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Ch89- Reina

Their daughter stirred in her arms, her tiny fingers grasping Kai's. The sight brought a warm smile to Tsunade's face. She looked up at Kai, her amber eyes brimming with gratitude, love, and relief. "You're here now," she said softly. "And that's all that matters."

"What is her name?" Kai asked, his voice almost reverent. His hands twitched at his sides, the urge to cradle the child fighting with his fear of somehow causing harm. His eyes, always so cold and detached, had softened, brimming with a mix of joy and terror.

Tsunade chuckled softly, her amber eyes shimmering with amusement. "Hold her, you big oaf," she said. "You won't break her."

Kai looked at Tsunade, then back at the baby, uncertainty etched in his eyes. "What if I hurt her?" he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper. Despite his strength and confidence, the idea of holding something so fragile unnerved him.

Tsunade gave him a reassuring smile. "Trust me, you won't," she said, gently placing the baby into Kai's hesitant arms.

Kai held his breath as he took the child from Tsunade, cradling her with awkward care. His fingers, usually so firm and decisive, seemed clumsy and hesitant. But as he looked down at the child, a surge of warmth washed over him. The feeling was something he'd never experienced, an emotional wave that cascaded over his heart, filling him with an inexplicable sense of serenity.

Tsunade watched as Kai held their daughter, her heart swelling with love for both of them. "Her name," she began, her voice thick with emotion, "is Reina."

Kai looked at Tsunade, a spark of surprise in his eyes. "Reina?" he repeated, his gaze shifting back to the infant in his arms. He studied her face, the tiny button nose, the round cheeks, and the bright, innocent eyes that were his own. The name seemed to fit her perfectly, like a melody tailored to a dance.

"She inherited your blood and my awesomeness. I expect nothing short of ruling this world for her future, so her name means queen," Tsunade declared, her eyes twinkling with mirth and pride.

Kai blinked, his gaze shifting between Tsunade and the child, Reina, cradled in his arms. The infant had quieted down, her eyes closing gently as if she had fallen into a deep, peaceful slumber. He regarded Tsunade with a mixture of amusement and disbelief. "Queen, huh?" he murmured, looking back down at Reina. "That's quite a big title for someone so small."

Tsunade rolled her eyes, playfully slapping his shoulder. "She's your daughter, Kai. I expect no less from her," she stated, a gleam of challenge in her eyes. "Besides, it's not just a title. It's a promise - a promise of her potential, her future."

Kai studied the child in his arms. Her face was serene, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions swirling within him. He could feel the warmth of the baby through his shirt, an intimate connection that was new to him.

Kai swallowed, his eyes softening as he regarded Reina. Her existence was a profound testament to his humanity, something he had started to doubt during his travels across time and space. Despite the uncertainty that loomed large in his mind, there was an unshakeable connection between him and this small being - a bond formed by shared blood and destiny.

"Reina," he said, testing the name on his tongue. It was a name filled with hope, a name that held so much promise. A name fit for a queen.

Tsunade watched the interplay of emotions on Kai's face, her heart swelling with affection. She had never seen him so taken, so captivated by anything before. It was a sight to behold, a moment she wished could last forever.

Suddenly, a knock echoed through the room, causing both Tsunade and Kai to glance towards the door. Mikoto and Mito stood there, their faces a mixture of relief and uncertainty.

"We didn't want to intrude," Mikoto began, her eyes wandering to the baby nestled safely in Kai's arms. Her face softened at the sight, a smile creeping onto her lips.

Mikoto!" Tsunade walked up to her, and hugged her. When she heard about the Uchiha Massacre, she was devastated, later she learned that Mikoto was one of the few survivors but she was on the run as Danzo was still after her and her family. Later, when Hiruzen learned Danzo's deeds were too much to tolerate, Danzo fled from Konoha but the Uchiha still couldn't return. But now that Danzo and Hiruzen were gone, and she was the Hokage, she could exonerate Mikoto.

"Tsunade." Mikoto nodded to her, her voice filled with relief and gratitude. She returned the hug, closing her eyes for a moment. She was home.

The blond Hokage then turned to the other woman, despite Kai's forewarning, she was still taken aback, "Grandma Mito." She unwittingly whispered. The resemblance was uncanny, from the fiery red hair to the sharp, emerald eyes.

Mito’s eyes flitted between Kai, Mikoto, and Tsunade, her mouth hanging slightly open in stunned silence. "WHAT?" She finally burst out, the pitch of her voice rising in incredulity. Mikoto, standing slightly off to the side, watched the spectacle with an amused smirk, her laughter bubbling up in soft, gentle giggles.

Beside Tsunade, Kai let out a low sigh, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards. He did not roll his eyes, but it was a near thing. He had warned Tsunade about this potential for confusion, yet it seemed he had not emphasized it enough.

"I forgot to tell you," he started, turning his attention back to Mito, "In this timeline, you are the Hokage's grandmother." He gestured towards Tsunade, who was still staring at the red-haired woman with an unfathomable look in her eyes.

"I see," Mito muttered, her brow furrowing in thought. She was clearly trying to wrap her head around this whole alternate timeline idea. It was a lot to take in, but she was a resilient woman, she would adjust.

Kai then turned to Tsunade, his eyes meeting hers. "Tsuna," he said, his voice firm, "Mito here is from another timeline. She is not your grandmother." His eyes bore into hers, ensuring she understood. He knew this must be a shock to her, this young woman who looked so much like her late grandmother standing before her. But he had to make her understand.


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