Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch97- I Can See You!

Finally, Kai kissed Samui goodbye and made his way to the kitchen, where Mito was looking afar forlornly. Her face was drawn, eyes distant. Kai could see the weight of the loss she felt; she had left her family, village, friends, and even her timeline. Everything she knew about the world was now a distant past. She had traveled decades to have a life with Kai.

He approached her silently, wrapping his arms around her from behind. Her body stiffened for a moment before relaxing into his embrace. Kai could feel the heat radiating from her face. Despite opening up to each other, they had yet to explore their relationship in a more physical way.

"Mito," Kai said, his voice low and soothing, not asking her to turn around. He felt her shiver at the sound of her name on his lips.

"I am okay, Kai. I just miss my father, but I don't regret it," Mito said, her voice a soft tremor reflecting the complex emotions swirling within her. Kai's embrace tightened, his body's warmth serving as a silent testament to his understanding.

Slowly, Mito turned in his embrace, their faces close enough for their breaths to mingle. Her eyes, brimming with a mix of longing and determination, met Kai's gaze. His eyes were a calm sea, his facial expression revealing little, but the intensity in his gaze conveyed his deep connection to her.

"You are strong," Kai said, his voice soft but firm, a simple statement of fact rather than praise. "But you don't have to carry this weight alone."

"I know," Mito whispered, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "I have you."

Her words were simple, yet they carried the weight of trust, faith, and a burgeoning connection. Kai's eyes reflected a spark of acknowledgment, his hand moving to tuck a stray strand of her hair behind her ear.

"You have more than me," Kai stated, his voice gentle, his thumb tracing her cheekbone. "You have a family here. Friends who care for you."

She leaned into his touch, her eyes closing momentarily as she absorbed the comfort he offered. "Yes, but it's different with you," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I feel a connection, something I can't quite explain."

Kai nodded, understanding her words even though he couldn't articulate the emotions himself. His life had been a battle, every relationship a strategic move, every emotion a potential weakness. But with Mito, as with a few others, something had changed. He allowed himself to feel, to connect, without fully understanding why or how.

They stood there for a moment, lost in each other's presence, the silence a comfortable blanket that wrapped around them. Mito's eyes searched Kai's face, looking for something more, a clue to the mystery that was this man.

Kissing her forehead, Kai quietly left the compound. As soon as he was outside, he felt the familiar pull of Sasuke's Lotus Seal. The sensation indicated that Sasuke was quite a distance away, but for someone like Kai, who possessed the ability of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, distances were trivial.

In an instant, he teleported, and the world shifted around him. When his vision cleared, he found himself standing between Sasuke's team and a familiar opponent. The landscape was rugged, with large boulders scattered about, forming natural barriers.

Sasuke's surprise was evident in his widened eyes, but the Uchiha gave no other sign of being caught off guard. Karin and Jugo's expressions immediately changed upon seeing Kai. Karin's eyes widened, a slight gasp escaping her lips, while Jugo's shoulders dropped a fraction in relief. Haku, ever the composed shinobi, quickly shifted his attention back to the enemy, though the subtle arch of his eyebrow indicated his surprise.

There, perched leisurely on a branch overhead, was a masked figure. The mask was a peculiar design—orange with a pattern reminiscent of swirling carvings on its surface, and a single hole where his right eye should be. A cloak, also patterned with red clouds against a black backdrop, draped around his body, concealing his true form. The mask prevented anyone from reading his emotions, but Kai sensed the tension in his posture, a slight rigidity, betraying the calm facade.

Kai's gaze methodically shifted back to Sasuke and his team, taking in their transformed appearances. Sasuke's chakra, always intense, now felt like a roaring fire, brimming with untapped potential. Kai's trained eyes also noted the Mangekyo Sharingan's dormant signs in Sasuke's eyes, signifying his evolution.

The Lotus Seals on each of the team members shone vividly with Nature Energy, indicative of their growth and mastery over the past two years. Karin's Uzumaki abilities, always raw and powerful, now felt honed, her chakra signature steadier. Jugo's once erratic energy now had an underlying rhythm to it, signifying control.

After what seemed like an eternity but was just mere seconds, Kai directed his gaze back to the masked man, the apparent leader of the opponents. Still, the man made no move, simply watching from his high perch. The tension in the air was palpable.

Kai's gaze locked onto the masked figure, his voice breaking the silence that had settled over the battlefield. "You said I would regret killing Orochimaru and Kakuzu, not accepting your offer to join Akatsuki next time we meet. Here we are." His voice was firm, revealing nothing of the emotions swirling within him.

Tobi's fist clenched at Kai's words, but he didn't respond, his body rigid atop the branch.

"I can see your true facade now, Obito Uchiha," Kai continued, his eyes never wavering.

Both Sasuke and Obito were taken aback by Kai's statement. Sasuke's eyes widened, his voice rising in disbelief, "Obito?"

"What did he tell you, Sasuke?" Kai asked, his tone even.

Sasuke's fists clenched, his body tense as he recalled the earlier conversation with Obito. "Sensei, before you arrived, he told me how my clan got destroyed. How Konoha forced my brother to kill everyone in my clan, but because Itachi was too kind-hearted, he couldn't, and in the end, was killed by the clan elders and Danzo." Anger flashed in Sasuke's eyes as he spoke, his voice thick with a mix of confusion and betrayal. "He wanted me to assist him to take revenge."


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