Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch94- Coming to Terms

After the memorable forest reunion, Kai took them both to Konoha with Flying Thunder God. The sudden appearance of Kai drew the attention of Tsunade, who was about to leave with Mikoto and Mito. Upon seeing him coming, she walked to his side with a smile, although the sight of Samui faltered her expression for a brief moment.

Kai had never hidden or lied about his relationships, so Tsunade knew about Samui and vice versa. Still, they had never seen each other before, thus they didn't know how to act. But upon seeing Kai's daughter, Reina, in Tsunade's arms, Samui felt a hint of jealousy washed over by relief quickly. Kai had just asked her to carry his child too, and they probably already planted that baby. Smiling, Samui greeted them formally as she bowed.

"I am pleased to finally meet you, Lady Tsunade, Lady Mikoto, and Lady Mito," Samui said, her voice steady but touched with a hint of apprehension. She straightened from her bow, her eyes flickering toward the baby in Tsunade's arms and then back to Kai.

Kai, holding Reina, looked to Tsunade, his eyes questioning yet confident. He explained, "Raikage was forcing Samui to return to active duty since I was absent for a few years. I decided to bring her to Konoha."

Tsunade's gaze met his, understanding and trust clear in her eyes. Though she may have had reservations, she didn't show them. Instead, she smiled warmly at Samui and said, "Welcome to Konoha, Samui. You're with family here."

Samui's smile broadened, and a weight seemed to lift from her shoulders. "Thank you, Lady Tsunade."

Tsunade turned to Kai, her eyes softening as they fell on Reina. "The Old Uchiha Compound was empty for years. I decided to give it to you and your family, Kai. It belongs to Mikoto and Sasuke anyway."

Kai's eyes flicked to Mikoto, and he nodded, his face impassive but his voice filled with a rare warmth. "Thank you, Tsunade."

They began to walk toward the Old Uchiha Compound, the air thick with memories and emotions. Mikoto's face turned sullen, her eyes distant. Kai, sensing her turmoil, moved to her side, hugging her from behind with one arm, still holding Reina in the other.

Mikoto leaned into Kai's embrace, her voice trembled as she whispered, "It's been so long since I've been home."

Kai's face remained stoic, but his voice carried a softness, a genuine concern that spoke volumes. "I'm here with you, Mikoto. We're all here with you."

Mikoto's eyes filled with tears as she looked back at Kai, finding comfort in his eyes. "I know, Kai. Thank you."

Mito, walking beside them, added her support. "The past is painful, but we have a chance to create new memories now."

Tsunade looked at them all, a flicker of emotion in her eyes. She'd seen Kai change, grow, form connections. It was a strange and beautiful thing.

As they reached the Old Uchiha Compound, the grandeur of the place loomed, intertwined with history and shadows. Kai stopped, taking it all in, then looked at Mikoto.

"Are you ready?" he asked her, his voice gentle but unyielding.

Mikoto looked at the gate, her past, and her future. With Kai's support, she nodded. "I'm ready."

They entered the compound together, their steps echoing with the weight of history and the promise of a new beginning. Inside, the rooms were filled with memories, but also with potential. There were places for laughter, love, and growth.

As they explored, Samui found herself drawn to a particular room. "This would be perfect for a nursery," she said, her voice filled with hope.

Kai looked at her, a rare smile touching his lips. "I think so too."

After Tsunade ordered a few Genin Teams to clean the compound, they sat in the Patriarch room. Kai took the center seat with his lovers around him and Reina in his embrace. The atmosphere in the room was tinged with history, but also warmed by their presence.

Mikoto's eyes were fixed on the seat Kai occupied, once her late husband's seat. A hint of doubt had crept into her mind, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared. Time had passed, she had moved on, fallen in love, and she wasn't regretting her choice. Kai was the true love she had always sought, and she had finally found him.

"Right, Mikoto?" Mito's voice pulled her out of her reverie.

Kai looked at Mikoto and saw her confusion. He explained, "We were telling how we ended up in the past and met with Mito in the forest."

Mikoto blinked, and then her face cleared. She nodded, "Oh, yes. That was quite an experience."

Samui leaned forward, curiosity in her eyes. "I'd like to hear more about it. How did you travel back in time?"

Mikoto took a deep breath, her eyes distant as she recalled the events that had unfolded, yet her voice was steady as she began her tale. She glanced at Kai, noting his usual stoic expression, but she knew there was a curiosity there. He might not join the storytelling, but he was always listening.

"We had set out to travel to the Uzumaki Village to unlock the secrets behind their seals," Mikoto began, her voice calm and reflective. "The entrance to the Uzumaki land was protected by a massive whirlpool, a spatial seal that was both magnificent and daunting."

Samui's eyes widened at the description, leaning in closer to catch every word.

Mikoto continued, "Kai spent days trying to crack it. His understanding of seals is unparalleled, but this was a challenge like no other. The whirlpool was corroded with time, its complexity beyond anything we had seen."

"It was too late when we realized that the seal was not just spatial, but temporal as well. Kai had to expend a tremendous amount of chakra to stabilize the seal, but even then, it sent us back in time." Mikoto's voice trembled slightly at the memory, the experience still vivid in her mind.

"How far back?" Samui asked, her eyes filled with intrigue.

"Several decades," Mikoto replied. "It was a time when the Uzumaki clan was still thriving. A time when Uzumaki Land was still a place of power and knowledge."

Mito's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "And that's where you met me?"

"Yes," Mikoto said, smiling warmly at Mito. "Young and curious, eager to learn about the world outside Uzumaki Land. Kai's adventures intrigued you, and you wanted to know more."

Mito chuckled at the memory, her eyes dancing with mischief. "I remember demanding stories from Kai in exchange for teaching him the Uzumaki Seals. I never thought he'd agree."

"He did more than that," Mikoto added, her voice soft. "He showed you the world, shared his knowledge, and you two formed a bond that went beyond teacher and student."

The room was silent for a moment, the weight of history and the complexity of their relationships hanging in the air. Tsunade's gaze shifted between Mikoto and Kai, understanding the depth of what had transpired.

Tsunade then sighed and talked, the weariness in her voice replaced with a firm resolve. "It is quite obvious already, but let's talk about the elephant in the room."

All the other women tensed at her words, knowing what was coming. The room's atmosphere shifted, growing heavy with unspoken emotions.

"We all love Kai," Tsunade started, her eyes scanning the faces of the women in the room, each a part of Kai's complex life.

Kai, sensing the direction of the conversation, got up to walk out. This was something he knew they had to come to terms with on their own. He was not adept at handling such intricate emotional matters, and his presence might only complicate things further. His stoic face gave away nothing as he exited the room.

The women sighed as they saw him leaving but understood him too. Mikoto's eyes lingered on the door for a moment, sadness and understanding mingling in her gaze. She looked back at Tsunade, ready to face the reality of their shared love.

Tsunade then continued, her voice gentle but unyielding, "We all love Kai, and none of us would give up on him, correct?" She looked into the faces of the other women, seeking affirmation.

They all nodded, each woman coming to terms with the unique place they held in Kai's heart.

Samui's eyes sparkled with determination. "We can't have jealousy among each other. I've seen how much Kai loves each of us, and he won't treat us unfairly. I trust him."

Mito, the newest addition to their intricate relationship, looked at the others, her eyes filled with a blend of uncertainty and hope. "I have no intention of giving up on Kai either. But how do we move forward without jealousy or resentment?"

Tsunade looked thoughtfully at Mito's question, her gaze pensive. It was a question that lingered in all their minds, and yet, the answer seemed to elude them.

Samui, never one to shy away from being blunt, voiced her opinion. "We simply trust each other and trust Kai. He has brought us all together for a reason. If he sees potential in us as a family, then we should believe in that too."

Mikoto nodded, her voice soft but firm. "I agree with Samui. We must be open with each other, honest about our feelings, and trust in Kai's judgment."

Tsunade looked at them all, a sense of resolution settling over her. "Then it is agreed. We will be a family, one that trusts and supports each other."

They all nodded, a collective understanding passing between them. The conversation shifted, moving to lighter topics, each woman gradually opening up, sharing their thoughts and experiences.

Over the course of the evening, they talked about their past, their fears, their dreams, and their love for Kai. They shared laughter, tears, and understanding, forging a bond that went beyond mere association.

Outside the compound, the evening sky painted a soft hue of orange and purple. With every chirp of the cricket and rustle of the leaves, Konoha felt peaceful. The calm breeze occasionally teased the embers of the torches along the pathway. It was in this serene ambiance that Kai stood, the little bundle of joy, Reina, cradled in his arms. The faint smile that graced his face whenever he looked at her remained a contrast to his otherwise emotionless exterior.

The sudden shift in the air alerted him to another's presence. Without needing to turn, he knew who approached. The unmistakable scent of ink mixed with the faint traces of canine, characteristic of a certain silver-haired Shinobi.

"If it isn't the emotion-crippled Kai," Kakashi said, voice dripping with sarcasm. His visible eye curved up in a teasing smile. "I wouldn't recognize you with a smile if it wasn't for Tsunade-sama's warning."

Kai shifted his gaze to Kakashi and sighed, "Hatake." His voice, devoid of emotions as ever, carried no hint of hostility. It was a simple acknowledgment, a recognition of familiarity.

Kakashi landed gracefully beside Kai, the two men's starkly different auras contrasting yet complementing each other. "Never thought I'd see the day," Kakashi mused, eyeing Reina curiously. "The legendary Kai, holding a child and... smiling?"

Kai, for a brief moment, let his eyes wander back to the baby. "Things change."

The silver-haired man chuckled, "Indeed they do."

The silence between them was neither tense nor comfortable. It was a strange equilibrium, reflective of their complicated past. Kakashi had often tried to break through Kai's walls, but Kai remained a fortress, impenetrable.

Kakashi's gaze lingered on Reina, "How does it feel?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Kai pondered for a moment. He'd never been good with emotions, always choosing logic over feeling. "Amazing?" He ventured, the hint of uncertainty evident.

Kakashi's eye crinkled, the closest he could get to raising an eyebrow. "Amazing? You, Kai, using such a word?"

Kai's rare smile returned, but he said nothing.

"You've changed," Kakashi mused, leaning back. "Or maybe, you're just beginning to find yourself."

"Perhaps," Kai admitted, his fingers lightly stroking Reina's forehead.

Kakashi tilted his head, "I heard about the Uchiha Compound. Going to move in with your... family?"

Kai nodded, "It's the plan."

A moment of contemplative silence descended upon them. The night was young, and the village's ambient noises softly played in the background. Kakashi finally broke the silence, "Never thought you'd be the family type."

Kai looked at Kakashi, the stoic mask firmly in place. "Life is unpredictable."

Kakashi chuckled, "That it is. Just remember, Kai, no matter how strong or distant you are, having people to come home to is a strength, not a weakness."

Kai absorbed Kakashi's words, the weight of their meaning sinking in. For the first time in a long while, he genuinely appreciated the words of another.

"I'll remember that," Kai replied, as he looked at the horizon, the last of the sun's light fading. The promise of a new tomorrow, of change, of acceptance, and most importantly, of a family, awaited him.

As the night deepened, the two shinobi, each lost in their thoughts, sat side by side. The bond between them may not have been like that of close friends, but mutual respect bridged the gap of their differences. And for once, the usually stoic Kai felt gratitude towards the unpredictable twist and turns life threw his way, especially now that he had a family of his own to care for.


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