Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch67- Bath

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

Mikoto watched him silently, her heart aching at the sight of his frustration. His brow was creased, the gears of his mind turning relentlessly. Yet, despite his efforts, he was running into an invisible wall again and again.

In the silence of the room, she noticed a subtle shiver run through his frame. "You should take a hot shower. Or you might get sick," she suggested, her tone carrying a note of concern. He was strong, sure, but even the strongest needed to take care of themselves.

"I will be fine," he replied, his tone dismissive. His eyes were fixed in the distance, his thoughts somewhere far away. He seemed to have barely heard her.

But she wouldn't back down. "Please, you got cold, you need a hot shower," she insisted, standing up from her seat. His nonchalance irked her. Yes, he was strong and used to weathering difficulties, but that didn't mean he had to invite problems.

His eyes flickered towards her at her insistence, but he made no move to get up. He seemed to be stuck in his thoughts, his mind swirling with unsolved puzzles and untraced paths.

Seeing his persistent resistance, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She closed the distance between them, her hands reaching out to loosen his robes. He looked at her, a trace of surprise evident in his steely eyes.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his voice holding a note of confusion. His eyes bore into hers, questioning, querying.

"You need to take a shower, and since you won't listen, I'll have to make you," she replied, her tone decisive. She wouldn't let him neglect his health, not when she could do something about it.

His eyebrows arched in surprise, but he made no move to stop her. He just watched her as she helped him out of his robe, leaving him in his underwear, his gaze impassive.

Once she had him undressed, she gently pushed him towards the bathroom, her hand lightly resting on his arm. "Go," she ordered, her tone leaving no room for protest. He looked at her for a moment, his gaze unreadable. "I will come in a minute to wash your back. It has been a while since you got a proper bath."

Kai only nodded, a faint hint of acknowledgment in his eyes before he wrapped a cloth around his waist. His figure, defined by years of relentless training and combat, disappeared behind the sliding bathroom door, leaving Mikoto alone with her thoughts.

He wrapped a cloth around his waist, the thin fabric clinging to his muscular form. Stepping into the steamy bathroom, he could feel the thick humidity envelop him, a stark contrast to the frigid winds of the beach. Under the golden illumination of the bathroom lights, he took a seat on the polished stone stool, his back straight, his gaze blank.

With a sense of routine etched into his every movement, Kai reached out for the bamboo dipper placed beside the basin. He scooped up the steaming hot water, the temperature a warm, familiar burn against his cold skin. He then tipped the dipper over his body, cascading the water onto himself.

Steam billowed around him as the hot water collided with his chilled skin, his body shivering slightly at the sudden warmth. He repeated the process, the constant pouring and replenishing of hot water creating a monotonous rhythm in the otherwise silent room. The warmth slowly seeped into his skin, driving away the lingering chill and replacing it with a comforting heat.

Moments passed, the steady sound of water being poured and his own breaths filling the room. Kai sat still, his figure obscured by the steam and his eyes shut. His muscles relaxed under the influence of the warm water, his tension ebbing away, albeit slowly.

Eventually, the sound of the sliding door broke the rhythm. Mikoto's soft footfalls echoed in the room as she approached him, her presence a silent support amidst his turmoil.

"Move forward a bit," she instructed, her voice echoing in the steam-filled bathroom. Kai obeyed, leaning forward and giving Mikoto room to take a seat behind him.

Mikoto positioned herself behind him on the small stool, her fingers gently touching the warm water in the basin before them. Scooping up a dipper full of water, she gently poured it over Kai's broad back, the water streaming down his muscles and mingling with the steam around them.

A silence settled in the room, broken only by the gentle sound of water and the distant hum of the motel outside. She reached for the washcloth, applying a small amount of soap before carefully running it over his back. The soap lathered quickly, leaving a layer of creamy suds against his tanned skin.

She could feel every contour of his muscular back, the firm hardness of his shoulders and the defined lines of his muscles. His body was a testament to years of rigorous training and battle, a canvas telling tales of countless trials and tribulations. His back was smooth, devoid of any scars or imperfections, the skin warm under her touch.

With every stroke of the cloth, she could feel the tension slowly seeping out of his muscles. Each motion was carefully calculated, designed to put him at ease. His silent acquiescence to her ministrations was uncharacteristic, but she attributed it to the exhaustion of the day.

His body was warm, the heated water amplifying the natural heat radiating off him. She moved the cloth over his shoulders, the rough texture of the cloth rubbing against his skin. She worked her way down his back, following the lines of his muscles with a practiced ease.

"There's," Mikoto murmured, her fingers pausing on a particular spot on his back. She could feel a knot under his skin, a hard lump that wasn't supposed to be there. The soap and water had made it easier to feel, the skin around it subtly inflamed. "Does this hurt?" she asked, applying a gentle pressure on the spot.

"No," he answered, his voice as impassive as ever. "It's been there for a while. It doesn't bother me."

"But it could be a sign of injury or stress," Mikoto insisted, her hand hovering over the spot. "You should have it checked."

"I will show it to Tsunade," Kai responded dismissively.

Upon hearing that name, Mikoto's hand froze against his skin. Tsunade was a name that carried its own weight, a woman of legendary beauty, strength, and healing prowess. A name that sent ripples through her mind as she recalled countless times Kai had disappeared, only to return hours later bearing the elusive scent of a woman on him.


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