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Ch88- Kai the Father

Mikoto and Mito shared a glance before turning their gaze back to Kai, both puzzled by his words about feeling his blood. They, however, did not pry further, his smile being a sign enough of the relief he felt in returning to their timeline, a future for Mito. They trusted his instincts, for his senses had proven to be infallible more times than they could count.

Mito let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, her emerald eyes softening. "So, nothing happened to me," she remarked, her words floating over the sound of the crashing waves. As a person from the past, she was in constant fear of the flow of time erasing her from existence in this foreign timeline. Seeing Kai's reassuring nod, she sighed in relief, her heart gradually returning to its normal pace.

Mikoto looked at Mito, her own anxiety ebbing away at the sight of Mito’s relief. She remembered how her heart had dropped when they found themselves stranded in the past. However, the anxious lines on her face smoothened now, replaced by a quiet sense of calm.

Kai, on the other hand, was silent, lost in his thoughts. He felt a strange sensation that he couldn't explain - a feeling that went beyond just the familiarity of his seals or the timeline. He could feel his blood, a sensation so distinct yet so elusive. It was as though a part of him had emerged that he hadn't been aware of, a resonance that echoed through him. His gaze lingered on the chaotic whirlpool below, the tempest mirroring the storm of thoughts brewing within him.

Deciding not to waste another moment, Kai dissolved into a specter before appearing within the Hokage Building. A woman sat behind a desk, clutching a child within her arms, the sight of them enough to soften Kai's usually austere demeanor.

As he materialized into the room, Tsunade let out a startled yelp, her wide, amber eyes reflecting the shock of his abrupt arrival. However, the shock soon turned into a gushing flood of relief. "Kai!" she exclaimed, her voice choked with emotion. Balancing the baby carefully, she rose to her feet.

Without a word, Kai crossed the room, his gaze locked onto the child cradled within Tsunade's arms. It was a girl, with bright blue eyes that mirrored his own, and a tuft of blonde hair atop her head just like Tsunade’s. There was no mistaking it - the child was his.

Tsunade rushed into his embrace, her tears staining the front of his shirt. "Where were you?" she sobbed, her voice barely a whisper. "I couldn't reach you."

Kai wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. His touch was firm, yet gentle, mindful of the precious bundle between them. He didn't say a word, instead choosing to let the moment speak for itself. His gaze was fixed on the baby, her eyes sparkling with innocence and curiosity.

He extended a finger, allowing the child to curl her tiny hand around it. An inexplicable warmth surged through his veins, a profound connection that went beyond blood or lineage. He felt a strange pull, a sense of belonging that he had never experienced before. The realization was as jarring as it was comforting - he was a father.

Mikoto and Mito stood silently in the room, looking on as Kai interacted with his newly born daughter and a tearful Tsunade. They watched with a range of emotions playing across their faces, from shock to happiness, and even a tinge of sadness.

Kai's words from before - "I feel my blood" - now took on a whole new meaning. He was a father. He had a child with another woman, Tsunade, while they were lost in the past. This revelation was both a joy and a sorrow for them. A joy, because the man they loved was bestowed with the gift of parenthood; a sorrow, because the child was not theirs.

However, they respected Kai and Tsunade's moment, knowing how precious it was. Slowly, they retreated from the room, their departure as silent as their presence. They gave Kai a quick glance, a silent promise to discuss the revelations later, before the door closed behind them, leaving Kai alone with Tsunade and his child.

In the room, Kai, having gently kissed Tsunade's forehead, broke the silence. "I am sorry, Tsuna." His voice was a gentle whisper, a soothing melody amidst the emotional tempest.

Tsunade, her eyes still brimming with tears, looked up at him. "Why are you apologizing?" she asked, her voice thick with emotion. Her hands were busy tenderly holding their child, her gaze occasionally flicking to the baby's peaceful face.

Kai's eyes met Tsunade's. His usual stoic demeanor softened as he looked at her. "A lot happened in my visit to the Whirlpool," he confessed. "I was sent back in time."

Her amber eyes widened in surprise. "Back in time?"

"Yes," he affirmed. "I and Mikoto were sent back. We had to find a way back to our timeline, and that's why it took me so long to return. I didn't want to... I couldn't leave you alone, but I had no choice."

Tsunade listened, her mind trying to process everything he was saying. It was too much, too surreal. But she nodded, prompting him to continue. His honesty was a balm to her fears, a reassurance she didn't realize she needed.

"And there's more," he continued, his gaze falling on the baby. "I returned with someone else. Mito. Uzumaki Mito."

Tsunade's eyes grew even wider. "Grandma Mito?" she gasped, her hand instinctively tightening around the baby.

Kai almost chuckled at her reaction. He shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "No, not exactly. The Mito who came with us... she wouldn't be your grandmother in this timeline."

Tsunade's brow furrowed, trying to make sense of his words. But then, she shook her head, choosing to focus on the important part. Kai was back, safe and sound. That was what mattered.


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