Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch68- Opening Up

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

Mikoto let out a quiet sigh, the damp cloth in her hand now feeling as heavy as a boulder. The realization that the relationship between Kai and Tsunade was not as simple as she had thought cast a fresh perspective on everything. Yet, Kai had never made promises of togetherness. He had never spoken words of commitment. They were companions, fellow wanderers on a journey that had no clear end, a journey that was not supposed to be woven with romantic feelings.

She was the one who had nurtured the seeds of affection. It wasn't fair for her to expect Kai to sever his existing ties because of her unspoken feelings. A second sigh escaped her lips, a silent surrender to the complex web of emotions that had ensnared her.

Nevertheless, she continued her task, her movements becoming more resolute. The rough texture of the cloth traced patterns on his back, washing away the day's grime. She left no spot untouched, her hands moving deftly over the contours of his back, as if tracing a familiar path. She meticulously cleansed his shoulders, his arms, and finally his lower back, avoiding the area where the unidentified knot lay.

Once she was done with his back, Mikoto moved her attention to his legs. Kai's hand shot out, grabbing her wrist before she could dip the cloth in water.

"That is unnecessary," he stated, his voice devoid of any emotion. His grip on her wrist was firm, yet not forceful.

However, Mikoto only smiled at his objection, pulling her hand gently out of his grip. "I want to do it," she insisted, her tone soft yet determined. "If you fall ill, we will never reach Uzumaki."

Kai remained silent, not protesting as she went on to wash his legs. The steamed water cascaded down his firm calves, flowing down his shin and ankle, leaving a path of cleanliness behind. She worked slowly, making sure to cleanse every inch of his skin, occasionally pausing to rinse the cloth.

The atmosphere in the room was a mix of steam and silence, a meditative tranquility that made the hum of the motel outside seem distant. It was an intimate moment, a silent conversation, communicated through touches and care.

Kai was a man of strength and resilience, a warrior who was untroubled by common enemies. Yet, his journey wasn't devoid of obstacles. His quest was burdened with a lack of information, with cryptic seals blocking his path. Mikoto was well aware of these challenges, having accompanied him through countless ordeals.

However, as Mikoto remembered the name Tsunade, she realized that Kai was not completely closed off. He had shown flickers of emotion towards Tsunade.

Holding one of Kai's calves, the washcloth running smoothly over his skin, Mikoto realized that she needed to address her feelings before they turned into something she couldn't control, something ugly and confusing.

As she worked on his leg, her gaze lifted to his face. Kai was looking away, seemingly lost in his thoughts. Because of the way she was positioned behind him, part of her bosom was in his line of sight. Any other man would have seized the opportunity to steal a glance, yet Kai's eyes were directed elsewhere. It wasn't out of disinterest, but respect.

Itachi was Kai's only friend in this world, and she, Mikoto, was Itachi's mother. Years had passed, but she was the matriarch of the Uchiha clan, even if she had cast away the title long ago. She missed the simplicity of being just a woman, without the weight of those titles and responsibilities. Being with Kai reminded her of the bonds of love and the warmth of sincere emotions beyond the facade of noble titles. Kai didn't care about the trappings of power - he didn't respect Daimyos or Kages. He respected people for who they were, and Mikoto desired that simplicity.

She didn't want to be an Uchiha matriarch, a mother of a prodigious son, or the progenitor of a noble clan. She wanted to be Mikoto, the woman, to be desired and wanted. She knew Kai respected her too much to even consider her in such a way, but she had to make sure. She had seen a flicker of emotion in his eyes on their journey, always quickly hidden, yet noticeable. She had thought that he was holding back because of her titles. Now she wanted to know the truth.

Summoning her courage, she opened her mouth, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.

"Kai," she began, her voice low but firm. "What do you think of me?"

For a moment, Kai was silent, as if caught off guard by the question. His gaze remained focused on the wooden floor of the room, away from her searching eyes.

"You're strong," he finally responded, his voice as calm and steady as ever. "You are kind, compassionate. You treat everyone with respect, regardless of their social status or abilities. You're a leader, not by your title, but by your actions."

His words were sincere, but they didn't give her the answer she sought. They were qualities he respected, but they didn't tell her how he felt about her as a woman.

"I know you see me as Itachi's mother, as the matriarch of the Uchiha clan," she began, her heart pounding in her chest. "But, Kai, how do you see me as a woman?"

Kai's eyes finally met hers. They were filled with respect and a faint hint of surprise. His silence stretched between them, amplifying the anticipation that filled the room.

"Mikoto," he started, the simple utterance of her name sending a shiver down her spine. "I see you as a woman who's endured hardship and still manages to keep her kindness intact. You are beautiful, not just on the outside, but on the inside too. Your heart is as vast as the ocean, and your spirit as fiery as the sun. As a woman...," his voice dropped to an almost whisper, "...I respect and admire you."

Mikoto blinked back the unshed tears in her eyes. His words were exactly what she needed to hear, but they also reflected the depth of the chasm between them. He respected and admired her, but he didn't desire her, at least not in the way she desired him.


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