From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 274 Dinner before Christmas

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, Madame Du Barry is also your enemy." Seeing Lawrence's calm and indifferent expression, Justice Maupe frowned and persuaded.

He really needed a powerful ally at the moment, and Laurence Bonaparte in front of him was undoubtedly the best candidate in Maupe's eyes.

Both of them are staunch royalists, and even if they get too close, they will not incur the displeasure of King Louis, and Lawrence, who is deeply favored by the king, is undoubtedly the most suitable character to attack Madame Du Barry.

Whether out of investment in Lawrence's potential or out of immediate necessity, Justice Maupp pinned his full hopes on the Corsican prime minister.

Lawrence was also well aware of these thoughts of Mopp, so he shook his glass, looked at Justice Mopp and chuckled:

"I am not eager to confront Madame Du Barry. In fact, this woman has not caused me too much trouble. Of course, it may be because I don't often live in Versailles."

Listening to Lawrence's slightly euphemistic words, Justice Mopu also pondered for a moment, knowing that it was impossible to persuade Lawrence to join forces with him at this time.

Although the arrogant and vicious woman is indeed the common enemy of both parties, Lawrence is right. He is not eager to take the initiative to throw a spear at Madame Du Barry.

On the contrary, Justice Maupe himself must race against time and cannot let Madame Du Barry support a judge who can take his place.

Therefore, Justice Mopp knew that he had to show some sincerity.

"Ahem." Mopu coughed twice, bit his lip and thought for a while, then looked up at Lawrence, and suddenly changed the subject and asked:

"By the way, Your Excellency Bonaparte, I heard that you have been traveling to and from Marseille quite frequently during this period? It seems that you have also made some transactions?"

"Ah, yes, the development of Corsica is inseparable from the bustling trading port of Marseille."

Lawrence nodded. He was not surprised that Justice Mopp knew this information. After all, the things he entrusted to Mayor Yosip could not be completed in secret. It was easy to collect this information as long as you were willing.

Especially for high-ranking ministers like Mopu, few rumors can escape their ears.

As smart as Justice Maupp was, he immediately determined after receiving this information that Lawrence wanted to use the Provence region centered on Marseille as the cornerstone of his future politics in France.

After all, the Province of Provence is across the sea from Corsica and adjacent to the Alpine Gaul region of Italy. From this superior geographical location alone, Justice Maupp concluded that Lawrence wanted to vigorously develop his influence in Provence. .

"Well, Marseille, Provence. Speaking of which, I have quite a few acquaintances there."

Justice Mopp leaned back in his chair, gently rubbed his temples and said slowly:

"There is an administrative deputy governor in Provence. I have known him for a long time. He is a hereditary count. I heard that he has recently become too old and dazzled to be qualified for the position of deputy governor. He is preparing to resign to His Majesty the King and return to his hometown."

Lawrence calmly put the wine glass to his lips and closed his eyes, as if he had not heard Justice Maupe's words.

Obviously, the position of Executive Vice-Governor alone was not a lucrative condition in Lawrence's eyes, and it was far from enough to allow him to take the risk and join Maupe's ranks to deal with Madame Du Barry.

Although this position is nominally a powerful official position second only to the Governor and in charge of administrative affairs, for Lawrence, who lacks political foundation in Provence, even if he accepts this position in person, it is very likely to become an empty figure. , the titular deputy governor.

What's more, it was impossible for Lawrence to be appointed as the deputy governor of Provence by Louis XV during his tenure as Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Corsica. This position could only be left to a close confidant by Lawrence.

"Except for the deputy governor." Justice Mopp coughed dryly. Apparently he could see Lawrence's dissatisfaction, so he continued to put forward his conditions:

"There are many acquaintances and friends of mine in the entire administrative system of Provence. Of course, as you know, those who can get acquainted with an old man like me are basically old people who are approaching the sunset. I think they will soon They are retiring from their respective positions, so a large number of positions will soon be vacant in Provence. Alas, it is really worrying. "

The words of the justice are naturally full of loopholes. Let’s not talk about whether those bureaucrats are really dizzy old people. Just the seats under their buttocks are enough to make countless subordinates squeeze their heads. What they are fighting for will not create a number of vacant positions as Mopu said.

Of course, at this moment, Lawrence would not care about the loopholes in Maupp's words, because Justice Maupp had already laid out all the conditions he had set out - he would assist Lawrence in inserting the Corsicans into Provence. in the administrative system.

"Oh, God." Lawrence suddenly looked sad, shook his head and sighed:

"A large number of experienced bureaucrats are about to retire? It's really worrying. There won't be a shortage of jobs in Provence, right?"

Listening to Lawrence's heartfelt concerns, a smile finally appeared on Justice Mopp's lips, and he couldn't help patting his thigh and laughing:

"I was originally very worried about this problem, but after meeting you, I suddenly found that this problem was easily solved."

"Huh? What's the solution?" Lawrence asked knowingly.

"When I was talking to young talents like you, I suddenly remembered that in the middle of our prosperous and peaceful Mediterranean, there is an island that is famous far and wide. As far back as the days of Rome and Carthage, it was the center of our human civilization. one of them.”

Justice Mopu pinched the raised beard at the corner of his mouth and complimented loudly:

"The Corsicans living on this island have countless beautiful qualities, such as bravery, loyalty, humility and erudition. All these beautiful qualities are almost innate conditions for becoming an administrative official. I think, from Corsi If the elites on the island participate in the bureaucratic selection in Provence, they will definitely stand out with their outstanding abilities and qualities.”

When the justice makes a complimenting sound, he is like a baritone singer in the opera house, with a focused and enthusiastic expression.

On the surface, Lawrence was quietly listening to Mopu's words, but in fact, he was analyzing the conditions offered by the other party in his heart:

"With Moppe's status with Louis XV, it can indeed help me place my own people into various institutions and departments in the Province of Provence. In this way, it is entirely possible to control this southern province over time. And for me Madam Du Barry's move is in line with my current position, and the Duke of Choiseul and Crown Prince Louis will give me their greatest support."

After analyzing this point, Lawrence also admitted in his heart that the conditions set by Justice Mopp were enough to satisfy him.

As the saying goes, people's hearts are like water. Although Louis XV has been quite favored to him so far, Lawrence did not dare to pin his future on the king alone like Madame Du Barry, a prostitute.

After all, no one can tell whether Lawrence will be able to gain the king's appreciation through repeated meritorious deeds as he did in the past few months.

As long as he could establish his own political foundation in Provence, Lawrence would not have to worry too much about losing all his status one day because he lost the favor of Louis XV.

Even in the turbulent era in the future, Lawrence could use this southern province as a base to plot against all of France, without having to float around like duckweed in the wind in Paris at the center of the storm.

Although he was very satisfied, Lawrence still looked at Justice Mopp cautiously and asked:

"Allowing Corsicans to join France's bureaucratic selection? Will His Majesty the King acquiesce in such a thing?"

Justice Mopu nodded confidently, patted his chest and said:

"You can rest assured that the interests of Corsica and France are closely linked. I will advise His Majesty the King to understand this truth. However, Your Excellency Bonaparte, we'd better wait until the relationship between the two countries reaches its peak. We need to ask the king for permission now, and it will be difficult to deal with the matter if it drags on for a long time.”

The Justice is indeed a veteran in the political field. While hinting to Lawrence that he would use his influence to achieve this goal, he secretly urged Lawrence to join his side as soon as possible. After all, Mopu did not have much time to wait.

At this point, Lawrence stood up with satisfaction, put the two wine glasses back into the wine cabinet, and said with a smile:

"If that's the case, Your Honor, I don't think I can find a reason to refuse you."

Justice Maupe stood up eagerly, nodded three times, and then solemnly thrust a seal with a silver scale into Lawrence's hand:

"This is my personal seal, Monsignor Bonaparte. The door of the Palace of Justice is always open to you; you will soon realize that as long as we stand together, you and I stand at the top of all France, even if Even the skylight above your head is no longer enough to hinder you."

December 18, three days after Lawrence arrived in Paris.

After Justice Maupp visited Lawrence on the 15th, No. 10, Champs-Elysees received no other visitors.

Although countless visitors come to this bustling street every day, they are just unknown nobles and bureaucrats who want to climb high, and there is no one like Lavoisier among them. Such young people with unlimited potential were all turned away by the old housekeeper of the mansion.

Lawrence was a little confused at first as to why Jacques Philippe and Crown Prince Louis did not send greetings after he returned to Paris, but he understood after receiving the invitation from the Palace of Versailles today.

"Another banquet and dance, held in the open-air marble courtyard of the Palace of Versailles. I have to say that our King is really keen on palace life."

Lawrence stood in front of the silver mirror and let the old butler adjust the tight and uncomfortable black dress he was wearing. At the same time, he helplessly complained to Grosso, his personal guard and attendant:

"I bet the amount of champagne consumed by the Palace of Versailles in a year can fill the entire Grand Canal. I heard that a quarter of France's fiscal revenue is spent on the Palace of Versailles. I was still skeptical about this. "

"Damn it, if half of this money can be distributed to the people below, I dare say there won't be a single starving peasant in France." Grosso shrugged, resisting the urge to scratch the dust on his head. Silver powder wig.

"I'm afraid that's impossible. An Italian said that nine out of ten French people die from malnutrition, and the remaining one out of ten die from indigestion." Lawrence said, turning half a circle in front of the mirror. , make sure there are no flaws in your clothes.

The old butler tied the belt around Lawrence's waist and reminded him thoughtfully:

"Your Excellency, I'm afraid today's banquet is not a routine banquet in the palace. The scale should be much larger than usual banquets."

"Oh? Why is this?" Lawrence asked curiously.

The old butler took off his white gloves and stood up straight. As an excellent waiter, he naturally knew these traditional customs well:

"Christmas is coming soon, Your Excellency. According to the tradition in the Palace of Versailles, the king will not hold a banquet on Christmas, but will accompany the members of the royal family. The following months of January and February, including New Year, are usually the time when the king spends time with his family. , Basically no more banquets will be held in the palace.”

"That's right." Lawrence nodded understandingly. Since no big banquets can be held in the next two months, Louis XV, who loves court entertainment, will naturally make a big splash at the last banquet of this year, inviting all important people to attend, and indulge in as much as he wants. happy.

At this time, Lawrence also suddenly felt that the reason why Justice Maupp invited him to join forces with him so urgently was probably because he could catch up with the banquet and take this opportunity to announce to everyone that the French Justice and the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Corsica of union.

After another round of trivial makeup and dressing up, the old butler looked at Lawrence and Grosso's appearance with satisfaction:

"Everything is ready, including Mr. Grosso's. You two will definitely be the center of attention at the ball. The carriage has been prepared in the vestibule. Now we can set off and arrive at the Palace of Versailles in the evening."

Grosso pulled the scarf tightly around his neck and muttered in a low voice: "This damn silk scarf makes me feel like I am being hung from the gallows."

"You will be a minister soon, Grosso, this is just a necessary dress etiquette." Lawrence smiled and patted Grosso on the shoulder.

"Minister. Hey, if I had told my guys ten years ago that I was going to be Lord of the Admiralty, they would have sent me to a mental hospital."

Grosso sneered twice and stopped picking at the complicated clothes on his body.

The two walked out of the mansion, boarded the prepared troika, and began to march towards Versailles.

Looking at the Champs Elysées gradually shrinking and disappearing in the glass, Lawrence suddenly sighed:

"To be honest, I kind of like the banquet at the Palace of Versailles."

Grosso crossed his legs, covered his mouth and yawned: "Who doesn't like the royal banquet? There's endless champagne and brandy to drink, and endless venison and butter to eat. I'm looking forward to it. This is my first time." Attending a palace banquet for the first time.”

"No, that's not what I meant." Lawrence smiled:

"Just because every time I go to the Palace of Versailles for a banquet, it brings me unparalleled good news. I hope this time will be no exception."

Grosso couldn't help laughing and joked: "According to what you said, it's your blessed place. You might as well just live there."

Lawrence leaned back and began to close his eyes to rest, and responded casually: "Who knows for sure, maybe we will really live there in the future."

"What's so difficult about this?" Grosso said nonchalantly:

"Ask the king to give you a room. There are as many as eight hundred nobles living there, and you won't be short of one."

Lawrence, who was resting with his eyes closed, did not open his eyes, but shook his head slightly and did not reply to Grosso.

Only Lawrence himself knew that what he dreamed of was more than just staying in the Palace of Versailles.

But take over.

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