into strength and resilience."

Sasuke's jaw tightened as he considered Kai's words, his emotions churning within him like a storm. For years, he had been driven by a burning desire for vengeance, a need to punish those who had betrayed his family and destroyed the life he had known. But now, as he stood before Kai, he found himself struggling with the realization that his quest for revenge could ultimately lead him down a path of destruction.

Kai could see the turmoil in Sasuke's eyes, and he knew that the boy was struggling to accept the truth of his words. He understood that Sasuke's desire for vengeance was deeply ingrained, a powerful force that had fueled him for years. But he also knew that if Sasuke was to become the kind of leader that the new Uchiha Clan would need, he would have to find a way to let go of his hatred.

"Sasuke," Kai continued, his voice gentle yet firm, "I know that it won't be easy to let go of your hatred. But you must understand that vengeance will only bring you more pain and suffering. You have the potential to be so much more than a tool of revenge. If you can channel your anger and pain into something constructive, you can create a better future for yourself and for the Uchiha Clan."

Mikoto listened to Kai's words, her eyes filling with tears as she saw the wisdom and truth in them. She knew that her son had been on a dark path for far too long, and she was grateful to Kai for offering him a way out.

Sasuke clenched his fists, his body trembling as he fought to contain the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. Finally, he looked up at Kai, his eyes filled with a fierce determination. "I promise," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I will not let hatred and revenge consume me. I will become strong for the sake of my family and my clan."

Kai nodded solemnly, accepting Sasuke's vow. "Then it is settled," he said, his voice firm and resolute. "From this day forward, you are my student. Together, we will forge a new path for the Uchiha Clan."

Mikoto sat in silence, her gaze moving between Kai and Sasuke, before she asked, "Where do we go from here? How do we ensure our safety from Konoha?"

Her voice was steady, but the tension in the room was palpable. She was a mother, fiercely protective of her child, and would stop at nothing to ensure his safety.

Kai met her gaze, his face impassive, his mind calculating the best course of action. He took a moment to compose his thoughts before he began to speak.

"Danzo has fled Konoha," he stated, his voice calm and reassuring. "He has lost most of his force, ROOT, and can no longer execute his extensive surveillance and pursuit operations as before."

Kai's gaze hardened slightly as he continued, "He still has a few loyalists, but they are spread too thin. They can't afford to chase after us."

Mikoto's gaze remained locked onto Kai, searching his expression for signs of deceit. Finding none, she let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders dropping slightly.

Sasuke's eyes darted between his mother and Kai, his heart pounding in his chest. His life had been a relentless pursuit, constantly looking over his shoulder, fearing the day Danzo would finally catch up to them. But now, as he listened to Kai, he found a spark of hope kindling in his heart.

He clenched his fists at his sides, his jaw set in determination. "I will do whatever it takes to protect my mother and rebuild our clan," he said firmly. "I won't let Danzo or anyone else stand in my way."

Kai nodded, acknowledging Sasuke's resolve. "Good," he said, his voice firm. "That is the spirit we need."

He turned his gaze back to Mikoto, "As for where we go from here, I suggest we move farther away from Konoha. I have connections in various places that can provide us shelter and resources. With time, we can build a new home, a safe haven for you and Sasuke."

Mikoto was silent for a moment, processing the information. She looked at Kai, her gaze softening. "Thank you, Kai," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "For everything."

The opening fell into silence as each one lost themselves in their thoughts. The path ahead was filled with uncertainty, but they had a sense of direction, a glimmer of hope. It was more than they had a few moments ago.

Kai, as stoic as ever, simply nodded, accepting Mikoto's gratitude. His mind was already planning their next move, mapping out possible routes and considering various contingencies. He was not a man who left things to chance, especially when lives were at stake.

Kai studied the Uchihas carefully, their unease radiating like an oppressive heatwave. Mikoto sat protectively beside Sasuke, her gaze flicking anxiously between her son and the stoic shinobi. Sasuke's fists remained clenched, his jaw rigid with determination. The room pulsed with their collective anxiety and uncertainty, their future hinged on the faith they had in this stranger who had shown up in their lives unannounced, promising protection and hope.


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