Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch92- Propose

Kai and Samui materialized amidst a forest thick with dense foliage. The moment they appeared, Samui dropped her scroll. She moved closer to Kai, throwing her arms around him. The relief of escaping from A's oppressive control, the happiness of reuniting with Kai after an arduous year and a half, came crashing down on her like a tidal wave.

"I missed you, Kai," she whispered into his chest, her voice trembling with a cocktail of emotions. Her grip around him tightened as if she were afraid he would vanish again if she let go.

Kai, albeit a bit taken aback, wrapped his arms around her in a comforting embrace. His fingers gently threaded through her platinum hair, the soft strands a familiar sensation. The forest around them felt like a homecoming, the very place where their intricate journey had begun.

"Yes, I know," he replied, his voice soft yet resolute. "I missed you too, Samui."

Kai hugged her back, his own arms encircling her with a firmness that suggested he wouldn't let go anytime soon. He buried his face in her hair, breathing in the familiar scent of her. This was the forest where everything began. He remembered how their journey started. At first, it was just physical for him. But somewhere along the way, the sight of Samui's genuine love for him pushed him over the edge. He chose to leap blindly into the abyss of her emotions, trusting her completely. And he hadn't regretted it once.

Samui, for her part, was taken aback. The Kai she knew was not so emotionally available. He was someone who was fiercely independent, always needing her guidance in navigating his own feelings. Now, his acts of affection warmed her heart, bringing an unexpected tear to her eye. She smiled through her tears, holding onto him even tighter.

"Samui, I am a father now." Kai said with a wide smile. The expression was so odd on his face, the kind of radiant happiness Samui had never witnessed before. She blinked, taken aback by his sudden announcement. As she processed his words, a whirlwind of emotions hit her, happiness for Kai but also a deep pang of envy and melancholy; it wasn't her child he was speaking about.

"With Tsunade?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Kai felt her insecurity and held her even tighter, as if his physical presence could assuage the pain she felt.

"Yes," he confirmed softly, his gaze drifting towards the thick forest. "I found out recently myself. She was born when I was away."

"Where were you?" Samui asked, relief washing over her. The fact that Kai hadn't left only her, but also Tsunade who carried his child, implied that he was pulled away by something he couldn't control.

Kai let out a soft sigh before beginning to explain. "A seal sent me back in time," he said. "It's a seal outside the Uzumaki clan, a complex one that can manipulate space-time due to erosion in the seal."

"Back in time?" Samui asked, her brows furrowing in confusion. "How... How is that possible?"

Kai looked at Samui, the dense forest around them cocooning them in their shared memories. "The seal," he began, "it was originally designed for space travel. It was a safeguard that the Uzumaki clan used, meant to bring its members back to the heart of the village during times of crisis." He watched as Samui's brows knitted together in thought, waiting for her to digest this piece of information before he continued.

"However, with the Uzumaki clan gone, the seal was left untouched for years, exposed to the elements and eroding over time," he explained further, his tone even. His hands gestured in the air, drawing invisible patterns as if he were visually demonstrating the degradation of the seal.

"The deterioration led to an accident, a miscalculation in the seal's functioning. Instead of transporting through space, it sent me back in time," Kai finished, his gaze drifting past Samui to the familiar tree in the distance, a silent testament to their shared past.

"Back in time..." Samui echoed softly, her voice trailing off as she stared at him in disbelief. Her breath hitched in her throat as she began to comprehend the potential dangers Kai could have faced. After a moment of silence, she found her voice again. "It's fine so long as you're back," she whispered, the relief evident in her tone.

With that, she pulled away from Kai, stepping back to allow the distance to clear her mind. It was only then she truly registered their surroundings. She found her gaze settling on a particular tree, its bark engraved with the traces of their past. It was here, under this very tree, where she and Kai had shared a moment of intimate connection. Her cheeks flushed at the memory, her heart pounding at the unanticipated romance Kai had shown by bringing her here.

"Did you bring me here on purpose?" Samui asked, turning her gaze back to Kai. Her voice was soft, almost teasing, a touch of pink blossoming on her cheeks. She was surprised by the unexpected sentimentality from Kai, a man known more for his strength and precision than emotional displays.

Kai shrugged, his blue eyes twinkling with a rare hint of amusement. "Maybe," he replied nonchalantly, his gaze flitting back to the tree before returning to Samui. "I thought it would be fitting."

"Fitting for what?" Samui asked, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt anticipation washing over her like a tidal wave.

Kai looked at her, his cold blue eyes softening just a fraction. "Fitting for this," he said, closing the distance between them until they were standing so close she could feel the warmth radiating from his body. He reached out, cradling her face gently in his hands, his thumb tracing over her cheek. It was a gentle touch, a stark contrast to the harsh warrior she had always known him to be.

"Samui," he began, his voice low and husky, "I want you to carry my child."


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