Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch44- Mikoto’s Mangekyo

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

Calling all readers, let's give a roaring welcome to the dynamic duo of literary appreciation, Albert and Declan! These two discerning individuals have joined our ranks, bringing their insatiable thirst for stories and unrivaled wit. Brace yourselves for their boundless enthusiasm as they embark on this captivating literary journey alongside us all.


"Even if five Danzos stood before me," Kai said, breaking the tense silence, "I would be able to protect you." His voice held a solid confidence, unwavering and steady. There was no boasting in his tone, no frivolous exaggeration – only the truth. He didn't need to boast about his strength, his reputation was well established in the shinobi world.

Mikoto turned her gaze to Kai, his calm demeanor and resolute words piercing through her swirling fears. He hadn't given them any reason to doubt him so far. His words weren't flippant reassurances; they held a steady, grounded weight that stemmed from his experience and strength. His mere presence provided a haven of safety, a wall of protection that hadn't been there before.

"The enemy's reach may be wide, but it isn't omnipresent," Kai continued, his eyes sharp. "They are spread thin, and Danzo is no longer the threat he once was."

The room fell silent once again, his words settling in. There was an odd comfort in his cold, analytical assessment of the situation. He didn't try to sugarcoat the dangers or promise impossible feats. He provided them with reality, however harsh it might be, and a plan to navigate through it.

Kai's world was not a kind one; it was a battlefield stained with the blood of friends and foes alike. Betrayal, loss, pain – they were companions he had long been acquainted with. Yet, in the midst of that harsh reality, he had found a new sense of connection with others, a subtle shift in his perception that had begun with his interaction with Tsunade, Samui, Tayuya, Karin, and Jugo.

Those relationships were still in their infancy, fragile and tentative, but they existed nonetheless. He wasn't sure how to navigate them, how to express his emotions openly, or even how to fully recognize them. But he was aware of their existence, and he was trying to figure out what they meant, even if he still kept his feelings largely to himself.

"Could you tell me about your Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan abilities, Mikoto?" Kai asked, his voice steady. The stoic shinobi had been quietly observing the Uchiha matriarch, his sharp gaze seemingly trying to decipher the depth of her ocular prowess. His understanding of the world and its workings was profound, yet the mysteries of the Uchiha's dojutsu were largely unexplored territory for him. The unique capabilities of each individual's Mangekyō Sharingan were known to be as varied as the shinobi themselves, and information on the specifics was usually scanty at best.

Caught by surprise, Mikoto paused, considering Kai's request. She had been reluctant to share the extent of her abilities, partly because of the inherent vulnerability of exposing her trump cards and partly because she had been so rarely called upon to use them.

"One of my abilities...," she started slowly, her gaze flickering down as she recalled her unique powers. "I have the capability to alter the perception of reality around an object or an area. It's a powerful genjutsu, capable of masking our presence or making something appear different from what it is."

The room remained silent, each individual absorbed in their thoughts. Mikoto's eyes betrayed a certain discomfort, an uneasiness that came from revealing her secrets. Sasuke, however, was keenly focused on his mother's words, the revelation of her abilities stirring a profound sense of curiosity and admiration within him.

Kai nodded, acknowledging her explanation. "That could indeed prove very useful in our future endeavors," he said, his voice calm and thoughtful.

His mind began to churn, possibilities forming and dissolving as he considered how best to utilize Mikoto's ability. This was not a decision to be taken lightly, and the weight of responsibility pressed heavily upon his shoulders. This wasn't just about him anymore; it was about Sasuke, about Mikoto, and about the future of the Uchiha clan.

"In that case," Kai started, his gaze never leaving the map, "we can use your genjutsu as a protective shield, to hide us in plain sight. It could buy us some time and provide a much-needed advantage."

Mikoto nodded, a sense of relief washing over her. She had kept her abilities a secret for so long, it felt liberating to finally have someone to share the burden with. "Yes, I can do that."

"How about the other eye?" Kai asked, his tone remaining steady and devoid of emotion.

Mikoto paused at his question, her gaze slightly averted as she considered how best to explain her second ability. "My other eye...," she began, her voice equally measured. "It has the power to manipulate density."

Kai remained silent, his attention entirely focused on Mikoto as he waited for her to elaborate. Sasuke watched the interaction with rapt attention, his curiosity piqued by the unfolding revelations of his mother's abilities.

"I can alter the density of an object, either increase it to make it nearly immovable or decrease it to make it almost intangible," she explained further. "It's a taxing ability, and not something I can sustain for long, but in the right circumstances, it can be decisive."

Kai nodded thoughtfully, mentally sifting through the potential strategic applications of Mikoto's powers. The combination of her abilities – the alteration of perception and manipulation of density – was an intriguing blend of offense and defense, of subtlety and raw power. It opened up a host of possibilities that he would need to carefully consider.

"The implications of your abilities are significant," Kai said, his voice calm and measured. "They could be the key to our survival and success. Your genjutsu can keep us hidden, and your density manipulation can provide a formidable defense and offense when needed. We can establish ourselves discreetly while preparing for any potential threats."

Mikoto nodded, a mixture of relief and trepidation washing over her. She had always been wary of her powers, the potential for destruction they held. But hearing Kai's level-headed assessment and strategic planning gave her a newfound sense of purpose. She could use her powers to protect, not just to destroy.

"I understand, Kai," she replied, determination flickering in her eyes. "I will do my best."


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