Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch76- Red-Haired Girl

Kai's eyes flickered open, an unusual calm replacing his earlier fatigue. He gazed at the cloudless sky, seemingly lost in thought. "The spatial portal we used," he began, his voice a mere whisper, "It was more complex than I had anticipated."

He turned his gaze to her, his dark eyes holding a depth that made her heart skip a beat. "The seal was old, worn out from decades of use. When I activated it with my chakra, it began to collapse in on itself."

"As the portal collapsed in on itself, I used a significant amount of my chakra to repair the broken seals," Kai continued, his voice steady despite the harrowing tale. "But we were still caught in the crossfire. The malfunctioning portal opened a gateway through time and space, one that transported us to a different era."

"Which era?" Mikoto asked, her voice trembling slightly as she processed his words.

Kai's response was barely audible, a mere whisper in the stillness of the room. "A past where the Uzumaki clan still thrives."

Mikoto's mind went blank for a moment, the revelation sinking into her consciousness like a stone in deep water. They were in the past. An era when the Uzumaki clan was still thriving.

The shock quickly dissipated, however, as her first instinctive thought seeped in, 'It is okay so long as I am with Kai.' It was an unexpected emotion, but she found comfort in it nonetheless. Kai had always been an enigma, a tower of strength and wisdom that seemed capable of conquering any obstacle.

Suddenly, the image of her youngest son flashed in her mind. Sasuke. His face a mix of the Uchiha stoicism and a gentle curiosity that was purely his own. He was on a journey of his own, exploring the world in his own unique way. Her heart clenched at the thought of him, alone and perhaps worried. But Sasuke was grown up, capable. He could manage. She found solace in this belief.

A sense of calm washed over Mikoto as she glanced at Kai. His face was relaxed, a shadow of his usual stern expression. His eyes held an indescribable calmness that somehow made the situation less overwhelming. 'I am with Kai.' She reaffirmed to herself, the words echoing in her mind like a mantra.

The idea of being stuck in the past didn't unsettle Mikoto as much as she thought it would. Of course, the prospect of not seeing her children, of not being a part of their lives, left a hollow feeling within her. Yet, there was a part of her, an unexpected part, that felt strangely at ease. This was largely because she wasn't alone in this bizarre situation. She was with Kai, a man who had proven time and time again that he was capable of handling even the most complex circumstances.

Deep down, Mikoto knew that Kai would find a way to get them back to their time. But even if he couldn't, she found herself oddly at peace with the thought of living out her life in this era. Perhaps it was because she could imagine a life with Kai by her side, just the two of them in a world that was unfamiliar, yet held the potential for something beautiful.

Lost in her thoughts, Mikoto was startled when Kai suddenly spoke up. "You can come out now," he said softly, his gaze focused on a tree not too far from where they were sitting.

Mikoto's heart raced at his words. She followed his gaze, her eyes wide with anticipation. There was no one in sight, but she knew better than to question Kai's instincts. The fact that he was still comfortably resting in her lap was evidence enough that whoever was hiding behind the tree wasn't a threat.

As Kai’s gaze held steady on the tree, a figure emerged from the shadows. The young woman was striking, with a long mane of bright-red hair and large, pupil-less eyes that contrasted starkly against her pale skin. Her hair was braided neatly, cascading down her shoulders and brushing against her slim waist. She looked young, barely out of her teens, yet there was a certain maturity in her gaze, an unspoken knowledge that belied her age.

"Kai," Mikoto said quietly, her eyes on the newcomer.

Ignoring her, Kai continued to observe the woman. He was silent, his demeanor unperturbed by the newcomer's sudden appearance.

“How did you sense me?” The woman finally spoke, her voice laced with an undertone of surprise. Mikoto could see her eyes widen a fraction, shock evident in her gaze. "My abilities..." She trailed off, looking at Kai in wonder.

Kai turned his gaze from the tree to the woman, his expression inscrutable. "Your abilities are unique," he acknowledged, his tone flat. "You are a sensor, capable of perceiving the emotional states of others. A rare skill."

The woman’s shock seemed to intensify at his words. She glanced between Mikoto and Kai, confusion written all over her face. "How... how do you know that?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"You've been following us since we arrived," Kai stated simply, his voice devoid of any emotion. "You've been curious, cautious, but you didn't dare approach."

His words sent a chill down Mikoto's spine. She hadn't sensed anyone, let alone someone who had been following them. It made her realize just how out of her depth she was in this situation.

The sudden arrival of the red-haired woman in their presence set off a unique chain of events. Mikoto, her mind still processing Kai's earlier revelation, looked on with quiet intrigue. This woman was from the past, a representative of the thriving Uzumaki clan they were now amid. She noted the surprise evident in the woman's features as Kai revealed her unique sensory abilities, and the underlying unease that her presence had been detected.

The woman in question, whose curiosity had apparently brought her close enough to be noticed, eyed Kai with a mixture of wariness and wonder. It was as if she had stumbled upon a rare, unexplainable phenomenon. "How did you know I was there?" she repeated, her voice a soft murmur.

Kai's response was dispassionate, yet sharp as a shuriken. "Your emotions were as clear to me as a drawing on paper," he stated, unfazed by her surprise. "I sensed your curiosity from the moment we arrived, but you kept a careful distance, maintaining your anonymity."

The red-haired woman drew a sharp breath, her pale eyes widening. " can sense emotions?" she asked, her tone tinged with disbelief.

Kai's gaze never left the woman's face, his dark eyes devoid of emotion. "Yes," he answered, his voice as neutral as ever. "I have been aware of your presence for a while."

Mikoto, despite her own surprise, could not help but feel a twinge of admiration for Kai. His ability to stay calm and collected in every situation was a trait she deeply respected. Despite the unprecedented circumstance they were in, his composure remained unbroken.

“Who are you?” the woman asked, her curiosity overpowering her initial shock.

“I am Kai,” he responded, and then gestured towards Mikoto, “and she is Mikoto.”

No further explanation followed his statement. Mikoto felt a ripple of unease at the simplicity of Kai's introduction. But she had learned that Kai was a man of few words, and his straightforwardness was one of his defining traits.

“Kai, Mikoto…” the woman murmured their names, rolling them around on her tongue as though trying to commit them to memory. She then introduced herself, breaking the silence that had settled around them. "I am Mito Uzumaki."


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