Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch91- Courthing Death?

In an instant, Kai found himself standing in the Cloud Village, specifically in Samui's house. As soon as he appeared, he felt an unusual chakra. It felt familiar yet foreign at the same time. Following the trail of chakra, Kai walked towards the living room, where he heard A's voice, clear and assertive, "He is gone, Samui. It has been more than a year. He either died or left you and doesn't want to be found. It's time for you to return to your duties."

As Kai walked into the room, his face hardened, his eyes narrowing at the sight of A. But it was Samui's response that finally broke the dam of his patience, "I am free now, A. Kai freed me. You cannot force me."

An icy rage surged through Kai, and he swiftly stepped into the room, his chakra flaring in a display of his displeasure. "A," he addressed the man, his voice was filled with restrained anger, "I suggest you choose your next words wisely."

A, who had been locked in conversation with Samui, turned to face the new entrant in the room. His face, usually stern and unyielding, held an expression of surprise. "You!" He uttered, his voice choked with disbelief. A towering figure in the Cloud Village, A was no stranger to encounters of the unexpected sort. But this... this was beyond his imagination.

Kai stepped forward, each step echoing with intent, his blue eyes fixed on the Raikage. A could feel a cold shiver run down his spine, and he couldn't help but take a step back. This was not the same Kai he had met years ago. This man had an aura of an untamed storm, a force of nature that left destruction in its wake. This man was stronger, wilder, more intense.

From her place on the sofa, Samui rose, her eyes wide as she registered the familiar figure. The tears she had been fighting back now glistened in her eyes, as a wave of relief washed over her. "Kai!" she called out, her voice barely above a whisper, but the desperation in her voice was unmistakable.

"Yes, me," Kai echoed, his voice resonating through the room, his gaze still fixated on A. His anger was palpable, a raw energy that seemed to fill the room, making the air heavy with tension. There was a dangerous edge to his voice, a clear warning to A that his patience was on thin ice.

A was no fool. He could sense the escalating tension, the impending storm that was Kai's wrath. He could feel the power radiating off the man. It was terrifying and awe-inspiring at the same time. Kai had always been strong, but the man standing before him now was beyond comprehension. He was a force to be reckoned with.

"I…" A started, his voice trembling under Kai's intense gaze. He had intended to assert his authority, his position as the Raikage. But the words died on his lips as he looked at the burning fury in Kai's eyes.

"I did not force her," A continued, managing to steady his voice. "I was only advising her about her duties."

"Is that so?" Kai questioned, the sarcasm in his voice barely concealed. He turned to Samui, his gaze softening as he met her tear-filled eyes. "Is that what he was doing, Samui?"

Samui looked from Kai to A and then back to Kai. She swallowed, fighting the lump in her throat, and shook her head. "No," she whispered, her voice laced with pain. "He was trying to force me to return to my duties."

Kai looked at A, a cold fire burning in his eyes. "Is that so." In the next second, his form flickered. It was so abrupt, so swift that both Samui and A thought they saw it wrong, but the reality of what just transpired hit them a few seconds later.

A let out a shrill cry, clutching at his side where his left arm used to be. The appendage was nowhere to be seen; in its place was a neatly cauterized stump. Meanwhile, Kai held an arm in his hand, the severed limb still warm from its recent attachment. A beads of cold sweat formed on A's brow as he took a shaky step back. Kai's speed, his precision had been terrifying. A had not even seen him move, and his arm was gone just like that.

"I told you before, A. I freed Samui, and you have no control over her," Kai's voice echoed through the room, frosty and stern. His words hung in the air like a chilling winter breeze, the underlying threat in his tone crystal clear. "When she said she wanted to live in Cloud to protect it if the need arises, and live close to her friends, I allowed it. I trusted you wouldn't overstep your boundaries. But it seems like I was wrong."

Kai's gaze remained unflinching, his blue eyes as cold and unforgiving as an arctic storm. He tossed A's arm aside, watching as the Raikage struggled to maintain his composure. The lesson was hard, but it was one A wouldn't forget anytime soon.

Turning his attention towards Samui, Kai's demeanor softened noticeably. His voice, when he spoke, carried a hint of gentleness, a stark contrast to the icy rage that had prevailed just moments ago. "Get your stuff, Samui," he said. "I'll take you to Konoha."

Samui nodded at Kai's words, a mix of relief and gratitude washing over her. She moved quickly, her steps echoing through the room as she rushed back to collect her belongings. She had been living under the constant threat of being forced back into the role of a tool, an object to be used for the village's benefit. Now, the hope of freedom, of living her life on her terms shone bright in her eyes.

A watched as Samui left the room, his gaze shifting to the stump of his arm, then back to Kai. His shock was slowly receding, replaced by a reluctant acceptance. He had underestimated Kai, overstepped his boundaries. The consequence was a harsh reminder of the folly of his arrogance.

Samui returned moments later, a scroll in her hand, her eyes noticeably brighter. Kai moved towards her, his gaze steady, reassuring. He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, giving her a nod of approval.

In the next second, they vanished, leaving A alone with his severed arm and wounded pride. The room echoed with the phantom remnants of Kai’s words, carrying the weight of lessons hard-learned.


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