From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 275 Miss Elvy’s Wandering Mind

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the winter sunset reflected on the land around Versailles.

The blood-red sunset is reflected on the calm waves of the Grand Canal, making it look like it is really an endless river filled with wine.

Although the sky has not yet completely darkened, lamplighters wearing uniform blue uniforms and coats on both sides of the road have already begun to climb ladders and light up the high-hanging street lamps.

For Versailles, the heart of the Kingdom of France, her nights may be more prosperous and brighter than the days, especially during a time like today when the king is banqueting his ministers.

Warm yellow lights illuminate all the streets, and the fireworks rising like springs from the Palace of Versailles splash the dazzling colors of the rainbow onto this land full of luxury and pleasure.

On the stone avenue leading to the Palace of Versailles, the creaking sound of carriages passing by could be heard almost all the time.

Dukes and ministers, celebrities and ladies, these big names that are rarely seen on weekdays all appeared in the Palace of Versailles today. Being invited to the royal banquet is a status symbol.

Even those who are not qualified to attend the banquet, whether they are industrial owners, petty nobles or petty bureaucrats, or even local civilians in Versailles, most of them will gather on the street as if to watch the excitement and watch the passing carriages. Talking and commenting:

"That is the carriage of Marquis Guillaume. He is really a prodigal son. He is keen on playing poker every day. He has squandered all the wealth of his ancestors. Look at his carriage and the horse that pulls it. They are all as skinny as donkeys.”

"Hey, isn't that Victor's carriage? A wealthy banker spent millions of livres to buy himself the title of Minister of State. Unexpectedly, he was also invited to the party. This money is really spent. value."

"Wait a minute. What's the coat of arms on that troika? Why have I never seen it before?"

"That's a Corsican sign, man, don't think about it, it's the car of His Excellency Laurence Bonaparte."

"Oh! Of course His Excellency Bonaparte is qualified to attend the banquet. It's really touching. He is not even as old as my son, but he already has such a status."

"Hmph, I don't think the barbarians in Corsica are capable. At best, they are just flatterers in front of the king."

"You can't say that, brother, don't you know what happened on the island of Malta some time ago? I heard that Your Excellency Bonaparte dared to fight the British with a sword on the battlefield. Just with this courage and courage, tsk tsk, Brother, let alone you, even if it were me, I wouldn’t have the courage.”

"That's true, but I still don't like other Corsicans. They seem uncivilized."

The carriage was traveling at a slow speed in Versailles, and Lawrence could naturally hear the people on both sides talking about him.

Although the majority of people praise and admire Lawrence, there are also many people who have considerable prejudice against Lawrence because of his background.

But this is not surprising. Even Maupassant in the 19th century once joked: "The French's understanding of Corsica is not much better than their understanding of America."

For most French people, this island across the sea from their own country is synonymous with mystery, barbarism, vulgarity and backwardness.

Especially the citizens living in Paris and Versailles were quite discriminatory towards this alien place. Even Lawrence, who was essentially a Florentine, was incidentally labeled with this stereotype.

Of course, Lawrence didn't care about these criticisms, but listened with interest.

After all, Lawrence is also confident that when the future Corsica shows her fangs and wings, the French will change their view of this neighbor.

More than twenty minutes later, the carriage stopped smoothly at the main entrance of the Palace of Versailles.

Lawrence and Grosso jumped out of the carriage and signaled to the stable boy that he could leave and park the car.

Even standing at the door, the two of them could already smell the mellow aroma of wine emanating from the marble courtyard, mixed with the strong scent of perfume sprayed on the guests.

Lawrence skillfully took out the invitation and handed it to the courtesy officer who came forward, and then he was ready to join Grosso in the banquet amidst the announcement from the courtesy officer.

At this moment, a sweet and gentle voice suddenly came from behind Lawrence:

"Mr. Lawrence! Please wait."

This gentle voice was very distinctive and very familiar. Lawrence knew as soon as he heard it that it came from a lady of noble birth and well-educated family.

The person who stopped him was none other than Miss Elvy, the daughter of the Duke of Choiseul.

Seeing Lawrence stop and turn sideways, Miss Elvie also smiled and held up her long skirt and trotted up to him, just like an eccentric snow-furred rabbit.

She was wearing a plain white dress with gold woven cloud patterns on the hem, which was lively and agile; her long light brown hair was not tied up, but was dancing softly in the autumn wind.

Although the huge bustle of women's long skirts in the Rococo style can hardly fully show off a woman's curvaceous beauty, for Miss Elvie, the skirt part of her upper body alone is enough to accentuate her graceful figure. Perfectly outlined.

Even Lawrence was stunned for a moment by the white patch of snow on his chest, and suddenly he understood why Count Falcone, who was still in prison, wanted to pursue Miss Elvy so enthusiastically.

However, the reason why Lawrence is willing to associate with Miss Elvie is not these external factors. What Lawrence values ​​more is Elvie's identity and status. After all, she is the eldest daughter of the Choiseul family. More importantly, She also maintained a very good personal relationship with Crown Princess Mary.

Although Lawrence is currently favored by Crown Princess Mary, having one more common friend can always enhance the relationship with the future queen.

The young men at the door swallowed their saliva one after another as they looked at Miss Elvy's slim figure against the backdrop of the fireworks, and they all hesitated to approach her and strike up a conversation.

But when they saw this elegant flower of the high mountains trotting all the way to Monsieur Bonaparte, the men could only lament and curse the damn Corsicans before walking away very wisely. .

"I was a little worried that I called the wrong person just now. Fortunately, it was you." Miss Elvy leaned very close to her. She did not apply pungent perfume on her body like other ladies. Instead, she had a refreshing scent that was close to body fragrance. of light fragrance.

"Good night, Miss Elvy, I'm very lucky to meet you here." Lawrence made an unskilled gentlemanly salute and asked:

"You came alone?"

"No, I came with my uncle, Jacques Philippe, and you should have met him." Miss Elvy said, her clear and pure eyes always staring at Lawrence's eyes.

Lawrence nodded understandingly. A young and unmarried lady like Miss Elvy would usually be accompanied by her elders when attending formal social occasions. Since the Duke of Choiseul was still far away in Dijon, it was natural that Jacques Philippe would accompany him. She arrived at Versailles.

"Ah, by the way, there is one thing I haven't told you." Miss Elvy reached out and brushed her hair in the autumn wind. Her pretty face appeared and disappeared under the light and shadow of the fireworks. She hesitated. After a while, he said shyly:

"I haven't personally thanked you for the Count Falcone matter, but you risked your life to solve a big problem for me."

Lawrence smiled humbly and said: "Your father has conveyed his gratitude on your behalf, and I did that for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. By the way, is your father well these days?"

"Is it for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

Miss Elvy muttered in a low voice with a hint of disappointment, then came back to her senses, nodded with a slight smile and said:

"Ah, he is living well in Dijon, but he often writes letters saying that he hopes to return to Versailles as soon as possible."

"This is also my hope." Lawrence bowed slightly and said goodbye:

"Then, I'll see you in the courtyard later, Miss Elvy."

"Of course, of course"

Watching Lawrence and Grosso enter the Palace of Versailles under the welcome of the ceremonial officers, Miss Elvy stopped where she was and did not leave. Her handsome face was also slightly hot, as if it was covered with a layer of pink. halo.

After a while, a strong man wearing a military uniform and a medal also rushed to the gate panting. This was Miss Elvy's uncle, Lieutenant General Jacques Philippe.

"My dear little Elvie, hoo, hoo, you're going to break all my old bones." Jacques Philippe wiped the sweat from his forehead, supported his waist and smiled:

"Did you see your sweetheart? Even your uncle has been left behind."

Miss Elvy's cheeks suddenly flushed, and she shouted softly:

"Don't talk nonsense! Uncle Philip, I just saw Monsieur Bonaparte and came to say thank you to him."

"Ah, Your Excellency Bonaparte." A kind smile appeared on Jacques Philippe's face, he couldn't help pinching his beard and nodded:

"That young man is indeed not bad, but he is still not worthy of you in terms of status. My little Elvie, if it were not for the marriage alliance with Austria, your father would have wanted to betroth you to Crown Prince Louis."

"What nonsense are you talking about, Uncle Philippe!" Miss Elvy's face turned red with embarrassment. She pinched Jacques Philippe's waist with her delicate fingers and said coquettishly:

"My sisters all say that women should pursue true love regardless of whether they are rich or poor, just like what is written in the novel "Emile". That is romance."

"What are you talking about? Marriage is such a big thing, of course it requires a good match. I think the person who wrote that novel should be arrested and thrown into prison." Jacques Philippe curled his lips disdainfully, then snickered and touched it. Touching Miss Elvy's head:

"However, when little Elvie says this, is she preparing to pursue true love with Mr. Bonaparte? Hehehe, I still support you on this point."

"Ugh! I hate you, Uncle Philip!" Miss Elvy's pink fist hit General Philip on the chest a few times, and then she walked into the Palace of Versailles with a shy face without looking back.

At the same time, the Forecourt Square of the Palace of Versailles was also the marble courtyard where the banquet was held.

Although the banquet has not officially begun, the entire courtyard is already crowded with elegant men and women, who are chatting around with wine glasses in the melodious concerto of the royal band to expand their interpersonal relationships.

Grosso followed Lawrence, curiously took a glass of champagne from the waiter, poured it into his mouth and drank it in one gulp, then frowned and said:

"Bah, this wine tastes like horse urine, and if it is light, it tastes like water. If any tavern owner sells me this kind of wine, I will punch him in the nose right then and there."

This barbaric speech immediately caused several elegant ladies around to cover their faces and frown and walk away. Lawrence shrugged helplessly and whispered:

"A banquet is not a place for drinking, at least not all of it. If you let these big shots all drink whiskey during a five-hour banquet, I'm afraid they will crawl out the door in the end."

Grosso threw the empty wine glass to a passing waiter in disgust: "I think that's not bad, it just helps them exercise their upper body strength."

As soon as they finished speaking, a burst of hearty laughter suddenly sounded from behind the two of them:

"Hahaha, you're so right. Sir, I also like something strong, especially when I'm on the battlefield."

This voice was also very familiar to Lawrence. He turned around and saw that it was Lieutenant General Jacques Philippe.

Jacques Philippe nodded to Grosso, then gently clinked his glass with Lawrence, smiling kindly:

"Monsieur Bonaparte, it's been a long time since I saw you. It's great luck to see you again before going to Lorraine."

"It should be said that it is an honor for me." Lawrence replied politely.

However, despite what he said, Lawrence still knew very well that Jacques Philippe was not lucky to see him. Most likely, he deliberately postponed his trip to Lorraine in order to catch up with his return to Paris. To win over.

Jacques Philippe happily drank half a glass of champagne, smacked his lips and exclaimed:

"Although I haven't seen you for a long time, I can hear about your deeds every day, especially that time on Malta Island. You did a really good job. I haven't heard the British cry for a long time. I really wish I could see them with my own eyes. The appearance of fleeing in embarrassment on the island of Malta.”

"Perhaps I can tell you the story of the island?" Lawrence pointed to a remote corner of the courtyard.

Lieutenant General Jacques Philippe also smiled understandingly and made a gesture of invitation.

The two of them immediately avoided the crowded and lively crowd and came to this dimly lit corner.

"Welcome to France again, Your Excellency Bonaparte." Jacques Philippe enthusiastically clinked another drink with Lawrence, and then asked pointedly:

"By the way, no intention to offend your privacy, but I heard that Marquis Maupe visited you a few days ago?"

The news that Justice Maupe publicly visited Lawrence on the Champs Elysées naturally soon reached the ears of Jacques Philippe. Lawrence did not deny it, smiling and nodding:

"Yes, your Excellency the Justice came to discuss some matters with me."

"Oh? I take the liberty to ask." A light flashed in Jacques Philippe's eyes, his face couldn't help but become serious, and he asked slowly:

"Business or private business?"

"Business and private matters." Lawrence's expression did not change, and he still smiled lightly.

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