Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch69- What If?(Noice)

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"And what if I wasn't Itachi's mother?" Mikoto found herself asking, her voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes were shimmering, carrying the depth of her feelings, her hopes, and the unspoken plea for Kai to see beyond the titles, beyond their shared history.

Kai's gaze held hers. His eyes, usually so inscrutable, reflected something akin to discomfort. It was a sight she had never seen before; Kai was not one to showcase his emotions. The tightness of his jaw, the faint creases on his forehead, the almost invisible grimace – they all portrayed an unease that was rare for the usually composed man.

"But you are," he responded, his words barely audible. His voice held a kind of pain, a kind of restraint that added an extra weight to his simple statement.

For a moment, Mikoto felt her heart sink. His words felt like a reality check, a reminder of the unchanging facts that intertwined their lives. The mother of his friend, the matriarch of a powerful clan. That's how he saw her.

However, Mikoto was not ready to give up, not when her emotions ran this deep. Gathering her resolve, she chose her next words carefully, "That's true, Kai, I am Itachi's mother. I am the matriarch of the Uchiha clan. But I am also a woman. A woman who has lived, loved, lost, and learned."

She paused, letting her words settle between them, before she continued, "The world sees me as a title, as a symbol. But beneath these titles and responsibilities, I am Mikoto. Just Mikoto. And the woman, Mikoto, sees you, Kai. She sees a man of honor, a man of strength, a man who walks his own path. And she...," she swallowed, her throat dry, "she has feelings for you."

Kai sighed, his broad chest rising and falling in an almost imperceptible rhythm. He seemed to be fighting with demons within, his stoic expression faltering momentarily as he tried to decipher the depth of Mikoto's confession. His eyes held a battle that was usually hidden behind walls of stone-like resilience.

Her eyes were fixed on him, a vivid portrayal of anticipation and vulnerability. Mikoto was sweating, small droplets trickling down the side of her temple. Her clothes were damp from the steam and water, clinging to her body, accentuating her curves. Her eyes, filled with a quiet hope, were locked onto Kai, waiting for his response.

Finally, Kai looked up at her, his gaze intense and indecipherable. His eyes studied her, from the sweat-soaked tendrils of hair clinging to her forehead, down to her dampened clothes sticking to her body, and back to her eyes that shimmered with anticipation.

A small smile played at the corners of his lips, something she had rarely seen. It was neither a smirk nor a full-fledged grin, but a soft curve that softened his usually stern features.

"Mikoto," he said, the sound of her name coming from his mouth made her heart flutter. "You are indeed more than titles and duties. As a woman...," he paused, his gaze never leaving her. " are full of surprises."

His words were a mystery, carrying both ambiguity and hope, confusing yet comforting her at the same time. His statement didn't provide a clear response to her confession, but it held a promise of something more than just admiration or respect.

Kai then gracefully stood up, his movement as fluid as water, the loose cloth around his waist the only thing covering his modesty. He extended his hand towards her, "Sit," he commanded softly, "I will wash your back."

To this, Mikoto couldn't help but beam, a rush of warmth flooding her heart. His actions were not a direct acceptance of her feelings, but they signaled a shift in their relationship. It was as if he was allowing her to step into his world, breaking the barriers that usually kept others at a distance.

She moved from the stool, her place quickly taken by Kai. The feeling of their positions being reversed was oddly satisfying. The air around them seemed to thicken with an unspoken understanding, a silent agreement that they were moving onto a new phase in their journey.

Mikoto followed Kai's lead, her hands gingerly slipping off her upper clothes as she took a seat on the stool. Her heart pounded in her chest, her nerves buzzing with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. She felt vulnerable and exposed under his gaze, but she found comfort in the warmth of his touch.

Kai gently dipped a cloth into the warm water, the soft cloth soaking up the heat. His movements were careful, almost reverent. He was a warrior, a man of strength and precision, yet here he was, treating her with such gentleness, as if she was made of the most delicate porcelain.

Bringing the cloth up to her back, he slowly started to wash her, his movements methodical and careful. Every touch was soft, every stroke filled with an unspoken respect. Despite the strength that he possessed, he seemed almost afraid to hurt her.

"You're not going to break me, Kai," Mikoto chuckled, her voice echoing through the steam-filled room. She knew she was far from delicate, having endured countless battles herself. Yet, there was something incredibly endearing about his careful ministrations.

"I know," he responded, his voice low, almost a whisper. He didn't need to look at her to know that she was smiling. He could hear it in her voice, the soft lilt of amusement that played around her words.

He continued his task, his fingers expertly moving the cloth over her shoulders and down her spine. He felt the tension in her muscles slowly ebb away, replaced by a warm sense of relaxation. Each stroke of the cloth was an unspoken promise, a silent testament to the shift in their relationship.

As the silence settled in the room, Mikoto found herself lost in thought. His touch ignited a trail of fire on her skin, a sensation she hadn't felt in a long time. It was a simple act, yet it held so much meaning. It was more than just a physical contact; it was a symbolic gesture, an acknowledgment of her feelings and the start of something new.


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