Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch93- Let’s Make It Now!

The words hung in the air between them, startling her with their gravity. She felt her heart leap in her chest, the world seeming to stop spinning for a moment.

Before she could react, Kai leaned in, his lips finding hers in a passionate, all-consuming kiss. Samui's eyes widened in shock, her breath hitching in her throat. This was not the Kai she was familiar with. This was not the emotionally detached man who needed her guidance in love.

This was a new Kai, assertive, emotionally available, and uncharacteristically romantic. His lips moved against hers, commanding and insistent, yet achingly tender. Samui could feel her shock fading away, replaced by a rush of warmth that flowed through her, melting her resistance.

She gave in to the kiss, her body molding into his as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers tangling into his hair. She was lost in the sensation, the feeling of Kai's lips against hers, his arms around her, his body pressed against hers.

He pulled away, the both of them breathless from the kiss. Kai looked at her, his gaze soft and vulnerable, emotions she had never seen in him before shining in his eyes.

Samui stared at Kai, her heart pounding in her chest. His newfound emotions, the raw vulnerability that shone in his eyes; it was all too much to take in at once. But she loved it, loved this new side of him, loved him. If having a child could change Kai so drastically, she wondered, what would happen if it was their child?

The mere thought filled her with a yearning so profound that it took her breath away. She wanted their child, she wanted to hold their baby in her arms right now. The idea fueled her arousal, a heady mix of anticipation, desire, and love.

"Kai..." she breathed out, her voice barely a whisper.

Without wasting another moment, she threw herself at Kai, just like the first time they had been together. Back then, it had been because Kai had remained unresponsive to her advances, forcing her to take the initiative. But this time, it was because the thought of becoming the mother of Kai's child overwhelmed her.

Her lips found his, her fingers tangling in his hair as she kissed him with an intensity she had never felt before. His scent, his taste, it was all so intoxicating, each touch sending shivers down her spine. Samui pulled away, her gaze scanning his face, her fingers tracing his jawline, his neck, the contours of his chest. Her hands fumbled with his clothes, undressing him as she continued her exploration.

Kai, for his part, allowed Samui to take the lead, his gaze watching her with an intensity that made her heart flutter. There was something incredibly arousing about this moment, about the pure desire that shone in Samui's eyes. His breath hitched as her lips met his skin, each kiss sending a wave of pleasure coursing through him.

He reached out, his fingers tangling in her platinum hair, the soft strands tickling his palm. His other hand traced the curve of her waist, his fingers slipping underneath her clothes, the touch sending jolts of electricity coursing through them both.

As Samui straddled him, Kai fell onto his back, landing on a carpet of dead leaves. Her hands were skillful and swift, removing his clothes piece by piece, her eyes burning with unmasked desire. The cool air on his skin was quickly replaced by the warmth of her lips as she descended upon him, her kisses dotting his skin like constellations in the night sky. Each kiss was like a spark igniting his body, intensifying the heat that was growing within them both.

Kai watched Samui through heavy-lidded eyes, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his lips. There was something indescribably arousing about the way she looked at him, the uncontained desire in her gaze. He was used to being in control, but seeing Samui taking charge stirred something in him. It was raw, it was passionate, it was undeniably enticing.

He felt her fingers tracing the ridges of his abdomen, her touch light as a feather yet carrying an intensity that left his skin tingling in its wake. He watched as her lips followed the path her fingers had just traced, her hot breath making his muscles twitch involuntarily. The sight of her, the feeling of her lips on his skin, the sound of her soft moans; they were all intoxicating.

Her kisses slowly traced their way up his torso, leaving a trail of burning sensations in their wake. Kai tilted his head back, his eyes drifting closed as he surrendered to the sensation. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his pulse quickening with each passing moment.

Kai's fingers were tangled in Samui's platinum hair, the cool strands a stark contrast against his heated skin. He could feel her shifting, her body moving in a tantalizing rhythm that left him aching for more. He could hear her soft moans, each one sending a jolt of pleasure down his spine.

The fabric of Samui's clothes felt rough against his bare skin, a contrast that only added to the intoxicating sensation. His hands traced along the curve of her hips, pulling her closer. He wanted to feel more of her, all of her. He wanted to erase every thought from her mind except for him.

His hands moved to the small of her back, holding her close as he tilted his head to capture her lips once again. Their kiss was fiery, filled with a desperate hunger that only they could satiate. Their breaths hitched, their bodies intertwined, the world outside their little bubble ceasing to exist.

As the leaves rustled softly under them, the last remnants of their clothes abandoned, their bodies were left basking in the afterglow of their shared passion. Their hearts were racing, their breaths heavy, their bodies entwined in a silent testament of their shared desire.

Samui lay on Kai's chest, her fingers tracing idle patterns on his skin. The cool night air was a stark contrast to their heated bodies, sending shivers down their spine. But they found warmth in each other's arms, their naked bodies entwined under the starlit sky.

As she lay there, basking in the afterglow of their shared passion, a soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips. It was a smile of contentment, of joy, of love. It was a smile that reflected the depth of her feelings for Kai. And as she drifted off to sleep, nestled in the crook of Kai's arm, she couldn't help but look forward to their shared future, the thought of carrying Kai's child filling her heart with a profound sense of joy and anticipation.


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