Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch75- Back in Time

Despite his commanding control over his abilities, the abrupt transition between the seals had taken a toll on him. The chakra he had expended was colossal, almost astronomical. Even with his immense chakra pool, such an output was undeniably taxing. He hadn't felt this drained in years, and it was a sensation he despised.

The memories of his past, of days filled with constant hunger and exhaustion, were unpleasant recollections he had no desire to revisit. He had left that life far behind, determined to never feel that weak again. But the present situation had brought back those dormant feelings, the subtle fatigue making him irritable.

Sensing his discomfort, Mikoto hesitated for a moment before slowly approaching him. She wasn't entirely sure how to navigate the situation, aware of Kai's independent nature. But seeing him in this state, she felt a strange pull towards him, a desire to comfort him in some way.

Taking a deep breath, she cautiously lowered herself next to him, ensuring a comfortable distance between them. Her gaze was fixated on him, taking in his unusually vulnerable state. It was a side of Kai she hadn't seen before, a rare glimpse into his guarded persona.

"Are you alright?" she finally managed to ask, her voice soft. The question hung in the air, a simple inquiry that held layers of unspoken concern.

Kai didn't respond immediately. Instead, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, seemingly gathering his thoughts. When he finally spoke, his voice was devoid of its usual aloofness, replaced by a rare hint of vulnerability.

"I overextended myself," he admitted, his words crisp and matter-of-fact. Despite his acknowledgement, there was no hint of regret in his tone. It was a simple statement of fact, a recognition of his current condition. His stoicism was impressive, a testament to his strong will and determination.

Mikoto nodded, appreciating his honesty. She knew how rare it was for Kai to admit such things. It showed a level of trust, an implicit acknowledgement of their shared experiences.

"Do you need anything?" she asked after a moment of silence, her voice tentative. She wanted to help him, to ease his discomfort in some way. But she also didn't want to overstep her boundaries, aware of his fiercely independent nature.

For a moment, Kai seemed to consider her question. His eyes remained closed, his face a mask of contemplation. Then, with a soft sigh, he responded, "Some rest would suffice."

Mikoto nodded, understanding the underlying meaning of his words. He needed time to recover, to regain his strength. She didn't push for more conversation, knowing he probably wasn't in the mood for it.

As the silence settled between them, Mikoto took the opportunity to study Kai. His relaxed posture, the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, and his closed eyes painted a serene picture. It was a stark contrast to the intense, focused persona she was used to.

Despite his fatigue, there was a certain calmness about him, a tranquility that seemed to echo in the quietude of their surroundings. It was as if he was in perfect sync with nature, his energy resonating with the tranquil beauty of the environment.

Seeing Kai in such a state, Mikoto couldn't help but be drawn towards him. Her heart ached at the sight of his apparent exhaustion, a stark contrast to the powerful and controlled image she had always associated with him. It was a raw, vulnerable side of him she hadn't seen before, and it sparked an inexplicable urge within her to offer some semblance of comfort.

Carefully, almost hesitantly, Mikoto shifted closer to Kai. Her movements were slow and calculated, conscious of the slight tension that ran through his body. She wanted to ensure her actions weren't unwelcome or intrusive. She tentatively reached out, her fingers gingerly touching his head.

Feeling no rejection from him, she slowly began to guide his head towards her lap. Her heart pounded in her chest, the close contact causing a flurry of emotions to swirl within her. But she focused on the task at hand, her mind intent on providing him with some comfort.

Surprisingly, Kai allowed her to lower his head onto her lap. His usual stoicism seemed to ebb away, replaced by a surprising level of compliance. His eyes remained closed, a rare sign of surrender to her gentle guidance. It was a subtle yet significant indication of his trust in her, a silent acknowledgement that he was comfortable enough to let his guard down around her.

As he settled into her lap, Mikoto could feel a subtle shift in his energy. The tension in his body seemed to dissolve, his form becoming more relaxed. Her fingers began to softly stroke his hair, her touch light and soothing.

Watching him in this state, Mikoto couldn't help but marvel at the paradox that was Kai. His usual aura of power and control was still there, but it was tempered by a rare moment of vulnerability. It was an endearing sight, one that made her heart flutter in an unfamiliar way.

Despite his fatigue, a faint smile graced Kai's face. It was a rare expression on his typically impassive face, the barest hint of contentment. Mikoto's heart swelled at the sight, a warmth spreading through her. She couldn't help but mirror his smile, her fingers continuing their gentle rhythm through his hair.

"We travelled to the past," Kai said after a good hour of silence. His voice was soft, a stark contrast to the strength Mikoto knew he embodied. His words were nearly drowned by the soft rustling of leaves around them and the distant murmurs of nature.

Mikoto had been lost in her own thoughts, her mind spinning a delicate web of fantasies and realities. His words came like a sudden gust of wind, scattering her thoughts like fragile petals. "Past?" She echoed, her voice laced with confusion. Her fingers, which had been rhythmically caressing his hair, paused mid-motion.


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